Effects of Cyber Harassment on Female Students at Pwani University Essay Sample


Cyber offenses are offenses that are committed against persons or groups of persons with a condemnable motivation to deliberately harm the repute of the victim or do physical or mental injury to the victim straight or indirectly. utilizing modern telecommunication webs such as Internet ( Chat suites. electronic mails. notice boards and groups ) and nomadic phones ( Wikipedia 2012 ) . Such offenses may endanger a nation’s security and fiscal stableness. Issues environing this type of offense have become high-profile. peculiarly those environing snap. cyber terrorist act. copyright violation. kid erotica. and child training. There are besides jobs of privateness when confidential information is lost or intercepted. legitimately or otherwise.

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The overall aim of the survey was to look into and document the impact of cyber torment on the female pupils of Pwani University College. The survey focused on the emotional and psychological effects of cyber torment. Primary and secondary information was used in the survey. . Sampling was done through sweet sand verbena and purposive sampling techniques. Primary information was gathered through the usage of questionnaires ( structured and unstructured ) . .

Chapter ONE

1. 1 Background to the Study
Use of internet and its attendant characteristics of namelessness have both negative and positive influences on societal facets of every society. Cyber infinite has provided secure tools and infinites where work forces and adult females can bask their freedom of look. information and privateness of communicating. The same benefits of privateness and namelessness besides extend to those who employ Information and Communication Technology ( ICTs ) to perpetrate cyber offenses such as cyber torment or cyber still hunt. The differentiation between cyber torment and cyber still hunt is really infinitesimal ; cyber still hunt is about ever characterized by the stalker unrelentingly prosecuting his or her victim online and is much more likely to include some signifier of offline onslaught ( Wikipedia. 2012 ) . This offline facet makes it a more serious state of affairs as it can easy take to unsafe physical contact if the victim’s location is known. WiseGEEK ( 2012 ) defines cyber torment as repeated. unasked. endangering behaviour by a individual or group utilizing nomadic or internet engineering with the purpose to trouble oneself. terrorize. intimidate. humiliate. endanger. harass or stalk person.

The torment can take topographic point in any electronic environment where communicating with others is possible such as on societal networking sites. on message boards. in confab suites or through electronic mail. Cyber harassers are frequently driven by retaliation. hatred. choler. green-eyed monster. compulsion or mental unwellness. The cyber harasser’s purpose is normally to scare or abash the victim. Often the cyber torment victim is simply in the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip or has made a remark or expressed an sentiment that the cyber harasser disfavors. The harasser may post remarks intended to do hurt to the victim. or do them the topic of torment by others.

They may direct a changeless watercourse of electronic mails and instant messages that are endangering or violative to the victim or a victim’s colleagues. friends and household. They may present as the victim and station violative remarks or send violative messages in their names. Often their computing machine. email reference or facebook history is broken into by the cyber harasser and taken over wholly. Self reports to Working to Halt Online Abuse ( WHOA ) between 2000 and 2008 indicate that 49. 5 % of cyber harasser’s are work forces while adult females make up 28. 5 % of cyber harasser’s. The victim is clearly the adult females. 72. 5 % of the victims were adult females while work forces accounted for 22. 0 % of the instances. That is why this research proposal concentrates on cyber torment and its effects on female pupils at Pwani University College in Kilifi County. Kenya. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem.

ICTs have provided an chance for adult females to work their capablenesss to better their quality of life every bit good as the part for the public assistance of the society. More exactly. ICTs have contributed vastly to turn toing gender inequalities. Thus cyber felons who target adult females endanger to take away this safe and unafraid infinite where adult females can show themselves and spread out their skylines due to safety concerns. Women’s part to societal economic. political and cultural development is hence limited due to fear of practical torment. maltreatment and force. The 2009 Kenya communicating amendment act focuses merely on cyber offense against belongings and non individuals and therefore this makes it hard to penalize those who use ICTs to perpetrate cyber torment. Consequently there is a demand to come up with policies to turn to cyber torment against adult females in the state but besides in universities where this offense is most rampant. Most of the old research attempts by Communication Commission of Kenya ( 2009 ) have focused on the offense against the kid. against belongings and against authorities. This work puts the adult female at the Centre of the survey.

1. 3 General Objectives of the survey:
The general aim of the survey was to look into and document the impact of cyber torment on the female pupils of Pwani University College. 1. 4 Specific aims
The survey intended to ;
1. Research how cyber harassment affects Pwani University College female pupils. 2. Investigate the prevalence of cyber torment against female pupils in Pwani University College. 3. Find out which type of cyber torment is most common. 4. Investigate how female pupils cope with cyber torment. 5. Analyze steps to turn to cyber harassment towards adult females ( what are the steps in topographic point or being developed by the university disposal ) 1. 5 Research Questions

* How does cyber harassment affect female pupils in Pwani University College emotionally and psychologically? * What is the prevalence of cyber torment against female pupils in Pwani University College? * What type of cyber torment is most common?

* How make female pupils cope with cyber torment?
* What are the current steps taken to turn to cyber torment against female pupils in Pwani University College? * What mechanisms are appropriate for turn toing cyber torment against female pupils?

1. 6 Justification
The survey will supply information that can be used for the development of cyber offense policy and regulative model that addresses cyber torment against female pupils in Pwani University College. It besides provides a platform upon which Pwani University College ( PUC ) female pupils can seek aid against their harassers. Those prosecuting in cyber offense affect and so suppress the usage of cyber infinite. Inhibiting usage through cyber offense consequences in increased operational costs occasioned by steps to extenuate the impact ( legal. administrative. fiscal. and societal ) . The result of the survey will supply a model to research a scheme to turn to menace to increased usage of the internet

Female pupils are straight affected and entree to utilize of the internet inhibited. In certain instances. female pupils are non able to pass on and hold to utilize meagre resources to extenuate societal frailty as opposed to such resources being used to heighten their academic development. The survey will besides be of involvement to the academe as it will offer footing for farther research.

1. 7 Restrictions
Finding respondents with the right information on cyber torment is envisioned to devour clip which would otherwise be used to analyze for tests. The survey merely focuses on PUC female pupils and the findings may non be relevant in other topographic points. The survey does non research the effects of cyber torment on male pupils who are besides affected by this job.

The survey merely focuses on people aged 18 and above therefore it does non look at torment of bush leagues which is rather rampant.
The research will be carried out through study design alternatively of being studied over clip.

Chapter TWO
2. 1 Introduction
Internet is the electronic medium of computing machine webs. in which on-line communicating takes topographic point. Cybercrime is any illegal activity that uses a computing machine as its primary agencies of committee. Mr. Pavan Duggal ( 2004 ) the president of cyberlaws. cyberspace and adviser clearly defined the assorted classs of cybercrime: a ) Against authorities e. g. cyber warfare which is really prevailing and a batch has been written about it because the authorities has a batch of involvement in it. B ) Against belongings e. g. ICT based systems. denial of service. degree Celsius ) Against the individual

I. Child erotica
two. Women – torment. cyber stalking
Wikipedia ( 2012 ) defines cyber torment as the usage of a computing machine or computing machine web to pass on obscene. vulgar. profane. lewd. lascivicious. or indecorous linguistic communication or do any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature or endanger any illegal or immoral act. 2. 2 Types of Cyber Harassment

These types are as defined by Anne Bamford in her schoolroom paper “Cyber Culture and Identity: Issues in Belonging. Bullying and Being for Adolescents” . 2004. University of Technology. Sydney. 1. Anonymity this is when person makes endangering remarks to you. but is able to conceal who they are. It may affect usage of assumed names or anonym. sometimes the harasser may put up a web site anonymously specifically to mortify the victim. 2. Pseudonym or assumed name is like utilizing a moniker. Harassers may name themselves a different name when they are on-line. to when they are offline. They do this to maintain their existent individuality a secret from you 3. Fire is an intense statement. that usually takes topographic point in confab suites. over instant messages or electronic mail. These harassers use capital letters. images and symbols to add emotion to their statement. In some instances harassers print out the statement otherwise so that it makes the victim expression bad to other people. 4. Cyber Stalking is a signifier of torment where the culprit unrelentingly pursues his or her victim online and the victim fears that the cyber still hunt may intensify to existent still hunt in the physical universe.

5. Excursion is the public show or forwarding of personal communications such as text messages. electronic mails or instant messaging. 6. Masquerading is an luxuriant signifier of cyber torment where the harasser pretends to be person they are non. They might make bogus email references or facebook histories or they might utilize person else’s electronic mail or nomadic phone to hassle the victim

Conceptual model
The chief variables are the culprits. the victims. the environmental factors and the scheme to turn to the frailty and its impact on the women’s appropriation of the internet.
The United States Department of Justice Statistics ( US DoJ ) ( 2010 ) reveals that some 850. 000 grownups. largely female are marks of cyber torment each twelvemonth. US DoJ statistics besides show that 40 % of adult females have experienced dating force via societal media. such as hassling text messages and upseting information about them posted on societal media sites.

Yeoju Chung of South Korea’s Kyungil University in Kate Taylor’s article “Cyber Harassment Worse than Harassment in Person” says that over a 3rd of Korean pupils have been cyber harassed at least one time over the last twelvemonth.

A study by the Kenya ICT Action Network ( 2010 ) claims usage of nomadic phones and cyberspace to stalk. maltreatment. traffic. intimidate and humiliate adult females in Kenya is rampant. The survey conducted in universities around the state by KiCTAnet ( Kenya ICT Action Network ) in 2010 revealed that 13 % of female pupils in establishments were victims of cyber onslaughts or some signifier of torment.

Cyber torment is perpetrated through societal networking sites such as facebook. MySpace. chirrup. instant messaging boards. electronic mail etc. The figure below shows informations gathered from a literature reappraisal conducted between 2000 and 2008 by Working to Halt Online Abuse ( WHOA ) on how the torment began.

Beginning WHOA ( World Wide Web. haltabuse. org )

The survey by WHOA ( 2000-2008 ) shows that 72. 5 % of cyber torment victims are adult females this shows that adult females are more vulnerable to cyber offense incidents. A study on adult females and cyber offenses in Kenya ( 2010 ) says deficiency of specific offense statute law makes it more hard to penalize those who use different ICT tools to perpetuate on-line offenses against adult females. 2. 3 Theoretical Model

Space Transition Theory ( Jaishankar 2008 ) tries to explicate the nature of individuals who commit cybercrimes. Space passage involves the motion of individuals from one infinite to another ( e. g. . from physical infinite to internet and frailty versa ) . Space passage theory argues that people behave otherwise when they move from one infinite to another. The theory argues that individuals. with pent-up condemnable behaviour ( in the physical infinite ) have a leaning to perpetrate offense in internet. which. otherwise they would non perpetrate in physical infinite. due to their position and place. Internet offers these people namelessness and therefore the pick to perpetrate cybercrime.

Chapter THREE
3. 1 Study Area
The survey was carried out in Pwani University College which is located in Kilifi County along the Mombasa-Malindi main road. Kilifi town is about 60 kilometres North of Mombasa City in Coast Province. Kilifi is located straight off the Indian Ocean. at latitude -3. 61000 and longitude 39. 85000. Harmonizing to the Commission on Revenue Allocation ( CRA ) ( 2011 ) Kilifi town has a population of 48. 826. The chief economic activities are agribusiness. touristry and fishing. The most prevailing diseases are malaria. HIV/AIDS. respiratory diseases and diarrheal diseases.

Kilifi town self-praises two third establishments. Pwani University College and Kenya Medical Training College. Pwani University College ( PUC ) is the former Kilifi Institute of Agriculture founded in 1984. Pwani University College was established as a constitutional college of Kenyatta University by a gazette order issued on 23 August. 2007. Harmonizing to the Pwani University College Strategic Plan 2010-2020. the university presently has a pupil population of about 1200. Pwani University College has four schools which all together offer nine degree programmes in the Arts. Humanities. Sciences and Education. The University has two female inns which accommodate two tierces of the female pupil population with a 3rd of the female population life in inns outside the University. PUC has an up to day of the month cyber cafe and free radio connexion to the cyberspace for pupils with laptops or wireless fidelity ( Wi-Fi ) enabled phones therefore entree to the cyberspace is easy. 3. 2 Study Population

The survey population involved all female pupils in Universities in Kenya. 3. 3 Target Population
The survey population was female pupils in Pwani University College. 3. 4
Research Design
The survey made usage of study design. This is a survey conducted on samples it involves inquiring people inquiries and acquiring replies. This design was preferred because it is speedy and easy to transport out. The information collected was both qualitative and quantitative. .

3. 5 Sampling Design
The participants of the survey were selected through sweet sand verbena and purposive sampling design. Purposive sampling is where the research worker chooses participants who she thinks has the best information on the survey subject. Snowball sampling is where the research worker picks a participant she believes has the information needed and so relies on that participant directing her to another respondent. 3. 6 Data Collection

Data was collected through questionnaires utilizing both structured and unstructured questionnaires. 3. 7 Data Analysis
The informations collected from the field was edited. coded and analyzed utilizing Statistical Package for Social Scientists ( SPSS ) . 3. 8 Ethical

The respondents’ information was treated with extreme confidentiality. The respondents were to the full informed on the purposes. methods and awaited benefits of the survey to procure their informed consent. The respondents were besides informed that their engagement was voluntary and they were at will to suspend or end their engagement whenever they deem such actions as necessary. A transcript of the study was besides made available to the respondents

Chapter FOUR
4. 1. 1 Course of survey
It is shown in Table 4. 1. 1 that 10. 0 % of the respondents were Bachelor of Nursing pupils. 10. 0 % Bachelor of Arts pupils. 13. 3 % were Environmental Science pupils. 6. 7 % Bachelor of Education Arts. 13. 3 % Bachelor of Education Science. 23. 3 % Bachelor of Science In Hospitality. The higher ( 23. 3 % ) per centum of the respondents taking Bachelor of Science in Hospitality may be due to the fact that the survey was conducted when the terminal of semester scrutinies were taking topographic point and it’s probably that other pupils might hold been taking the test when the information was being collected. Bachelor of Science Agriculture pupils comprise 16. 7 % of the respondents while Bachelor of Commerce pupils comprises 6. 7 % of the respondents.

Table 4. 1. 1 Course of Study
Course of study| Frequency| Percent|
Bachelor of Science Nursing| 3| 10. 0|
Bachelor of Arts| 3| 10. 0|
Bachelor of Environmental Science| 4| 13. 3|
Bachelor of Education Arts| 2| 6. 7|
Bachelor of instruction Science| 4| 13. 3|
Bachelor of scientific discipline Hospitality| 7| 23. 3|
Bachelor of scientific discipline Agriculture| 5| 16. 7|
Bachelor of Commerce| 2| 6. 7|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 2 Year of survey
Table 4. 1. 2 shows that bulk ( 33. 3 % ) of the respondents were 3rd old ages. while 30. 0 % . 20. 0 % and 16. 7 % were 2nd old ages. first old ages and 4th old ages severally. The 3rd old ages made up the bulk ( 33. 3 % ) of the respondents likely because most of them reside in the inns in campus.

Table 4. 1. 2 Year of survey

twelvemonth of study| Frequency| Percent|
twelvemonth one| 6| 20. 0|
twelvemonth two| 9| 30. 0|
twelvemonth three| 10| 33. 3|
twelvemonth four| 5| 16. 7|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 3 Religious association
Among the respondents. somewhat over three fifths ( 63. 3 % ) were Christians. 23. 3 % Muslims and 13. 3 % represented other faiths. Christians make up the bulk ( 63. 3 % ) of the respondents because Christianity is the major faith in Kenya.

Table 4. 1. 3 Religious Affiliation

Religious affiliation| Frequency| Percent|
Christian| 19| 63. 3|
Muslim| 7| 23. 3|
Other| 4| 13. 3|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 3 Age of respondents
All ( 100 % ) of the respondents were aged between 18 and 30 old ages this is likely because the Kenyan instruction system is geared towards the immature.

4. 1. 4 Marital position
It is shown that 36. 7 % of the respondents were in a relationship and over one half ( 56. 7 % ) were individual. The higher ( 56. 7 % ) per centum of individual female pupils could likely be due to the fact that they want to concentrate on their surveies. 6. 7 % of the respondents were non willing to unwrap such personal information.

Table 4. 1. 5 Marital position

Marital status| Frequency| Percent|
Single| 17| 56. 7|
in a relationship| 11| 36. 7|
non saying| 2| 6. 7|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 6 Access to the cyberspace
Table 4. 1. 6 shows that over three fourths ( 93. 3 % ) of the respondents had entree to the cyberspace while 6. 7 % of the respondents did non. The higher ( 93. 3 % ) per centum of entree to the cyberspace could likely be because Pwani University College has an up to day of the month cyber cafe and offers free radio fidelity ( Wi-Fi ) so entree to the cyberspace is easy.

Table 4. 1. 6 Access to the cyberspace

Entree to the internet| Frequency| Percent|
Yes| 28| 93. 3|
No| 2| 6. 7|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 7 Respondents who knew what cyber torment is
From Table 4. 1. 7. it is clear that four fifths ( 80. 0 % ) of the respondents knew what cyber torment was while merely one fifth ( 20. 0 % ) of the respondents did non cognize. The higher per centum ( 80 % ) of respondents who knew about cyber torment could likely be attributed to the fact that they are computing machine literate.

Table 4. 1. 7 Know what cyber torment is

Know what cyber harassment is| Frequency| Percent|
yes| 24| 80. 0|
no| 6| 20. 0|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 8 Victims of cyber torment
Table 4. 1. 8 shows that over four fifths ( 86. 7 % ) of the respondents admitted to being victims of cyber torment while merely 13. 3 % of the respondents were non. This determination negates a survey conducted by Kenya ICT Action Network in 2010 in Universities around the state which found that 13. 3 % of female pupils had been victims of cyber onslaughts or some signifier of torment. It besides confirms ego studies made to Working to Halt Online Abuse between 2000 and 2008 which show that 72. 5 % of cyber torment victims are female. This can be attributed to the fact that there have been major progresss in ICTs in Kenya since the laying of the fiber ocular overseas telegram. this progresss have led to an addition in the usage of the cyberspace therefore an addition in cyber torment. Table 4. 1. 8 Victims of cyber torment

Victims of cyber harassment| Frequency| Percent|
Yes| 26| 86. 7|
No| 4| 13. 3|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 8 Relationship with the harasser

Online relationship with the harasser
Majority ( 63. 3 % ) of the respondents indicated that they had an online relationship with the harasser. Of the sample. 7. 0 % of the respondents indicated that they did non hold an online relationship with the harasser while 13. 3 % of the respondents were non victims of cyber torment. The high ( 63. 3 % ) per centum of respondents with on-line relationships with the harasser could be attributed to the increasing popularity of societal networking sites such as chirrup. facebook. myspace and many others to interact with people all over the universe.

Table 4. 1. 9 Online relationship with the harasser

Online relationship with the harasser| Frequency| Percent| Yes| 19| 63. 3|
No| 7| 23. 3|
non harassed| 4| 13. 3|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 10 Offline relationship with the harasser
Findingss in Table 4. 1. 10 show that 26. 7 % of the respondents had offline relationships with the harasser while 60. 0 % of the respondents did non hold an offline relationship with harasser. Of the entire sample. 13. 3 % of the respondents were non harassed. Majority ( 60. 0 % ) of respondents did non hold offline relationships with the harassers ; this could be attributed to the fact that societal networking sites have become the modern twenty-four hours method of hammering friendly relationships and relationships.

Table 4. 1. 10 Offline relationship with the harasser Offline relationship with the harasser| Frequency| Percent| Yes| 8| 26. 7|
No| 18| 60. 0|
non harassed| 4| 13. 3|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 1. 11 Had both on-line and offline relationships with the harasser
It is shown in Table 4. 1. 11 that somewhat over two tierces ( 70. 0 % ) of the respondents did non hold both online and offline relationships with the harasser while 16. 7 % of the respondents did. This little ( 16. 7 % ) per centum of respondents who had both on-line and offline relationships with the harasser could likely be attributed to the fact that modern twenty-four hours friendly relationships are formed on-line as shown in Table 4. 1. 9 where 63. 3 % of the respondents said they knew their harassers online.

It is clear besides in Table 4. 1. 11 that 13. 3 % of the respondents were non victims of cyber torment.

Table 4. 1. 11 Both online and offline relationships with the harasser

Offline and on-line relationship with the harasser| Frequency| Percent| Yes| 5| 16. 7|
No| 21| 70. 0|
non harassed| 4| 13. 3|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

Discussion of the findings on the relationship with the harassers This findings show that 73. 3 % of the respondents knew the culprits of the torment in the physical infinite or cyber infinite or both. These findings confirm a survey conducted by WHOA ( 2000-2008 ) which revealed that about 75 % of the victims knew the culprits in a manner.

4. 1. 12 How the culprits got the victims inside informations

The respondents to the questionnaires had assorted thoughts of how the culprits got their inside informations.
Over one one-fourth ( 26. 7 % ) of the respondents believed that the culprits got their inside informations from common friends while 16. 7 % of the respondents believed that the culprits hacked their email histories. Of the sample. 13. 3 % did non cognize where the culprits got their personal inside informations while 10. 0 % said that the culprits called a random figure heard a female voice so kept on naming even after repeated efforts to deter them.

However. 13. 3 % of the respondents were non harassed while one fifth ( 20. 0 % ) of the respondents believe the culprits got their inside informations from facebook

Table 4. 1. 12 How the culprit got their inside informations

How the culprits got their details| Frequency| Percent| hacked email account| 5| 16. 7|
from friends| 8| 26. 7|
don’t know| 4| 13. 3|
he called a random figure heard a female voice so continue| 3| 10. 0| non harassed| 4| 13. 3|
Facebook| 6| 20. 0|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 2. 0 Sexual activity of the harasser
Table 4. 2. 0 shows that over three fifths ( 63. 3 % ) of the respondents said that harassers were male while merely somewhat over one fifth ( 23. 3 % ) of the respondents said that the harassers were female. These findings negate ego studies made to WHOA ( 2000-2008 ) that indicated that 49. 5 % of the cyber harassers were male while adult females made up 28. 5 % of the cyber harassers. This could be attributed to the fact that since 2008 there have been more developments in the ICT sector.

Table 4. 2. 0 Sexual activity of the harasser

Sexual activity of the harasser| Frequency| Percent|
Male| 19| 63. 3|
Female| 7| 23. 3|
non harassed| 4| 13. 3|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 2. 1 Respondents who knew why they were being harassed
An equal ( 43. 3 % ) figure of respondents knew why they were being harassed while the other did non hold any thought why they were being harassed. On one manus. the 43. 3 % of the respondents who knew why they were being harassed could be attributed to the fact that they likely knew the culprits of the torment and they may hold done something to rag them or they might hold had a falling out. On the other manus. the 43. 3 % of the respondents who did non cognize why they were being harassed could be attributed to the fact that they were likely in the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip. Table 4. 2. 1 why they were being harassed

Why they were being harassed| Frequency| Percent|
Yes| 13| 43. 3|
No| 13| 43. 3|
non harassed| 4| 13. 3|
Total| 30| 100. 0|

4. 2. 2 Explanation why the respondents believed they were being harassed Slightly over two fifths ( 43. 3 % ) of the respondents did non cognize why they were being harassed this could be attributed to the fact that bulk of torment victims are merely normally in the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip. It could besides be attributed to the fact that cyber infinite offers namelessness therefore the victims don’t cognize who is hassling them and therefore the ground behind the torment. Of the sample 13. 3 % of the respondents said that the harassers accused them of messing with their work forces. Further 16. 7 % of the respondents said that they had refused the culprits progresss therefore they resorted to harassment to vent their choler. While 6. 7 % of the respondents asked the harassers why they were hassling them but they refused to give them an reply. However 6. 7 % of the respondents believed that they were being harassed because of a statement they had made online. These findings confirm the study by WiseGeek ( 2012 ) which says that cyber harassers are frequently driven by retaliation. hatred. choler. green-eyed monster. compulsion or mental unwellness it further says that a cyber harasser’s purpose is normally to scare or abash the victim. Often the cyber torment victim is simply in the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip or has made a remark or expressed an sentiment that the cyber harasser disfavors.
