Adolescent Suicide Essay Research Paper The idea

Adolescent Suicide Essay, Research Paper

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The thought of young person perpetrating suicide mystifies our social logic. We do non understand the grounds why young person -normally associated with energy, finding and possibilities- bend to such a concluding act as a solution. Suicide finally enters all of our lives, either straight or indirectly. However, the state of affairs becomes more barbarous and unjust when a young person commits suicide. We can non assist but believe of the chances and possible lost so fleetly for one so immature. Although adolescent self-destruction is a current crisis in today? s Canadian society, young person for all of history and in all civilizations have resorted to this ultimate signifier of suicide. Clearly we have and ever hold had, a adolescent quandary necessitating despairing attending. Canada is presently in a young person suicide crisis state of affairs. Our suicide rates are above that of the United States every bit good as other auspicious states. For illustration, in immature work forces aged 15 to nineteen, the rate of self-destruction? is 60 per centum higher than in the United States. ? 1 UNICEF has declared that adolescent self-destruction is Canada? s major calamity. Our young person are unable to get by and unable to successfully happen the sort of aid they need to assist themselves. The consequences are tragic and unneeded.

Young persons take their ain lives for a overplus of grounds, although none of these grounds should really represent an effort at self-destruction. What is it so, that brings a adolescent to perpetrate suicide? What factors lead to suicidal inclinations on the portion of the stripling? The mystery of young person self-destruction is multidimensional. As we will detect herein, the major theories on young person self-destruction can be categorized into three cardinal causes. Adolescent self-destruction is the consequence of one, or a combination of an person? s sociology, psychological science and biological science.

Sociology is the survey of human societal behaviour, particularly the survey of the beginnings, organisation, establishments, and development of human society. It is hence of import to look to sociology for replies refering self-destruction and suicide bar.

Sociological theories of suicide emphasize the function that society and civilization drama in this sort of suicidal behavior. Such theories by and large focus on either societal constructions or societal state of affairss.

The first sociologist to speculate on self-destruction and its sociological readings was Emile Durkheim. Durkheim worked during the late 1800? s placing societal constructions as the key determiner in suicidal behavior. In his work Suicide: A survey in Sociology, Durkheim stated that? suicide rates increase when a society? s value system breaks down. ? 2 Durkheim believed that the shared values of a society and the mechanisms in topographic point that guarantee that its members adhere to these values, is interpreted as a individual? s? societal structure. ? Durkheim suggested two basic factors in societal construction that to a great extent influence the incidence of self-destruction. These are ordinance and integrating. He believed that an single demands to go portion of, and happen way in his ain society. Without these factors in topographic point, self-destruction becomes a common replacement. Teenss are frequently dying about suiting in to their society ( particularly among peer groups ) so it is clear that integrating is indispensable to adolescence. Durkheim besides suggested that it is these two factors that define the relationship of the person to society. Furthermore, it is exactly this relationship that stands as the underlying cause of self-destruction, particularly among young person.

Beyond these factors are two more typically studied characteristic signifiers of young person self-destruction. Again, it is either excessively much or excessively small societal integrating that tends to ensue in a self-destructive stripling. Intensely regulated societies tend to bring forth? fatalistic? self-destructions among immature members of society. Many self-destructive teens feel trapped while under inordinate restraints or inhibitory regulations. On the other manus are? alienated? suicides.3 These youth have much trouble seting to alterations within society and household organisation. For illustration, divorce and decease within a young person? s household tends to be a important variable. In discoursing sociological factors of young person self-destruction, it must besides be mentioned that economic position is besides a conducive factor. Although teens of all economic backgrounds commit suicide, among the economically deprived the Numberss are significantly higher.

Durkheim played a big function in analyzing the sociological influences on self-destructions. Many other research workers have followed his attack and sought to link self-destruction to general societal factors like the decomposition of communities and households, every bit good as economic hurts. Some sociologists have suggested that it is an stripling? s reading of his societal state of affairs, instead than the state of affairs itself that finally contributes to the self-destruction. Other sociologists have besides acknowledged that a immature person? s personality may act upon the reading of a given societal state of affairs as evidences for self-destruction. It is at this point that sociological theories begin to unify with psychological readings of this topic.

Psychological theories view adolescent self-destruction as an internal affair, and non purely the consequence of external societal forces. Sigmund Freud, the adult male known for establishing the field of depth psychology, was besides responsible for puting the basis for psychological thought on suicidal behavior.

Freud foremost came up with the thought that unconscious forces at work in the head are behind human behavior. He suggested that a natural disposition toward suicide, or decease inherent aptitude, is the primary cause of self-destruction. This disposition, or inherent aptitude located in the unconscious head, is in changeless struggle with the inherent aptitude for endurance, or life inherent aptitude.

Freud believed that self-destruction was similar to slay, merely it? s antonym. He claimed that self-destruction was? slaying in contrary. ? 4 By this he meant that when an single putting to deaths himself, he is turning inward to the ill will he feels toward an outside topic. Further, Freud saw a strong co-relation between the induction of self-murder and the bereavement procedure. Another

psychologist Fenichel, gives a thesis that states, ? cipher kills himself who had non intended to kill person else? ? 5 There have been many self-destructive striplings reported to hold experienced the loss of a household member. Often teens turn to suicide in an effort to let go of feelings of choler or loss felt towards the bygone person. These teens frequently feel anger for being? left behind? and frequently blame themselves for the decease. Adolescent suicide normally involves this or a similar sort of self-blame, which in bend leads to depression.

Subsequently psychological theories expanded on this thought of self-blame, every bit good as theories of self-stimulation. The function of aggression in the teenage suicidal act has been extensively studied. Research has looked at the thought of arousing one? s ain slaying. Other surveies have indicated that accident- prone and inordinate risk-taking reflects implicit in suicidal inclinations in striplings.

Freud was among the first psychologists to understand that self-destruction could be connected with melancholy or depression. Numerous surveies to day of the month hold established a direct nexus between depression and suicidal behavior. More recent surveies in adolescent self-destruction have emphasized the importance of personality. These theories are centred around a comparing of self-destructive and non-suicidal young person. The primary motive at work in the self-destruction of down teens is the strong desire to get away the status. Certain personalities it is argued, have a much greater inclination towards depression and self-destruction as the response to such depression.

Of the Fieldss of survey sing self-destruction, depth psychology stresses the function of the single mind while sociology stresses events outside the stripling, particularly societal state of affairss that lead to loneliness or failure. Research workers in the 3rd field of survey environing youth suicide concur that self-destruction is caused by depression nevertheless, they believe that this depression is the consequence of a biological upset.

Psychoanalysis is concerned with mental procedures in the head. Harmonizing to most psychoanalytic theories, the jobs in human behavior are the consequence of psychiatric upsets or neuroticisms. Opposite to this theory is the scientist? s thought of neurobiology. Neurobiology is interested in how the existent physical procedures of the encephalon influence the ways in which people think and act. Experts in this field contend that physical upsets of the encephalon underlie most psychiatric jobs, including adolescent self-destruction.

Scientists have located assorted neurotransmitters that are linked to different behavior forms. It is in the survey of these neurotransmitters that scientists have begun to bring out a connexion between human biological science and self-destruction. In the early 1950s scientists discovered a connexion between depression, self-destructive inclinations and unnatural degrees of the neurotransmitters called? 5-hydroxytryptamine and noradrenaline. ? 6 Anti-depressant drugs were dispensed to patients with increased degrees of these neurotransmitters. Scientists noticed an betterment in the degree of depression felt by patients after taking such medicines.

These same scientists linked 5-hydroxytryptamine with violent and aggressive behavior. Because of its association with both depression and aggression, it was believed that the neurotransmitter was linked to suicidal ideas. Serotonin in low degrees was found to happen most normally in self-destructive persons. It is hence conclusive that in some persons, biological accounts are executable, and with proper intercession self-destruction can be prevented. However, it has been shown that non all self-destructive patients have a deficiency in 5-hydroxytryptamine. Therefore it can non be concluded that neurotransmitters are a exclusive cause of self-destruction among any age group.

There is in fact, no individual account for self-destruction among young person or any age class. However, in recent old ages the sociological, psychological and biological probes into adolescent self-destruction have become progressively interrelated. Current research and theories on adolescent self-destruction have moved toward a multi-faceted attack. This attack recognizes that this issue involves a complex interaction of the three mentioned factors herein. Suicide is hence a multidimensional upset and each of these factors must be taken into consideration when trying to assist today? s young person with self-destructive impressions.


1. Antoon A. Leenaars, et Al. Suicide in Canada, ( Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998 ) , 273.

2. Laura Dolce, The Encyclopedia of Health: Suicide, ( New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 1992 ) , 19.

3. Psychology Today, ( California: CRM Books, 1970 ) , 494.

4. Ibid. , 496.

5. Robert Kastenbaum, The Psychology of Death, ( New York: Springer Publishing Co. , 1976 ) , 236.

6. Laura Dolce, The Encyclopedia of Health: Suicide, ( New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 1992 ) , 33.

Dolce, Laura. The Encyclopedia of Health: Suicide, New York: Chelsea House

Publication, 1992.

Haim, Andre. Adolescent Suicide, New York: International Universities Press, Inc. , 1976.

Kastenbaum, Robert. The Psychology of Death, New York: Springer Publishing Co. ,


Leenaars, Antoon A. et Al. Suicide in Canada, Toronto: University of Toronto Press,


Psychology Today: An Introduction, California: CRM Books, 1970

Wrobleski, Adina. Suicide: Why? , Minnesota: Afterwords Publishing, 1989.



1. Antoon A. Leenaars, et Al. Suicide in Canada, ( Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998 ) , 273.

2. Laura Dolce, The Encyclopedia of Health: Suicide, ( New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 1992 ) , 19.

3. Psychology Today, ( California: CRM Books, 1970 ) , 494.

4. Ibid. , 496.

5. Robert Kastenbaum, The Psychology of Death, ( New York: Springer Publishing Co. , 1976 ) , 236.

6. Laura Dolce, The Encyclopedia of Health: Suicide, ( New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 1992 ) , 33.
