Analysis of Les Miserable’s Essay Sample

The narrative attractively begins with the suffering life of Jean Valjean. He was imprisoned for 19 old ages for the ground of. he stole loaf of staff of life in desiring to feed his sister’s hungering kids. After having the word. Valjean searched for a occupation. The society doesn’t accept him for he was a convicted. Fortunately. Valjean met Bishop Myriel. This Bishop let him remain in his house and gave him something to eat. Behind of his goodness. Valjean still stole Ags from him. Then the Texas Rangers caught him and brought him to the house of Bishop. Alternatively of lunacy. the Bishop helped Valjean and presented two lampstands as a gift and afterwards Valjean decided to populate a new.

In order to be accepted in the society. Valjean changed his individuality. He was known as Monsieur Madeleine having two Factories in Paris. He became one of the richest people in his country. Fantine worked in Valjean’s mill. She was fired for some misconception and all of a sudden. became a cocotte to feed her girl Cosette. Finally. Fantine got ill. She still worked while she has high febrility. One costumier forced her to make something. Fantine hit the adult male. In this scene. Javert the Texas Ranger inspector tries to collar Fantine. she explained the ground why she hit the adult male but Javert rejected her account. Valjean came and quarrelled against Javert desiring Fantine to put free because of her status. Valjean brought Fantine to the infirmary. In the infirmary. Fantine hallucinated seeing her girl in nowhere. Valjean came. In Fantine’s last breath. she gave the authorization to Valjean to take attention of her girl.

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Cosette became slave in Thenardiers house. Monsieur and Madame Thenardiers mistreated her. Luckily. Valjean came to salvage Cosette while Javert hunt him. Valjean sent Cosette in school. Old ages after. Cosette became reasonably matured miss. Marius Pontmercy. the boy of Georges Pontmercy. a colonel in Napoleon’s ground forces. attracts to Cosette’s beauty. The romantic side of the narrative is being shown. Valjean’s doesn’t want Marius for Cosette. He took those letters for Cosette and in secret situated it in one topographic point. Eponine. Marius friend and the girl of Thenardiers. is blindly in love to Marius. Her aspiration is to be her friend’s lover. Because of being the senior. she is a spoilt girl ever satisfies for all she desires except her love.

Furthermore. the flood tide begins in the rebellion of the people towards Gallic authorities in order to hold equal being in the soceity. Many citizens were died. The dramatically event is absolutely shown through this event. The most bosom capturing event gives more of involvement in reading particularly when a immature brave male child died. The narrative goes entertaining when Valjean and Javert met. Javert became a prisoner of Gallic citizens. Valjean was allowed to kill Javert but he doesn’t make. He merely brilliantly portrayed that he kills Javert. At the terminal of the twenty-four hours. while Valjean was barely salvaging the life of Marius. Javert trapped them. With scruples. he let them go through. Javert realized how cruel he is. cognizing that he came in a suffering life holding convicted parents.

He was born inside the gaol and when he became mature. he disowned his parents. Javert killed himself. another wretchedness. Dayss after. Valjean talked to Marius and Cosette separatety. In his conversation with Cosette. he gave those sicret letters og Marius. Valjean uttered to Marius his present status. He gave permission to get married Cosette so he left. When Cosette had realized that his male parent is enduring in illness through Marius. she instantly run to the Church where Valjean’s stayed. Then Valjean Died. The most ground why it was entitled Les Miserables is because of the lives of those people who fought for their state. they died without holding what they want. the indepence.


Main Fictional characters

• Cosette- Protagonist. Fantine’s girl and Valjean’s adopted kid.

• Javert- Main adversary. Fanatic Ranger Inspector who ever need to
turn out his trueness.

• Marius- Protagonist. Lawful adult male. adult male of Cosette and Eponine’s friend. Though his male parent is George Pontmercy. he ne’er meets this adult male.

• Valjean- Main supporter. Kind and good adult male who ever have a bosom to assist.

Minor Fictional characters

• Bishop Myriel- the bishop who helped Valjean to populate for a new life.

• Enjolvas- the leader of the revolution.

• Eponine-Protagonist. Elder girl of Thenardiers. She loved Marius.

• Fantine- Protagonist. Cosette’s Mother.

• Gavroche- unloved kid of Thenardiers.

• Georges- the colonel of Napoleon’s ground forces. The male parent of Marius.

• Madame and Monsieur Thenardiers- the Antagonists. They are parents of Eponine and Gavroche. The ground why Fantine became Prostitute. They mistreated Cosette.


The scene locates in Paris. France in 1800’s during the period of the Restoration. The temper or the atmosphere creates clear vision to the readers. It merely set smooth temper. composure. happy. and sad atmosphere depending to the specific event being present in the narrative.


The 3rd person’s point of position is all-knowing. Through the representation of the characters. different head positions in life are told. Like Valjean’s attitudes towards assisting. Fantine’s love towards her girl. Jean’s dedication towards his profession. and Cosette’s attitude in her battles.


The narrative sets the themeof holding transmutation in the person and in society. as Valjean received aid from the bishop to populate in a new life. to alter his bad properties for his improvement and afterwards bishop received aid from Valjean when he became hapless. Valjean helped Javert to be free from people and Javert helped Valjean in allowing him base on balls to salvage the life of Marius. Besides. it sets a subject of non giving up in life’s wretchedness and daring to alter those incorrect workss as Valjean’s illustration.


This narrative has deduction to the readers whose sing afflictions or job. This narrative will animate the readers through the characters’ life. For me this narrative sets a criterion on how will I live and face life’s challenges. It gives me inspiration to be better every bit good through the chief protagonist’s life. The transmutation of the characters positions in life serves as the contemplation of world. All of us are sing soceital alteration.

Analysis of Madame Bovary

By Gustave Flaubert


The narrative begins in Charles Bovary’s dull life. He became medicine practician after of his unpleasant school life. A hapless 2nd rate physician. due to his mother’s wished Charles had his first married woman. an old widow adult female. Afterwards. this adult female died.

One twenty-four hours. Charles visited a farm to repair the broken leg of Monsieur Rouault. the male parent of Emma. When Charles saw Emma. he was attracted with Emma’s reasonably admirable face. Desiring to acquire off from her deadening life in the farm. Emma instantly married Charles. In Tostes. Charles sets up his medical pattern. Emma’s character is sickly ambitious. she got world-weary and depressed in their little state that’s why they moved to Yonville. a rather bigger than Tostes. Emma got pregnant. While she’s bearing a kid. she meets Leon Dupuis. a clerk and subsequently on they become reciprocally in love with each other but they’re both shy of demoing it. Leon lives in Monsieur Homias. a druggist and be friend the Bovary’s. abode at that clip. Afterwards. Emma gives birth to Berthe and Leon left to analyze in Paris. Emma found another adult male right off. Rodolphe Bourlanger. a womaniser. After of two old ages of criminal conversation. Rodolphe became bored with Emma and he decided to interrupt their immoral relationship. Emma got ill and decreasingly lost her wellness so Charles as an mean physician doesn’t know what to make. They became poorer and drawn with loans to back up her medicine. She easy starts to retrieve.

Lion finished his jurisprudence school and meets once more Emma. In this clip. Lion becomes more passionate to show his love to Emma. The worldly ambitious Emma greatly embraced credits and loans. Unconsciously. while holding an matter. her money troubled and acquire worse. Recognizing that she can’t afford to pay her loans and credits. she rushes about and looks for person who will give her money. She even run to Leon and Rodolpe and offers her organic structure in return but she was defied. With great shame to her hubby. she took arsenic and died. Charles suffered in poorness. and with love to Emma. he ne’er sell her ownership. In stricken life of him. Charles loses all his money and died. Berthe lived to her grandma who died besides because of her age. The immature miss eventually migrated in her hapless aunt. she work at that place as a kid labourer.

Emma’s aspiration drives her down. That epicurean life she desires ends up in her daughter’s wretchedness.


Major Fictional characters

• Charles Bovary- the supporter. Simple adult male without aspirations in life. The loveable hubby of Emma and the male parent of Berthe.

• Emma Bovary- the chief supporter. The chief beginning of the rubric. Ambitious adult female desiring a epicurean life. The married woman of Charles and the female parent of Berthe. she had excess matrimonial matter to Leon and Rodolphe.

• Leon Dupuis-the chief adversary. The first desires of Emma. He studied jurisprudence and becomes more passionate in showing his love towards Emma.

• Rodolphe Boulanger- the adversary. The first adult male who had an matter with Emma. A womaniser.

Minor Fictional characters

• Berthe Bovary- the girl of the Bovary’s who condemned after her parents died.

• Monsieur Homais- the town druggist and the friend with Bovary’s. He became friend of Bovary’s because of he has personal involvement.

• Monsieur Roualt-Emma’s male parent. the proprietor of a farm who visited by Charles to repair his legs.


The scene locates in a state of France. in Tostes and Yonville. The ambiance creates by these two topographic points are melancholic. through the presentation of the characters attitudes in their topographic point. as Emma got bored and depressed while she was in Tostes and seeking for amusement in Yonville.


The 3rd person’s point of position is dependable. It is near to the world as shown in the actions of the characters. Reliable in a sense that the quality of the narrative is based on the existent universe.


The subject of the narrative is about the effects of holding extra-marital matter and get awaying from world. Emma as a dauhgter of a husbandman becomes sickly ambitious and wants to get away from the farm. She had an matter with two work forces and at the terminal of the narrative. she killed herself.


This narrative is a contemplation of world. This has deduction to the society. Family as a little unit of the soceity. can derive acquisitions from this narrative. The thoughts being present through this will be their footing of holding societal good populating.

Analysis of The Outlaws

by Selma Largerlof


The narrative is about two work forces who disobeyed the jurisprudence of God. Tord and Berg. The short narrative begins with a provincial who had murdered a monastic. This adult male named as Berg. Along the manner. he met Torg in the wilderness. These two work forces lived in a cave and treated as brothers.

Because they are both outcast from the society. as Berg was a liquidator and tord Washington accused of stealing a herring cyberspace. they become close in after of Torg’s febrility. They have shared their life experiences until in the center of the narrative Unn appeared. the miss whom loved by Berg. In this narrative. God appeared. It had shown the nature of Hell band Heaven. Torg taught that he was betrayed by Berg and after a piece knowing that through great penitence and blood his wickednesss will be forgiven. he killed Berg. In a loud voice and deep emotion. he said ‘God is great! ’ he lay beside the organic structure of his friend and beg to the dead adult male to be awake. He said to the provincials present in the topographic point “say to Unn. who made Berg a liquidator. that he was killed by Tord the fisherman. whose male parent s a wrecker and whose female parent is a enchantress. because he taught him that foundation of the universe is justness. ”


Major Fictional characters

• Berg- The chief supporter. He is the provincial and the liquidator of a monastic.

• Torg- The chief adversary. He is the fisherman. handsome and stealer.

Minor Fictional characters

• God- Same in His properties in the bible. omniscient. omnipotent. omnipresent and ageless.

• Unn- The lover of Berg.


The scene locates in rural land of Sweden. The temper sets in the presentation of the narrative is glooming because the narrative rotates in the life of the criminal.


The 3rd person’s point of position is nonsubjective or dramatic. In Berg’s loud voice after he killed Torg. this point of position was shown.


The subject of the narrative is about the wickednesss and penalty. All of us have these wickednesss and every misconduct that we did and will make hold this equal penalty from the God of justness.


This narrative is more likely in the bible’s narratives. like the narrative of Cain and Able. It merely presents Christian moral values. The narrative will be of aid to understand some of God’s attributes. as Christian. this narrative upbraid me about everything.

from the KORAN:

translated by Arthur J. Arberry

Analysis OF THE Opening

The gap is about supplication of the talker to his God. With regard to the Lord who’s merciful and compassionate. the line is said as the description to the Lord. In 2nd stanza. first line. the talker praises God the Lord of all being as the gap of the supplication. There’s a repeat of the words merciful and compassionate to stress the God’s property. Maestro of the Doom. means the Lord is the contriver of our life or the swayer in our fate. In this first and 2nd stanza. the talker merely speaks in praising signifier. In 3rd stanza. the talker speaks for his fellow believes. as he used the word ‘we. ’ They serve no 1 but Him and to Him they ask counsel. The ground why they are inquiring for it is stated in the following line “Guide us in the consecutive way. ” the consecutive way means the right manner of life. And the grounds are: for them to be blessed and non to be cursed.
