Anti Lice Oil from Guyabano (Annona Muricata L.) Essay Sample

Soursop. besides known as guyabano in the Philippines is outstanding three times a twelvemonth ; every summer. rainy season and even during Christmas. This sort of fruit is eaten but the inclination of some people is throw off the seeds of it. There are cases that these seeds are used to works such trees. Some people think that these are useless though it can be used as a intervention for lice since it contains rosin that irritates lice. Every summer. some people particularly adolescents. experience holding lice on their caput. These plagues live on their caput and gives antsy feeling that can annoy the individual. Having lice is a job experienced by the kids. adolescents and sometimes. even grownups. How will the seed of guyabano be utile to adult male and how will lice be killed/lessen. take the research workers to carry on the research survey and experiment?

General Statement:
The chief intent of the survey is to do Anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed infusion. Specific Questions:
1. Is it possible to do an anti-lice oil signifier guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed infusion? 2. Can the anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed extract eliminate/lessen the production of caput lice? 3. Can the anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed extract be effectual?

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Statement of the Hypothesiss
1. It is possible to do an anti-lice oil signifier guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed infusion. 2. The anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed infusion can eliminate/lessen the production of caput lice. 3. The anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) can be effectual.

Significance of the Study
The survey will be of import to the followers:
* To the environment. this will assist decrease those wastes in a manner that some guyabano seeds are assorted with non-biodegradable wastes. * To the people concern. which has lice. this will function as intervention. for their jobs specifically in their hair. Another is that they can salvage money because either people at place can make this entirely. particularly to the pupils who have head lice. This will assist hike their public presentation at school in a manner that they will derive assurance and they will non be bothered by these head lice.

Scopes and Boundary lines
This survey aims to do an anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed infusion and to find the effectivity of the merchandise against lice. Guyabano seeds weighing 20 gms will be gathered within the locality of Palingon and Banlic every bit good as the mineral oil that the research workers will be utilizing to do an anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Annona muricata L. ) seed infusion. The research workers will be restricting the population to 5 respondents entirely for misss with lice merely. The selected respondents in Palingon and Banlic specifically in Banlic Elementary School and Palingon Elementary School will be proving the anti-lice oil in three yearss. The research workers will carry on a study in which the five respondents will O.K. or disapprove the merchandise. The survey limits itself to guyabano seeds and its effectivity from being an anti-lice merely and non in its different parts and its side effects.

Definition of Footings
The undermentioned footings are defined either conceptually or operationally for better apprehension of the survey.
* Annonaceous acetogenins
* Chemicals found merely in the Annonaceae household which are anti-parasitical
* Head Lice ( sing. Louse )
* A wingless bantam insects that live on the tegument covering the top of the caput called scalp
* Mineral Oil
* Oil from minerals ; includes crude oil. babe oil. cosmetic oils and etc.
* Resin
* Thickened and gluey substance that oozes from certain workss that can annoy lice

Chapter II

A. Reappraisal of Related Literature
Guyabano ( Annona muricata Linnaeus )
Habit is a little tree or bush. evergreen/deciduous. 4 m to 9 m high. or even 15 m. The root ramifies near its base. This root emits an ugly olfactory property when crushed. Its subdivisions are cylindrical. wrinkled. unsmooth. reddish-coffee-colored. and with legion lenticels ; immature subdivisions are ferruginous-sericeous. The external bark is brown-colored. more or less smooth ; the internal 1 is pink coloured and bland. Fruits are syncarpic ( constituted by concrescence of carpels and receptacle ) . egg-shaped. ovoid-ellipsoid. or oblong-ovoid. 15 centimeter to 20 centimeters long and even 30 centimeter. 10 centimeter to 15 centimeters broad. heavy. greenish. with flexible and curve aculea on the surface. The mush is white. cotton-like. juicy. and acrimonious. Numerous seeds ( from 30 to 200 ) are present in each fruit. although merely one is present in each carpel. Seeds are 1. 25 centimeter to 2 centimeter long. ellipse or oblovoid. flattened. black. and smooth. Seed screen is dark and bright. Frequently. these fruits reach up to 4 kilograms in weight or more. There exist some assortments that have no seeds. although they tend to be hempen. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. family-content. com/health/herbs/graviola )

Guyabano Fruit
Guyabano are good in look intoing insect plagues. Powderizing the guyabano seeds and blending it with soap and H2O can be used as an effectual spray against caterpillars. army worms and leafhoppers on workss. The crude oil quintessence and trichloromethane infusions of guyabano are toxic to black rug beetle larvae. The seed oil putting to deaths caput lice. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. agribusinessweek. com/guyabano-the-fruit-that-heals )

Chemical components
The infusion besides yielded a greenish rosin containing: myricyl intoxicant. sitosterol. fatty acids ( oleic. linolic. and stearic acids. together with a higher fatty acid. perchance lignoceric acid ) and a diphydric intoxicant. anonol. Bark yielded an formless alkaloid. found to be toxicant. doing tetanus-like paroxysms when injected to mice. Seed contains a nonpoisonous alkaloid. Recent surveies isolated three acetogenins: annonacin. annonacin A and annomuricin A.

Fruit is reported antiscorbutic and acerb. Seeds are emetic. Recent surveies suggest a possible for antiviral. anti-parasitic and anti-cancer belongingss.

Unripe fruit are used for dysentery. Seeds and green fruit are acerb. Decoction of foliages used of caput lice and bed bugs. Pulverized seeds and seed oil effectual for caput lice. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. stuartxexchange. org/Guyabano. hypertext markup language ) Plant Chemicals

Many active compounds and chemicals have been found in graviola. as scientists have been analyzing its belongingss since the 1940s. Most of the research on graviola focal points on a fresh set of chemicals called Annonaceous acetogenins. Graviola produces these natural compounds in its foliage and root. bark. and fruit seeds. Three separate research groups have confirmed that these chemicals have important anti-tumorous belongingss and selective toxicity against assorted types of malignant neoplastic disease cells ( without harming healthy cells ) printing eight clinical surveies on their findings. Many of the acetogenins have demonstrated selective toxicity to tumor cells at really low dosages—as little as 1 portion per million. Four surveies were published in 1998 which further stipulate the chemicals and acetogenins in graviola which are showing the strongest anti-cancerous. anti-tumorous. and antiviral belongingss. In a 1997 clinical survey. fresh alkaloids found in graviola fruit exhibited anti-depressive effects in animate beings.

Annonaceous acetogenins are merely found in the Annonaceae household ( to which graviola belongs ) . These chemicals in general have been documented with anti-tumorous. anti-parasitic. insecticidal. and antimicrobic activities. Mode of action surveies in three separate research labs have late determined that these acetogenins are brilliant inhibitors of enzyme procedures that are merely found in the membranes of cancerous tumour cells. This is why they are toxic to malignant neoplastic disease cells but have no toxicity to healthy cells. Purdue University. in West Lafayette. Indiana. has conducted a great trade of the research on the acetogenins. much of which has been funded by The National Cancer Institute and/or the National Institute of Health ( NIH ) . Therefore far. Purdue University and/or its staff have filed at least nine U. S. and/or international patents on their work around the anti-tumorous and insecticidal belongingss and utilizations of these acetogenins. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //rainforest-datebase. com/plants/graviola. htm )

Traditional Medicinal Use of Guyabano
Concoction prepared from pulverized guyabano seeds used as skin styptic. dainty musculus cramps. and treat dysentery. to purge parasites such as bed bugs and caput lice. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. medicalhealthguide. com/herb/guyabano. htm )

Head lice ( Pediculus humanus capitis )
The human lousiness is a parasitic infection that occurred in the developed states and most particularly in the underdeveloped states like the Philippines. Pediculus humanus capitis is the sours of this infection. that normally known as caput louse. It was found that the oldest dodo of lousiness was aged for 10. 000 old ages. Harmonizing to Buxton ( 1946 ) the caput lice has great medical importance and look to be the greatest nuisance. peculiarly among school kids. where their presence cause rubing. different skin reaction. and secondary infections. Head louse has the ability to creep deep into the hair to the scalp for 6 to 30 centimeter. in one minute. It has the ability to do itself camouflage harmonizing to the hair and scalp of the individual. They depend on the heat of the caputs and suck the blood of the septic individual. When the louse was out of the caput of an septic individual. it will merely last for one to two yearss. Louse doesn’t the ability to creep into a glass and plastics. they were transmitted through the combs and soft cloths particularly towels wherein they lay eggs once they reach the cloth. Head lice can blight people from all walks of life. but they evidently prefer kids.

There is a shampoo. nevertheless. that exploits the anatomy of lice to set an terminal to the small leechs. extinguishing lice infestations within approximately two hebdomads. After that. those who are still rubing their caputs are merely making so as a supplanting activity while believing. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //magazine. merck. de/en/LifeandAssiatance/lice/Apaisyl. hypertext markup language? wt. srch=1 ) Adult caput lice are approximately two to three millimetres long. Head lice infest the caput and cervix and attach their eggs to the base of the hair shaft. Lice move by creeping ; they can non skip or wing. Head lice infestation. or lousiness. is dispersed most normally by close person-to-person contact. Dogs. cats. and other plagues do non play a function in the transmittal of human lice. Both nonprescription and prescription medicines are available for intervention of caput lice infestations. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. gov/parasites/lice/index. hypertext markup language )

In the United States. infestation with caput lice ( P. humanus capitis ) is most common among preschool and simple school-age kids and their family members and caretakers. Head lice are non known to convey disease ; nevertheless. secondary bacterial infection of the tegument ensuing from rubing can happen with any lice infestation. Head lice are chiefly spread by direct contact with the hair of an septic individual. The most common manner to acquire head lice are by caput to head contact with a individual who already has head lice. Such contact can be common among kids during drama at school. place or elsewhere.

The transmittal could happen by: have oning vesture such as chapeaus. scarves. coats. athleticss uniforms or hair threads worn by an septic individual ; utilizing infested combs. coppices or towels. or lying on a bed. sofa. pillow. rug. or stuffed animate being that has late been in contact with an septic individual. Reliable informations on how many people get head lice each twelvemonth in the U. S. are non available ; nevertheless. an estimated 6 million to 12 million infestations occur each twelvemonth in the U. S. among the kids 3 to 11 old ages of age. Some pupils suggest that misss get head lice more frequently than male childs. likely due to more frequent caput to head contact. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. gov/parasites/lice/head/epi. hypertext markup language )

B. Related surveies
Annonaceous acetogenins: recent advancement
Feras Q. Alali. Xiao-Xi Liu. and Jerry L. McLaughlin *
Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Purdue University. West Lafayette. Indiana 47907 J. Nat. Prod. . 1999. 62 ( 3 ) . pp 504–540

Department of the interior: 10. 1021/np980406d
Publication Date ( Web ) : March 4. 1999
Copyright © 1999 American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy Section: Bio-molecules and Their Synthetic Analogs

The Annonaceous acetogenins are assuring new anti-tumor and pesticidal agents that are found merely in the works household of Annonaceae. Chemically they are derivative of long concatenation fatty acids. Biologically. they exhibit their potent bioactivities through depletion of ATP degrees via suppressing the NADH oxidase of plasma membranes of tumour cells. Therefore. they thwart ATP-driven opposition mechanisms. This reappraisal presents the advancement made in the chemical science. biological science. and development of these compounds since December 1995. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ncbi. nlm. National Institutes of Health. gov/sites/entrez? cmd=PubMed & A ; listuids=1009671 & A ; dopt=AbstractPlus # )

Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review on Annona squamosa Linne Anti-head lice activity of Anona squamosa Linne ( fam. anonaceae ) International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Review Paper

Vol. 2 ( 4 ) Oct – Dec 2011 page 1406
Neha Pandey* . Dushyant Barve
T. I. T. College of Pharmacy. Anand Nagar. Bhopal ( M. P )

The past survey focused on the separation and designation of the active compounds against caput lice from the hexane infusion of sugar apple ( Annona squamosa L. ) seed. Chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques revealed that two major compounds of the hexane seed infusion were oleic acid and triglyceride with one oleate ester. The outputs of these compounds were 13. 25 % and 7. 74 % dry weight. severally. The compounds were tested in vitro against caput lice. comparing to the petroleum hexane infusion diluted with Cocos nucifera nut oil 1:1. These compounds were found to kill all tested caput lice in 49. 11. and 30 proceedingss. severally. The triglyceride ester can be used as a marker for quantitative analysis of the active compound for quality control of the natural stuff A. squamosa seed and its infusion. This first determination will be utile for the measure appraisal and the chemical stableness of the anti-head lice readying from this works.

( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ijrpbsonline. com/files/RV2. pdf )

Anti-head lice Effect of Annona squamosa L. Seeds
Junya Itaranongpai. Warinthorn Chavasiri. and Wandee Gritsanapan Department of Pharmacognosy. Faculty of Pharmacy. Mahidol University. Bangkok ; Department of Chemistry. Faculty of Science. Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok. Siam

The present survey focused on the separation and designation of the active compounds against caput lice from the hexane infusion of Annonas quamosa L. seed. Chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques revealed that two major compounds of the hexane seed infusion were oleic acid and triglyceride with one oleate ester. The outputs of these compounds were 13. 25 % and 7. 74 % dry weight. severally. The compounds were tested in vitro against caput lice. comparing to the petroleum hexane infusion diluted with Cocos nucifera nut oil 1:1. These compounds were found to kill all tested caput lice in 49. 11. and 30 proceedingss. severally. The triglyceride ester can be used as a marker for quantitative analysis of the active compound for quality control of the natural stuff A. squamosa seed and its infusion. This first determination will be utile for the measure appraisal and the chemical stableness of the anti-head lice readying from this works.

Chapter III
Materials and methods are presented in this subdivision. The research workers will compare the consequences and observations of the respondents through descriptive analyses.

A. Gathering of Materials
The research workers will garner the stuffs needed in doing anti-lice oil. The guyabano seeds will be collected from eaten guyabano fruit weighing 20 gms of it. The oil that will be used is a mineral oil. The research workers will besides fix some research lab setups such as howitzer and stamp for thumping the seeds. graduated cylinder for mensurating the sum of oil and weighing graduated table to mensurate the sum of seeds. A filter apparatus will be made to filtrate the oil from the seeds after boiling it. The filter apparatus will dwell of the undermentioned stuffs: Fe base. Fe ring. filter paper. funnel and beakers.

B. Production of Anti-lice Oil
The stuffs will be prepared. After fixing. the seeds will be pounded by the usage of howitzer and stamp. The pounded seeds will be assorted with the mineral oil and will be boiled until bubbles are formed. The mixture will be cooled for several proceedingss. After chilling it. the mixture will go through through a filter paper to filtrate those pounded seeds. The merchandise so will be placed into a container.

C. Conducting a Survey
The research workers will be carry oning an observation for three yearss within the locality of Banlic and Palingon Elementary School. Five simple miss pupils will be chosen to prove the merchandise. The research workers will inquire first permission to the parents of the respondents. After the observation. the research workers will carry on a study and so construe the information.

Survey Form
A. Initial Data

1. What is the trade name of your shampoo?
( Anong trade name Air National Guard gamit nyong shampoo? )

2. Sum of lice?
* Few
* Many
* Too many

B. Observations
Record your observations in the undermentioned yearss.
( Pakitala ang mga pagbabagong nangyari SA mga sumusunod na araw. )

Day ( araw ) | Observations ( Mga Pagbabago ) |
First twenty-four hours ( Unang araw ) | |
Second twenty-four hours ( Ikalawang araw ) | |
Third twenty-four hours ( Ikatlong araw ) | |

C. Questionnaire

1. After utilizing the merchandise. is your lice gone?
( Pagkatapos gamitin Air National Guard langis. Air National Guard mga kuto Ba ay nawala? )
* Yes ( Oo )
* Some of it ( Konti lang )
* Many of it but there are few left ( Marami ang natanggal pero may natira dad ) * No ( Hindi )

2. Is the merchandise effectual?
( Ang langis ba ay nakakapagpatanggal nanogram mga kuto? )
* Yes ( Oo )
* Yes. but non effectual plenty ( Oo. pero Hindi dad kasing galing ng iba )
* No ( Hindi )
Chapter IV
The research workers collected the informations after carry oning a study.

The followers are the informations and results’ treatment for better apprehension of the research procedure. Data Presentation
Table 1. Materials used to make anti-lice oil.
Mineral oil| 80 ml|
Guyabano seeds ( pounded ) | 20 grams|

Table 1 inside informations the stuffs used to make the anti-lice oil from guyabano seed infusion. Twenty ( 20 ) gm of dried. pounded guyabano seeds was assorted with 80 ( 80 ) millilitres ( milliliter ) of mineral oil so boiled. Out of the stuffs listed. 50 ( 50 ) milliliter oil was created. The oil was divided into five and distributed to 5 respondents with 10 ( 10 ) milliliter of oil each. The oil will be used by the selected respondents for three yearss.

Table 2. The summarized consequences of the three-day observation after using 10 ml anti-lice oil each to five respondents. Day| Observation|
1| Nothing happened. |
2| The itching on the caputs of the respondents was lessened and their hair became softer. | 3| The lice on the caputs were lessened and some find their hair softer. |

The tabular array 2 shows the sum-up of the day-to-day observations of the respondents for 3 yearss. This tells that on the first twenty-four hours. nil happened when they apply the oil on their caput. On the 2nd twenty-four hours. they experience less itching on their caput and their caput and their hair became softer. After the 3rd twenty-four hours. the respondents comb their hair to see the consequence of the oil in their caput. They found out that the lice on their caputs were lessened. Besides. they find their hair softer than earlier.

Table 3. The consequences of the figure of lice that are gone after using the anti-lice oil for three yearss. No. of lice that are gone| No. of people|
Wholly gone| 0|
Many of it are gone| 2|
Some of it are gone| 3|
None of it are gone| 0|
Total| 5|
Table 3 shows the figure of lice gone after combing the hair on the 3rd twenty-four hours. The research workers found out that 3 out of 5 respondents said that many of their lice were gone after 3 yearss. The other 2 said that merely some of their lice were gone. Through this observation. it shows that there is a important consequence in using the anti-lice oil.

Table 4. The consequences of the effectivity of the anti-lice oil harmonizing to the five respondents. Effectiveness| No. of people|
Effective| 2|
Not effective| 3|
Total| 5|

Table 4 shows the consequences of the effectivity of the anti-lice oil. The bulk of the respondents said that the anti-lice oil is non effectual plenty and the minority said that the anti-lice oil is effectual. It can be noted that 3 out of 5 respondents were non truly convinced about the anti-lice oil. There is a difference between the respondents that are convinced and those who were non truly positive. It was besides celebrated that none of the five respondents were convinced about the effectivity of the anti-lice oil. It can be of value to happen a manner how to increase the effectivity of the anti-lice oil.

Chapter V
Head Lice. one of the jobs among pupils. is a common parasite in worlds. Many factors can do this job. including improper hygiene and deficiency of assurance. This infestation starts during a man’s childhood. It is common among kids particularly in misss. Surveies were done and proved that these parasites have great impact in pupils in their surveies. This fact made many of the research workers around the universe to contrive a merchandise which can assist to diminish this infestation.

The research workers conducted this survey to do an anti-lice oil from guyabano ( Anona muricata L. ) . This survey aimed to do an effectual merchandise but do non be so much. Different methods were done to do an effectual anti-lice oil. The consequence of the trials showed that the merchandise made was non truly successful. but without any injury or side-effects to the hair and scalp.

After carry oning the survey. the research workers concluded that the anti-lice oil produced out of guyabano seeds helps lessen caput lice but do non wholly removes all of it. The research workers besides conclude that there are no bad effects in utilizing anti-lice oil from guyabano seed infusion. since the respondents didn’t stated any bad observation.


Feras Q. Alali. Xiao-Xi Liu. and Jerry L. McLaughlin * ; Department of Medicinal ; Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ; Purdue University. West Lafayette. Indiana 47907 ; J. Nat. Prod. . 1999. 62 ( 3 ) . pp 504–540 ; DOI: 10. 1021/np980406d ; Publication Date ( Web ) : March 4. 1999 ; Copyright © 1999 American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy ; Section: Bio-molecules and Their Synthetic Analogs

Neha Pandey* . Dushyant Barve ; T. I. T. College Of Pharmacy. Anand Nagar. Bhopal ( M. P ) ; International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ; Review Paper ; Vol. 2 ( 4 ) Oct – Dec 2011 page 1406

Junya Itaranongpai. Warinthorn Chavasiri. and Wandee Gritsanapan ; Department of Pharmacognosy. Faculty of Pharmacy. Mahidol University. Bangkok ; Department of Chemistry. Faculty of Science. Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok. Siam

hypertext transfer protocol: //magazine. merck. de/en/LifeandAssiatance/lice/Apaisyl. hypertext markup language? wt. srch=1 hypertext transfer protocol: //rainforest-datebase. com/plants/graviola. htm
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. agribusinessweek. com/guyabano-the-fruit-that-heals hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. gov/parasites/lice/head/epi. hypertext markup language
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. gov/parasites/lice/index. hypertext markup language
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. family-content. com/health/herbs/graviola
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ijrpbsonline. com/files/RV2. pdf
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. medicalhealthguide. com/herb/guyabano. htm
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ncbi. nlm. National Institutes of Health. gov/sites/entrez? cmd=PubMed & A ; listuids=1009671 & A ; dopt=AbstractPlus # hypertext transfer protocol: //www. stuartxexchange. org/Guyabano. hypertext markup language
