Discussing Research Into Different Types of Attachment Essay Sample

There are rather a few theories on fond regard. Each have really different and similar parts to the theory. Ainsworth. Van Ljzendoorn & A ; Krunanburg. Schaffer & A ; Emersion and Bowlby all have their ain thought of fond regard. Each theory concludes that babies form closest fond regards with their primary health professional within a certain sensitive period. If they don’t organize an fond regard with a health professional in this period so they could turn up to be a ‘problem child’ . Ainsworth did an experiment where she left an baby in a room with a alien to see what the child’s reaction was when the health professional left and came back. Ainsworth experiments showed that there were 3 types of fond regard ; secure. insecure immune and insecure avoidant. The bulk of kids had a unafraid fond regard. This backs up Ainsworth’s survey. Van Ljzendoorn & A ; Krunanburg did a meta-analysis on 2000 babies. It showed that the bulk of kids are firmly attached which backs up their survey. Schaffer & A ; Emersion say that fond regard is made by the Learning Theory.

They say that all behavior is learned instead than innate. They say that we must larn to be attached because we want to instead than to last. They found that most babies had a closer bond with the health professional that showed them the most love. non whoever fed them. This backs up the acquisition theory. Bowlby came up with the evolutionary theory by looking at kids that had been separated from at that place primary health professional. The consequences showed that babies need to organize an fond regard with a sensitive period or they’ll ne’er be able to once more and will hold behavioral troubles when older. It besides showed that babies need to organize fond regards to last instead than for comfort. that fond regards are unconditioned. This backs up the evolutionary theory.

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