Employee Satisfaction Toward on-Site Child Care Centre Essay Sample

Although recent surveies show a important bead in the extent to which adult females leave the labour force to bear kids ( Desai & A ; Waite. 1991 ; Waite. Haggstrom. & A ; Kanouse. 1985 ) . kid attention duties continue to exercise a important influence on women’s labour force continuity.

Numerous societal and demographic alterations in the work force include increased women’s labour force engagement. the ripening of the work force. delayed childbirth. and the increased figure of dual-earner twosomes ( Moen. Robinson. & A ; Fields. 1994 ) . ensuing in profound alterations in the figure and sorts of household functions that employee’s occupy ( e. g. . partner. parent. and/or health professional to aging grownups ) .

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Recently. many child attention centre are being implemented by employer at the workplace because many parents are busy with their occupations so there is no clip to take attention of their kids. About 500 home-based and 26 community-based child care Centres have been set up countrywide under an enterprise by Ministry of Women. Family and Community Development. Jointly. these Centres can take in 5. 200 kids. The ministry. together with the Association of Registered Childcare Providers Malaysia. had trained 2. 300 adult females on basic child care so that they could get down their ain home-based services. Sixteen of 25 ministries and at least 140 public and statutory organic structures had besides set up their ain day care Centres.

Since 1990. women’s engagement in the work force had hovered at 44 to 47 per cent. as opposed to men’s 87 per cent engagement. Harmonizing to the Human Resources Ministry. Malaysia has an untapped latent work force of 1. 2 to 1. 6 million in adult females. A survey by the National Population and Family Development Board five old ages ago showed that more than half of the adult females who quit their occupations cited child care as the ground ( New Straights Times ) .

Therefore. parents need child attention centre as a topographic point of attention for their kids. In add-on. kid attention centre is an chance for adult females who have non had a occupation working in kid attention centre because largely child attention halfway workers required adult females. Employees who are satisfied with their work environments are assumed to be more trueness to the organisation better than those who are less satisfied. Lau and May ( 1998 ) indicated that companies. which are able to heighten the quality of work environments for members. bask strong growing and profitableness and derive an advantage in their recruiting and keeping. Excessive employee turnover rate is damaging to organisations. It is related to direct and indirect costs ; it affects morale. productiveness. repute. and endurance of the organisations ( Hinkin & A ; Tracey. 2000 ) .

Problem statement

By Fraenkel et Al. ( 1988 ) the instance surveies is the job that caused a research worker wants to analyze. Therefore. the research we have done this in bend can cut down the confusion and cut downing the jobs associated with the quality with satisfaction kid attention centre and turnover purpose.

From what is stated above. the jobs that we want to analyze is the relationship between satisfaction with the quality of on-site kid attention centre and turnover purpose. However. the job in this survey is that deficiency of a research in which to acquire associated with our research subject. Although the media has been intrigued by rearing in the workplace patterns and top newspapers have featured articles about parents who bring their kids to work. such agreements have had small systematic survey ( Mary Secret. 2005 ) . While there is an extended literature analysing women’s engagement in the labour force and the type of kid attention selected by parents in the United States. small is known about parental pick of on-site centre attention. This is non surprising because most surveies make usage of cross-sectional household-level informations sets and the incidence of on-site centre usage is still little ( Rachel Connelly. Deborah S. Degraff and Rachel Willis. 2002 ) . Besides that. there is besides small research that examined the impact of work-family civilization on employees’ attitudes and behaviours. Although old surveies have found the execution of workplace supports to be associated with positive results. research has besides demonstrated that an unsupportive organisational civilization may sabotage the effectivity of such plans ( Thompson. Thomas. & A ; Maier. 1992 ) .

Recently. turnover purpose is a important issue in the organisation. However. small attending has been given on relationship between satisfaction with kid attention centre and turnover purpose. In add-on. the relationship between satisfaction with kid attention centre and turnover purpose has still received lesser attending among Malayan bookmans. Hence this survey investigates the relationship between satisfaction with kid attention centre and turnover purpose in the Malayan context.

Objective research

The aim is the way to steer this survey. The aim is really of import in guaranting that we obtain informations as needed. It besides can be used to mensurate whether our findings related or non. Without aims. the survey can non be done. Similarly. if the nonsubjective informations and analysis are non similar. so the survey will be carried out is doomed to failure.

The intent of this research is to analyze the relationship between employee`s satisfaction with the quality of on-site kid attention centre and employee turnover purpose.

The specific aims of this survey are:

I. To find on-site kid attention centre provided by the organisation.

II. To depict the degree of satisfaction with the quality of on-site kid attention centre and turnover purpose.

III. To find the relationship between employees’ satisfaction with the quality of on-site kid attention centre and employees’ turnover purpose.

IV. To explicate the challenges faced by organisations supplying on-site kid attention centre.

Research involvements

This survey is of import because we can turn out that on-site kid attention centre is necessary for employees and the organisations itself. In add-on. this survey can be a guideline for organisations to make a new policy to supply an on-site kid attention centre.

Restriction of the survey

In order to obtain information and information for this survey. there are figure of survey restrictions. The first is. English linguistic communication barrier. We have troubles to talk in English with The Chairman of Ayu Manja Soleha Child Care Center as we are non prepared for it. For the 2nd kid attention which is Electrisola Child Care Center. it is located far off from University Putra Malaysia. We do non cognize the precisely location of this kid attention centre. so. it takes longer clip for us to happen the exact topographic point. We besides lost during seeking for the location of this topographic point. On the other manus. it is dearly-won for us as a pupil.

Second restriction is the questionnaires are non to the full return to us. We merely acquire 20 out of 70 questionnaires. We have to travel to the kid attention centre a few times in order to acquire at least 50 questionnaires. But. due to some miscommunication between us and the kid attention supervisor. we can non acquire the remainder of the questionnaires due to the less commitment by the parents.

Third restriction is fiscal jobs. We have to utilize our ain money to run off excess 20 questionnaires. The other restrictions is merely two companies were represented. therefore the findings may non generalise to other companies. The last restriction is. it is hard for us to happen for the diary beginnings to be used as mentions and guidelines.

Operational definition

An operational definition identifies one or more specific discernible conditions or events and so tells the research worker how to mensurate that event. Typically. there are several operational definition possibilities for variables and values. The operation chosen will frequently hold an immediate impact on the class of the research. particularly the findings. This definition is a specific definition that can mensurate the belongingss or a variable.

Operational definition is a large influence in research. The definition of operations that we have studied is:

1 ) Employee turnover purpose focused on go forthing the organisation by employees.

2 ) On-site kid attention centre focused on flexibleness of agreements. kid attention centre service. installations provided. kid attention worker ratio. compatible location and monthly fee.

Chapter II


Literature reappraisal

Due to the addition of work burden among employees. an rating is made of the grounds back uping claims that employer-sponsored kid attention plans improve employee work behaviours and attitudes. On-site kid attention centre is non merely for employed female parents. it can besides be helpful to use male parents every bit good. In Malaysia. this on-site kid attention centre is still being considered to be implemented.

Workplace and employee study ( WES ) defines. employer offered kid attention support refers to assist through an on-site kid attention centre. aid with external providers or aid with informal agreements. Harmonizing to Neal. Chapman. Ingersoll-Dayton. and Emlen ( 1993 ) . there are three general types of workplace supports and kid attention centre is one of the services that are provided straight by or through the employer that address an employee’s specific demand. Rachel Connelly states that on-site kid attention centre is a kid attention centre located at either parent’s topographic point of employment. While the figure of on-site centres is little comparative to the figure entire Numberss of households utilizing kid attention during working hours. Malaysia nowadays promote employer-sponsored kid attention centre at workplace.

Handiness of workplace supports is frequently related to Social Exchange Theory. Harmonizing to Thomas & A ; Thomas ( 1990 ) . aid with kid attention can increase productiveness and employee morale and cut down turnover. absenteeism and accident rates. Furthermore. Sinclair. Hannigan and Tetrick ( 1995 ) used societal exchange theory to explicate the relationship between handiness of family-friendly supports and positive job-related attitudes. speculating that organisations and their employees are involve in a commitment exchange and. perfectly this exchange will act upon their behaviour and attitude. Perceive supportive work-family civilization is a constituent of sensed organisational support which has been related to organisational committedness ( Eisenberger. Fasolo & A ; Davis-LaMastro. 1990 ; Shore and Tetrick. 1991 ) . Employees will hold a more positive attitude toward the organisation if they view their organisation involved in a positive societal exchange. Harmonizing to Sinclair ( 1995 ) . there are positive relationship between handiness of workplace supports and occupation attitudes such as lower purposes to go forth by employees. affectional committedness and perceived organisational support.

Figure 1: Proposed theoretical account of On-site Child Care Center.

From the proposed theoretical account of on-site kid attention centre above. it can be seen that. when employer sponsored kid attention centre at the workplace. it can cut down turnover. absenteeism and accident rates but it can besides increase employees productiveness and their morale. where their employees go more committed to the organisation and work.

Hypothesis 1: When employees satisfied with on-site kid attention centre. it will cut down turnover purpose.

Hypothesis 2: There is strong relationship between satisfaction with quality of on-site kid attention and turnover purpose.

Previous research has found that policies initiates to assist employees run into household duties had the desired impact on the organisation itself. but have non needfully had the desired result on work-family struggle ( Kossek & A ; Ozeki. 1998 ) . We can besides distinguish among between movers and stayers among employed female parents with factors of workplace supports and kid attention satisfaction. We make a hypothesis that purposes to go forth by employees are related to handiness of on-site kid attention centre.

Chapter III


Research design

Research design is used to construction the research. to demo how all of the major parts of the research undertaking including the samples or groups. steps. interventions or plans. and methods of assignments. It is besides work together to seek to turn to the cardinal research inquiries. For this research. design that been used is quantitative. By utilizing quantitative research its buttocks the impact of these variables on an result ( John W. Creswell. 2008 ) .

Research location

Our group research location is at Ayu Manja Soleha Child Care Center which is located at Ministry of Education. Putrajaya. And another research is at Electrisola Child Care Center where are located at Kampung Janda Baik. Bentong Pahang.

Population and sampling

Population is the group of persons holding one characteristic that distinguishes them from other groups. The population of this research including 70 people of parents who are sent their kids to the kid attention centre. Sample is the group of participants in a survey selected from the mark population from which the research worker generalizes to the mark populations. Sample for this research is 20 people that have been chosen by convenience sampling. This type of sampling is a type of non chance trying which involves the sample being drawn from that portion of the population which is close to manus. That is. a sample population selected because it is readily available and convenient. It may be through run intoing the individual or including a individual in the sample when one meets them or chosen by happening them through technological agencies such as the cyberspace or through phone. This research utilizing such a sample can non scientifically do generalisations about the entire population from this sample because it would non be representative plenty.

Research instrument

Research instrument in this research can explicate specifically about measuring of each research variables. For variable quality of child care it contain 15 points and the instrument is by A. C Emlen. P. E Koren. and K. Schultze ( 2000 ) based from their survey of rubric A package of graduated tables for mensurating quality of kid attention from a parent’s point of position with sum-up of method and findings. For variables of turnover purpose. the instruments contain 4 points by M. Picard-Lessard ( 1995 ) and his survey rubrics. The function of on-site day care in assisting parents balance work and household duties. For the quality of kid attention centre that contain 15 points was rated on a 1 to 5 graduated table with 1 = “strongly agree” . 2 = “disagree” . 3 =”slightly agree” . 4 = “agree” . 5 = “strongly disagree. ” For variable bend over purpose. there were 4 point where rated same with quality of kid attention centre and last points were reverse coded as needed so that higher tonss reflected higher understanding.

Methods of informations aggregation

We are utilizing assortment informations aggregations for this research and they are administering questionnaire and face to confront interview. A questionnaire is a research instrument dwelling of a series of inquiries and other prompts for the intent of garnering information from respondents. The questionnaire was invented by Sir Francis Galton. Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of studies in that they are inexpensive. make non necessitate as much attempt from the inquirer as verbal or telephone studies. and frequently have standardized replies that make it simple to roll up informations. However. such standardised replies may thwart users. Questionnaires are besides aggressively limited by the fact that respondents must be able to read the inquiries and respond to them. Committedness from respondents is of import to reply all the inquiries. Level of measuring can split into four degrees which are nominal. ordinal. interval and ratio. Skala likert are utilizing to place respond to the research topic. An interview is a conversation between two or more people ( the interviewer and the interviewee ) where inquiries are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. In this research. we had interview the supervisor of the kid attention centre to acquire more information about the kid attention centre and the parents who are sent their kid to this kid attention centre.

Data analyze

Quantitative analyze informations including computer science or inputs from questionnaire which are insert to certain package. Data analyze must run into all the aims which have been identified. This analysing procedure is of import because it can work out job for research. Based on research design have been stated earlier. this research is quantitative research where we are utilizing SPSS package version 18. 0 to run all the information. Type of statistics for this research is descriptive analysis where it analyzes average & A ; standard divergence ( interval & A ; ratio graduated table ) and frequence ( nominal & A ; ordinal graduated table ) . We besides used bivariate descriptive statistic which including Pearson Product Moment Correlations trial. Bivariate analysis is to analyze the relationship or association between two braces of variables ( X and Y ) . Pearson Product Moment Correlation to step of the additive relationship between two or more variables to bespeak the strength or magnitude of the relation and the way ( positive or negative ) of the relationship.

Chapter IV


Research aim

The intent of this research is to analyze the relationship between employee`s satisfaction with the quality of on-site kid attention centre and employee turnover purpose.

The specific aims of this survey are:

I. To find on-site kid attention centre provided by organisation.

II. To depict the degree of satisfaction with quality of on-site kid attention centre and turnover purpose.

III. To find the relationship between employees’ satisfaction with the quality of on-site kid attention centre and employees’ turnover purpose. IV. To explicate the challenges faced by organisations supplying on-site kid attention centre.

Based from the tabular array 1. it show that sum of respondent is 20 people of parents who are sent their kids to the Ayu Manja Solehah Child Care Center which are 16. 7 % of them is male and 70. 4 % is female. Largely. mean age of respondent is 31 old ages below with the highest per centum of 48. 1 % . It followed by 16. 7 % where the age of respondent between 32-38 and respondent who are ages 39 old ages and supra have the per centum of 11. 1 % . The mean of age is 31. 83 and standard divergence is 5. 48.

Following. bulk of respondent are consist of parent who are married with 85. 2 % and their race is Malay where the per centum is 87 % . The highest degree of instruction from the respondent is SPM/MCE/ O-Level with per centum of 38. 9 % . Second highest is diploma with per centum of 20. 4 % . Next. the per centum of parent who is degree of instruction of unmarried man grade is 14. 8 % . Then the per centum of 5. 6 % is parents who are degree in STPM/HSC/A – Level. But there is a same per centum between parent who are their degree of instruction Phd/Master Degree and PMR/SRP where the per centum is 3. 7 % . And the lowest of per centum is 1. 9 % for respondent who are level in others.

The highest per centum of entire household income per month is 29. 6 % where the sum is below than RM1. 000 until RM2. 500. Next is 24. 1 % with the sum more than RM2. 500 until RM 4. 500. It follow with sum of RM 1. 000 below with the per centum of 18. 5 % . Next the per centum is 11. 1 % where the sum is below than RM4. 500 until RM6. 500. And the lowest of entire household income per month is below than RM 6. 500 with the per centum of 3. 7 % .

The highest degree of employment position is others with per centum of 38. 9 % . It follow with executive where the per centum is 13 % . But there is same per centums between parent who are their position are supervisor and non-management where the per centum is 11. 1 % . And the lowest of per centum is 3. 7 % for respondent who are director in that organisation. The mean for old ages of services is 9. 13 and the standard divergence is 3. 49.

The highest per centum for old ages of service group class is 25. 9 % where the old ages between 6 until 9. There is a same per centum of 20. 4 % where the group between 3 until 6 old ages and 10 until 13 old ages. The lowest per centum is 16. 7 % for the old ages of group between 13 until 16 old ages. The mean of figure kids sent to the kid attention centre is 1. 51 and the standard divergence is 0. 63. The mean for scope of clip parents used kid attention centre is 2. 17 and the standard divergence is 1. 03. and the mean for kid attention fee is 154. 13 and the standard divergence is 46. 69.
