Decleration of Independence and the Declaration of Rights of Men Essay Sample

The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of the Right of Man and of the Citizen both differentiate from each other. and they are similar in some parts. The Declaration of the Right of Men and of the Citizen focused more on the rights of work forces. The Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizen lists the rights of the common citizen and what the authorities can non or should non make. It tells that the Gallic want a new signifier of authorities. They were non interrupting off from their state ; they were interrupting off from their male monarch and old signifier of authorities. While the declaration of independency focused on the rights of all people. The Declaration of Independence was written to declare independency from Great Britten and get down another. wholly separate. state.

The Declaration of Independence. which stated the mistakes within the monarchy and how it mistreated the settlements. was a papers that established a split between England and the American Colonies. The Declaration of Right of Man stated the rights that should and necessitate to be given to work forces within the state it did non arouse a call for independency between two separate lands. Both The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Right of Men stated ‘All Men are Created Equal. ” The declaration of independency stated “All Man are created Equal” . to guarantee that Men acquire inalienable rights and among these are “Life. Liberty. and the chase of Happiness. The Declaration of Right of Man stated that “All Men are created Equal” because the ignorance. disregard. or disdain of the rights of work forces were the exclusive causes for corruptness of the authorities. Both the Declaration of Independence and The Declaration of Right of Man chose to give rights to Men. ( Declaration of the Rights of Men-1789. Artical 1. ) States that “Men are born and remain free and equal” . . “All Work force are Created Equal” can be found in both two paperss because the intent of the two paperss was to stress that there was no divide between rich work forces and hapless work forces.

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The Declaration of independency happened because settlers were non acquiring rights from the male monarch. This led them to compensate a ailment and subsequently on separated from the power of a sovereign. In the other manus. The Declaration of Rights of Men was besides written to derive rights. but they did non desire to divide from their monarchy. Peoples of the Declaration of Rights of Men wanted to hold a new signifier of authorities. Many enlightenment minds influenced both of theses paperss.

The Declaration of Rights of Man was influenced by many Enlightenment minds. Jean-Jacques Rousseau influenced the Declaration from his thoughts of individuality and the Social Contract. Baron de Montesquieu doctrine of separation of powers besides contributed to the Declaration of Independence. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Rights of work forces were some what alike and they were besides regardful in some parts. They both wanted Rights and equality. They were besides different because the Declaration of Independence wanted to divide from a monarchy while and the Declaration of Rights of work forces wanted to in better their authorities. These paperss were both effectual because it led to a revolution. There was the Gallic revolution were people were acquiring sick of the authorities and there manner of opinion. There was besides the American Revolution were people were non acquiring rights and were acquiring high revenue enhancements. Eventually both of theses papers accomplished what they were seeking to make. demoing how effectual it was.
