Addiction Treatment Essay Research Paper Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment Essay, Research Paper

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Addiction Treatment

This survey will research bing research informations and studies from assorted bureaus and diaries in order to reply the inquiry: does the length of intervention better the success of people who are addicted to drugs and/or intoxicant? I have chosen several scientific diary articles refering the relationship between the success rate of substance mistreating clients and their length of clip spent in intervention. Equal Numberss of surveies, both back uping and non back uping my hypothesis, will be used in order to show an indifferent, nonsubjective rating.

In world the dependant variable that I am interested in mensurating is the success rate of substance maltreaters, with the independent variable being the length of intervention. As this is secondary research, for the intent of this paper and ratings of other articles, the dependent variable of my research will be the hypothesis of this paper. The support of this question/idea, or the deficiency of support will be provided by the independent variables, Internet Explorer ; journal articles and/or informations compiled. An operational definition of my independent variable will be the dependability and cogency of the diary articles selected for the survey. One of import factor for the operational definition will be what inquiries the articles inquire and how good the findings they produce would back up or non back up my hypothesis. In fact,

I used merely surveies that mentioned a relation in patient success or result and length of intervention, irrespective of whether the result ; or dependent variable, was positive or negative. There are other factors that have to be considered as variables and how they might act upon the result of a clients intervention, Internet Explorer ; motive for intervention, denial, family/support systems or the deficiency of them, degree of dependence, and mental wellness ( Cruse, 1989 ) . I have no manner of mensurating these and will look at length of intervention in general as continuance of intervention may alter such variables itself. National archive informations obtained from SAMHSA ( Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1998 ) will besides be referenced in order to back up the correlativity between length of intervention and the success of substance maltreaters. This information may besides assist place and mensurate immaterial variables. I chose these beginnings for informations in order to obtain information about the population I am analyzing from the largest samples possible. Although some of the surveies that I chose ( specifically the surveies non back uping this documents hypothesis ) utilized little sample Numberss of one hundred or less, most of the research that I reviewed used five hundred or more topics. The smaller surveies were non chosen intentionally, but chosen in

position on the footing of handiness. Duration and result of intervention informations

arising from the national system of drug/alcohol intervention centres, and compiled by the federal bureau SAMHSA was used besides because of the big Numberss involved.

An recognized normal class of intervention for a individual physically addicted to alcohol and/or drugs would be ; one to seven yearss of detoxification, and two to four hebdomads of in-patient attention followed by variable lengths of out-patient intervention.

While I have already mentioned some factors which might impact the result of a substance maltreaters intervention, there is besides another

issue involved that might take precedency over other issues and that is ; wellness attention cost and insurance coverage. The cost for intervention of dependences is non inexpensive ; averaging in our country of the state about 3-4 hundred dollars a twenty-four hours for in-patient attention, and about $ 100.00 dollars an hr for out-patient services ( Fisher & A ; Harrison, 1997 ) . Obviously the cost of these services non merely affects the handiness of intervention for people, but besides the continuance of intervention. Peoples with no wellness attention insurance may non even see intervention as an option, unless intervention is mandated by the judicial system. Peoples arrested for driving under the

influence, or domestic force, are frequently forced to undergo intervention for substance maltreatment, and in these instances medicaid normally pays the measure. In any instance people are non free to take dependence intervention options without first sing methods and/or ability to pay for these services. Most people having intervention have some signifier of medical insurance, and insurance companies decide whether or non intervention, and what length of intervention is justified.

The largest job refering the aggregation and reading of informations will most probably be the consequence of the immaterial variables mentioned earlier. Even with these variables taken into consideration a positive correlativity between length of intervention and the result for substance maltreaters should prevail unless there is a strong influence from one, or a combined consequence from several variables. Addiction is a powerful disease and if one has other negative influences, or other medical jobs, or possibly even a deficiency of fiscal resources, they may non win regardless of the sum and/or length of intervention that they receive.


1 ) Cruse, Sharon Wegscheider, 1989. Another Opportunity. Palo Alto: Science and Behavior Books Inc.

2 ) Fisher, G. , & A ; Harrison, T. 1997. Substance Abuse. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

3 ) SAMHSA, 1998. Drug Abuse Treatment System Survey. Hypertext transfer protocol: // # digital audiotape
