Case Synopsis: Waterfield Farms Essay Sample

The three most of import cardinal facts in this instance /are: 1: ”Waterfield Farms estimated a sum of 567 million caputs of boodle were sold in the East Coast retail market” . 2: “Hydroponic boodle had several properties that differentiated it from other lettuce” . 3: “Hydroponic boodle did non sell good at regular retail borders ; many shops did non transport it. ” The Main Problem / Task to solve/do is: Waterfield Farms would wish to increase their gross revenues by seeking to widen their distribution within the market by selling more merchandises. and to do “Hydroponic boodle expression every bit appealing as it did before harvest” . Wright “would hold to reexamine his pricing and promotional plans to explicate a program that he could sell to corporate headquarters” . The three most promising options are: 1: Waterfield Farms can concentrate on making a new packaging for each single caput. 2: Waterfield Farms can concentrate on making a new manner in administering their green goods. 3: Waterfield Farms can concentrate on administering more merchandises that can be sold under their name

The three most of import Evaluation Standards are: 1: Making a new packaging for each boodle caput would forestall the boodle from acquiring bruised or crushed during transportation and storage. It would maintain the boodle looking fresh once they are shelved within the shops. 2: Making a better manner of presenting their boodle. by transporting it straight from the “greenhouse to the person concatenation distribution center” . This benefits them because it is a shorter clip frame “from harvest to the shop shelf” intending a “fresher merchandise for consumers tear- around” . 3: If Waterfield Farms began to increase their production of new merchandises to sell such as tomatoes. Cucumis sativuss etc. They would be able to increase the popularity of their trade name name and increase gross revenues and net incomes.

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My recommendation and its justification is the undermentioned: I recommend that Waterfield Farms should take to bring forth more merchandises under their trade name. By making this it would assist to profit them besides to be successful with selling their boodle. In order for them to get down selling other merchandises they’ll have to increase their gross revenues of boodle every bit good to assist force their name. Since their Hydroponic boodle is already a fresh merchandise that is free of soil. and pesticides. and is grown so close to the market already creates an advantage for them. Concentrating on a new manner of packaging and delivering is an excess disbursal that is non truly needed for now. but puting in promotional cost such as advertizements will profit The Waterfield Farms company.
