Crossing the Swamp Essay Sample

The verse form Traversing the Swamp is a well-organized verse form which uses many techniques to develop the relationship between the talker and the swamp. Some of these techniques include enunciation. narrative construction. repeat. imagination. personification. tone displacement. every bit good as many interesting sound devices that. The first thing that is really noticeable is the narrative construction. The talker provides us with the image of the character’s footfalls through the construction of the verse form. which indicates the battle that he is traveling through. He uses spreads and indents throughout the verse form to show his motion in the swamp and how he moves from one side to the other in order for him to be able to liberate himself from this battle. The sentence structure of the verse form can non be described as stanzas or paragraphs. because the verse form itself is one broken stanza which depicts the character’s wretchedness while traveling in the swamp. At the beginning of the verse form. there is a usage of cacophonous sounds of “branching vines. ” “Burred faintly burping bogs” are used to depict the ugly sounds of the swamp as the character takes a measure frontward ; which merely add more to the wretchedness and battle of the talker.

The repeat of the word “Here”? is besides really alone because it is stressing the location of where the character is being tortured by holding to walk into this swamp of wretchedness and battle. There is another sound the talker describes “that sink mutely on to the black slack earthsoup” ( lines 20-22 ) . This enunciation considered as imagination. because it is doing a comparing between the swamp and earthsoup. Some of the sound devices include consonant rhyme. beat and initial rhyme with the repeat of the terminal sounds of such as in the words” pathless. seamless. peerless” ( line 12-13 ) . and “foothold. fingerhold. mindhold” ( line 16-17 ) . The talker besides used initial rhyme in line 19 with hipholes and knolls.

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The tonic displacement in the verse form begins on line 22. with the sentence. “I feel non wet so much as painted and glittered” ( line 22-230. At this point the talker does non sound as despairing and suffering as he was in the beginning of the verse form. He begins to experience hopeful and existences being tankful for holding another opportunity to populate. The text “a hapless dry stick” ( line 28-29 ) provides us with a description of the crosser as an old. delicate being who is seeking to traverse the at the clemency of the ruthless swamp. In the concluding analysis. the talker seeks a relationship between the talker and the swamp as one of battle and hope. Both. the talker and the swamp. look to be contending with each other to devour triumph over the other. In the terminal. they give in to each other’s needs. the swamp Lashkar-e-Taibas speaker travel. By making this. the talker thanks the swamp and is able to be more grateful and hopeful than earlier. This verse form portrays the connexions between obstinacy and battle. taking finally to an terminal of apprehension.
