Canterbury Tales an ancient writer Geoffrey Chaucer Essay Sample

Canterbury Narratives are narratives written and told by an ancient author called Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer was stating a narrative of a set of 30 work forces who were going to Canterbury in England. The pilgrims narrated the narratives to go through clip as they are still on their journey. It was expected that each adult male will give two narratives. However. this mark was non met by all the pilgrims including Geoffrey. Chaucer ends up with merely 20 nine narratives named together as the Canterbury Tales. Examples of the narratives in book include ; General Prologue. The Knights Tell. The Wife of Bath. The Pardoner’s. and The Miller’s Prologue. The narratives by Chaucer have both similarities and differences. To place the comparings and contracts in the narratives by Chaucer. this paper aims to analyse two narratives ; “The Knight Tale” and “The Wife on Baths Tale. ”

One of the noteworthy comparings while analysing the two narratives from the Canterbury Tales is the thematic development by Chaucer in his literature works. “The Wife on Baths Tale” . is characterized by subjects such as poorness. old age. visual aspect. personal rules. regulations and order. power. and adult females and feminism ( Chaucer 159 ) . However. “The Knight Tale” subjects are built on love. friendly relationship. competition. agony. decease. regulations and order. destiny and free will. and strength and accomplishment ( Chaucer 161 ) . The two narratives give the reader a diverse position of the different subjects outlined by the writer. Though. the subjects in the two narratives are different. few of them are similar such as the subject of regulations and order which is present in both narratives.

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In “The Wife of Bath’s Tale. ” the subject of regulation and power is shown by giving an history of the queen traveling against the set Torahs sing traditional penalty for a knight who committed a offense of colza. The queen asks for the knight to hold the advantage of judgement with the purpose of rehabilitating instead than the traditional punitory actions ( Allen 245 ) . The knight’s life is in the custodies of the queen and his other ladies if he does non happen replies to the quest chosen for him by the queen. The tale gives accent on power of the jurisprudence over persons and denying them opportunity to find their destiny once they break it. Rule and power besides illustrated adult females demands as some sort of a regulation and hence they demand ceding of men’s liberty. This portrays adult females as an of import force to see in doing a complete society.

“The Knights Tale. ” besides advocates for the subject of regulation and power but it takes a different attack to the topic compared to “The Wife of Bath’s Tale. ” Power in this narrative is believed to arise from the Gods and for one to accomplish anything ; such power has to be upon him. Arcite and Palamon are both in love with Emily. but for one to win her. so they have to make it through competition ( Andrew 72 ) . The two work forces have equal power as knights with equal abilities to form strong ground forcess. but they need ‘the Gods to be on their side’ for them to win the combat. Power is in the Gods and an individual’s strength plays a minimum function to procure a win as portrayed by the narrative.

In footings of character development. the two narratives take different attacks. “The Knights Tale” has a good lineation of characters such as Emily. Theseus. and Palamon and Arcite. However. “The Wife of Bath” character development is non good outlined like in the other narrative. but it gives accent on character of a adult female ( Mann 355 ) . “The Wife of Bath. ” gives an outstanding adult female character compared to the remainder of the narratives by the pilgrims. The character in this narrative portrays the other side of adult females as being strong. The character goes against the Christian definition of adult females through her pick of apparels and her organic structure build such as her legs. hips. pess. and her gap-tooth. Alison illustrates the control of adult females. She showcases her laterality and strong-will by accomplishing what she desires.

In “The Knights Tale. ” Palamon and Arcite play the same function as one personality. The lone difference is they are in different organic structures but all the remainder between them is similar. They are besides used to picture how knights ought to be ( Chaucer 162 ) . Companionship subject is clearly demonstrated by the two characters as they take a brotherhood curse. Theseus is another character in this narrative who is displayed as merely and wise. one who brings regulations and order. and a literary translator. The two narratives have a different construction of characters where 1 has good distinguishable characters displays assorted subjects. while the other narrative use one adult female more to give visible radiation to its subject.


The Canterbury Tales are made of 20 nine narratives told by pilgrims who were going to Canterbury in England. Among the told narratives told. “The Wife of Bath” and “The Knights Tale. ” give different histories in footings of thematic development and its pick of characters. “The Wife of Bath. ” demonstrates issues such as adult females and feminism. regulation and power. old age. and poorness while “The Knights Tale. ” chief subjects include competition. regulations and order. destiny and free-will. and friendly relationship.


Allen. Vallerie. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale ( Cambridge School Chaucer ) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2013.

Andrew. Taylor. The Knights Tales. 2nd edition. New York: Broadview Press. 2012.

Chaucer. Geoffrey. The Complete Canterbury Tales. Deluxe Gift Edition. New York: Arcturus Publishing Limited. 2013.

Mann. Jill. The Canterbury Tales ( original-spelling Middle English edition ) ( Penguin Classics ) . Cambridge: Penguin Classicss. 2011.

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