Caffeine 2 Essay Research Paper CaffeineAs can

Caffeine 2 Essay, Research Paper

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As can be seen above, caffeine consists of two carbon/nitrogen rings with O and methyl groups as substituents. The amalgamate rings are similar to those in A merely the substituents differ. Caffeine is found in java, tea, and many soft drinks. There is besides some sum of caffeine in cocoa, every bit good as a closely related stimulation, theobromine. The caffeine in sodium carbonate is by and large produced from the Cola berries, and is either a byproduct of the Cola flavorer or is added for spirit and stimulating consequence. There are four ways in which caffeine stimulates the nervous system. Of these, one is of primary improtance. Another has some degree of importance, and the other two merely occur at unrealistically high degrees of caffeine in the organic structure. The first of these methods, and the most of import, is barricading adenosine receptors. As caffeine has a similar construction to the adenosine group, but besides has more to a great extent electrophilic and nucleophilic functional groups than adenosine as, for case, seen in cyclic AMP. This means that caffeine will suit adenosine receptors every bit good as adenosine itself will. Thus, cyclic AMP remains active, instead than being broken down. Second among the effects of caffeine is phosphodiesterase suppression. The phosphodiesterase category of enzymes includes a num

ber of enzymes responsible for breaking down cyclic AMP, thus depriving the body of an energy supply. Caffeine fools phosphodiesterase into attacking it instead, which inhibits the breakdown of cyclic AMP. However, the concentration of caffeine required for this effect to become significant is sufficiently high that the adenosine blocking remains the dominant factor. The other two laboratory effects of caffeine have been judged insignificant in actual biochemical situations. Caffeine can increase the speed of rapid information processing by 10% 1, and a cup of regular (caffeine-containing) coffee after lunch helps to counteract the normal post-lunch dip in ability to sustain concentration, aiding alertness 2. Research has also shown that a couple of cups of coffee help to improve alertness and concentration during night shift hours 3. These findings have been further endorsed by Smith et al 4 who conducted a study in 1993 to examine the effects of coffee on daytime and night-time performance and alertness. The results clearly demonstrated that caffeinated coffee had a beneficial effect on alertness and improved performance in a variety of tasks in both day and night sessions. These effects are especially beneficial to night shift workers as it is known that many industrial accidents occur late into the shift when workers become less attentive.
