Advertising Analysis Essay Research Paper We see

Ad Analysis Essay, Research Paper

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We see them in the metros, coach Michigans, magazines, and telecasting, but what do they intend? How do they pull off to catch our attending? Ads frequently find ways to sell their merchandises by psychologically pull stringsing people. The advertisement industry makes us covetous of others and convinces us to be unhappy with what we have ( Valko ) .

Steve Madden ads normally feature adult females with absurdly big caputs and hourglass organic structures which try to coerce the audience to inquire what the ad is approximately. One of these uneven ads appears in the March/April 2001 issue of Twist Magazine. It features a immature adult female with a large caput impotently running, as an aeroplane rapid climb over her at an derelict airdrome. There are three features within the ad that contribute the whole thought that Steve Madden places, apparels and accoutrements will better your ego image.

The chief intent of Steve Madden ads is to propose to its viewing audiences that they will experience good about themselves by have oning his merchandises. The theoretical account & # 8217 ; s large caput conveys self-esteem and self-pride and she challenges the consumer to look every bit good as she does. The immature adult female wears a face of apprehensiveness and is running off from her old ego to get down her new confident life with Steve Madden merchandises. The sleek black leather jacket on top of a sexy white shirt, abruptly plenty to uncover her tummy and bosomy hips together with her tight low rider blue denims, black pointy high boots, and voguish black bag complete her stylish outfit. The embellished adult female & # 8217 ; s build is

aimed to appeal to adult females and misss between the ages of 16 through 25 in hunt of funky, hip, sexy apparels.

Steve Madden likes to believe of his apparels of as being typical and he illustrates his thought by puting an abandoned airdrome as the background for the ad. There is non a organic structure in sight as the theoretical account runs across the old gum stained paving. This calls attending to the thought that by have oning Steve Madden purchasers isolate themselves from everyone else. She is excessively proud and egotistic and can non conceive of being compared to anyone else.

The Steve Madden logo in the ad besides contributes to the chief thought of the ad. It could hold been anyplace on the page, why the sky? . Steve Madden ads ever have their Sons imprinted on the sky to connote that the & # 8220 ; sky is the bound & # 8221 ; with Steve madden merchandises ( Liza ) . Steve Madden & # 8217 ; s usage of the aeroplane winging across the theoretical account & # 8217 ; s caput are to allow his consumers know that the lone thing to halt them from carry throughing the expression they have in head is the bound the set upon themselves. Steve Madden will assist its purchasers attain the visual aspect they have ever envisioned.

Furthermore, it can be said, in Bertrand Russell & # 8217 ; s words that & # 8220 ; Good advertizements will either do the audience covetous of the lifestyle being advertised, or will bring forth within the audience the desire to be envied by others & # 8221 ; ( Harris ) . Many advertizers aren & # 8217 ; t as successful but Steve Madden manages to carry his purchasers to purchase his merchandises through his bizarre ads.


Twist Magazine march/april 2001
