Critical Analysis Essay Research Paper Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis Essay, Research Paper

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Critical Analysis.

& # 8220 ; My Mother Told Me & # 8221 ; is a short narrative from the book entitled New Axe Handle And Other Narratives written by Robina Wright. It is a narrative that depicts a Maltese Mother and girl trying to set to experience at easiness as portion of Australian civilization. Through thematic concerns, point of position, manner and other narrative constructions the narrative demonstrates to audiences a secret plan of cultural struggle.

The female supporter of the narrative is Ginny ( Giovannia ) , a immature Maltese miss go toing an Australian school who wants to go recognized by her equals & # 8211 ; the scene for this secret plan is at Ginny & # 8217 ; s birthday party. The other chief character is Mrs Aldonza ( Ginny & # 8217 ; s female parent ) who tries her hardest to do her & # 8216 ; small miss & # 8217 ; happy but has trouble understanding the big cultural spread between her girl and the other kids who come from different societal, economic and spiritual backgrounds.

The narrative is told from the 3rd individual limited point of position. & # 8220 ; Giovannia was glad that her Mother was so enthusiastic. She had been a small disquieted & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; ( p.91 ) This is done so that the readers can see merely how the supporter is experiencing as this is where the author intends for readers understandings to lie, but yet still allows audiences to judge the issues involved rather objectively to a certain extent by including intimations about characters that have disguised significances. Whereas readers know how Ginny is experiencing they can merely presume what the other characters are believing from proficient devices used by the writer such as symbolism, imagination and implied significances ( intensions ) .

One illustration of implied significances that is used can be found in the descriptions of personal visual aspect, in peculiar the hair of two of the misss at the party. & # 8220 ; & # 8216 ; Crikey, it gives you the creeps! & # 8217 ; declared Melissa of the tight curled black hair. & # 8221 ; ( p.92 ) The hair is representative of the misss nature. Tight here being with respects to her house, impermeable attitudes and belief system & # 8211 ; she does non do any attempt to understand different civilizations. Curled as a description besides giving intensions of being withdrawn and defensive, unchangeable. This is opposed to the other miss, & # 8220 ; Tina, a sort kid with long ruddy hair & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; ( p.93 ) implying a more mature friendlier miss & # 8211 ; ruddy coming across as a brighter & # 8216 ; nicer & # 8217 ; coloring material than black.

Symbolism, as a literary technique is besides used in making significance in the short narrative. One illustration of this was the symbolic intent of the piece of fossil wood that Giovannia bought out to demo Miss Bruce. It was explained that the dodo was really a piece of wood that had turned into rock over a period of clip. When audiences look at the chief struggle in the narrative of cultural strife, and the features & # 8211 ; wood and rock & # 8211 ; of the dodo it is possible that readers may reason some symbolic illation.

The component of wood represents Ginny and her Mother as being softer and more fictile and vulnerable than the cold, difficult, unchanging features of rock. This so implies that from the attitudes of the Australian characters in the narrative that the rock is symbolic of them being set in their values and beliefs. The dodo may besides stand for the manner that Giovannia and her Mother will turn to lapidate in their bitterness towards the Australian attitude toward & # 8216 ; different & # 8217 ; civilizations, as they are non prepared

to give up their original cultural background.

This symbolism is rather similar to the implicit in message conveyed in the narrative told by Mrs Aldonza to the misss at the birthday party. Ginny tries to construe why her Mother chooses to state the narrative about the wild goose and comes to the decision that her Mother is seeking to force a message & # 8220 ; ..perhaps that people, kids, should non merely be like everyone else all the time.. & # 8221 ; ( p.93 ) Another possible decision as to the implied significance for stating this narrative is that Mrs Aldonza is stating that Giovannia and herself are the wild geese that are seeking to portion their background ( civilization ) and unless the others try to see both points of position they will go on to reject these & # 8216 ; wild geese & # 8217 ; without even doing an attempt.

The dominant imagination that Wright includes within her narrative consists chiefly of cultural icons and peculiar colorss. The icons found include those of faith & # 8220 ; church bells, saints and spiritual images & # 8221 ; which is can be seen to inform readers of portion of Giovannia & # 8217 ; s upbringing and beliefs, and besides images of nutrient & # 8220 ; rich salad of egg, salami and olives, crisp with onion and reflecting with oil. The sweet made with dried figs & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; ( p.92 ) that contrasts greatly with traditional Australian nutrient, when reading the narrative from a culturally Australian background.

The two colorss that recur as imagination are white and gold. & # 8220 ; In that reflecting white islands of white streets and white houses, the churches were filled with aureate hoarded wealths & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; . ( p.93 ) This imagination gives the readers the feeling that Malta is a topographic point of peace and felicity, rich in its ain particular manner to the people who live at that place. This conveys intending to readers that Giovannia and her female parent are people who are proud of their history and seek non to take anything in life for granted.

The temper of the authorship alterations throughout the short narrative. Readers can feel the temper in the authorship through the chief character and her female parent. At the beginning of the narrative the temper is of nervous exhilaration of both female parent and girl & # 8220 ; This was a great juncture for her small Ginny! & # 8221 ; However, as the narrative progresses the temper alterations to one of bitterness and so eventually ends in a hard-boiled brooding province. The manner that Wright changes the tone and temper of her authorship allows readers to acquire a better apprehension of the characters.

The rubric of the short narrative & # 8220 ; My Mother Told Me & # 8221 ; is one last literary device that Wright has used in bring forthing significance for audiences. When readers compare the rubric to the remainder of the narrative it is possible to see its significance. Just before the misss leave near the terminal of the narrative, Ginny tells them a narrative as to the history of the dodo & # 8220 ; My Mother says it comes from & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; ( p.94 ) It is here that Giovannia sees that the instructor and misss are roasting her for her beliefs and makes the determination that she is best off without them for friends.

The short narrative & # 8220 ; My Mother Told Me & # 8221 ; trades chiefly with the issue of cultural struggle and equal credence. Through the literary devices used by Robina Wright and the characters of Giovannia and her female parent, readers are able to look into the characters lives, their beliefs and their cultural background. Readers can besides make up one’s mind for themselves as to where their understandings lie in this state of affairs or whether it is merely a state of affairs in life that has to be overcome by cultural apprehension.
