Evaluation System Essay Sample

From twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours procedure. everyone seeks for flawlessness. everyone is a justice. Everything must be standardized. from the biggest things down to the smallest 1s. particularly in the eyes of a critic. Harmonizing to Trochim ( 2006 ) . rating is the systematic appraisal of the worth or virtue of some object. And as defined by Hall ( 2012 ) . rating is the procedure of consistently measuring the design. execution and impact of plans. policies or undertakings. With these definitions. the advocates have defined rating as a procedure of knocking and measuring the maps and public presentation of a peculiar event or object to supply a good feedback. Evaluation procedure is so a aid in bettering and heightening a public presentation. It is normally done through the usage of pen and an reply sheet. But due to the invasion of high engineering. people have lifted up some procedure from the manual processs to computerized 1s. and there came the computerized rating system. This technological promotion will be a large aid because it process informations more accurately and rapidly. It takes topographic point in different countries. like in some colleges. instructors are being evaluated by the pupils harmonizing to their public presentation. Yet. Rogationist College still implements the manual rating procedure.

Rogationist College consists of a moderate figure of pupils enrolled should see exchanging from the manual rating procedure to computerise rating procedure. With its population. actioning for manual rating will decidedly devour so much clip. Students are ought to measure all of their teachers. therefore. capable treatments are being interrupted merely to give manner for the rating. And the HRDM Department besides has a difficult clip of acquiring the consequence of the rating because they have to match everything manually. The establishment has besides allotted fund for the documents and publishing for these rating sheets.

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To give solution to the stated jobs. the advocates will develop the
Computerized Teacher’s Evaluation System for College Department in Rogationist College.

Aims of the Study
The general aim of the survey is to develop a Computerized Teachers’ Evaluation System for College Department in Rogationist College.
Specifically. it aims:
1 ) To develop a system capable of measuring. hive awaying and publishing the consequence of the rating. 2 ) To develop a system that will supply database as storage of records of the rating. 3 ) To measure the public presentation of the proposed system. 4 ) To supply a user certification.

5 ) To develop a system that will capable of assisting the client decreasing the clip of manual rating procedure. 6 ) To develop a system that will capable of assisting the client procuring the individuality of the judges. 7 ) To develop a system that is user friendly and harass free to fulfill the judges.

Scope and Restrictions

The Teachers’ Evaluation System for College Department is a system that will be capable of managing information gathered from the rating. The rating is based on the clip of the topic of the professor that will be evaluated and it will be conducted in the Rogationist College Computer Laboratory. In add-on. it will be capable of working in a web environment. It will necessitate a watchword for the confidentiality of individuality of the judges. It will besides publish the consequence of the rating. The development of the system is bounded during the 2nd semester of the school twelvemonth 2011-2012. The system will be used by the college pupils and the human resources section of Rogationist College. It will be the system’s intent to avoid/solve the long period of clip spent during the manual procedure of rating. It will have a clear position of information and a user-friendly interface for easy pilotage. The system will be created utilizing the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Enterprise Edition for the user interface. the front-end. Adobe Photoshop CS5 for the artworks sweetening and MySQL as the database. However. the system will non be capable of ranking the instructors from highest to lowest harmonizing to their leaden norm. And it is non besides accessible on the web.

Significance of the Study
This system will be a important enterprise in puting up the teachers’ rating procedure into a higher and more efficient manner in the Rogationist College. This system will besides be good to the pupils. teachers. school disposal and the Human Resources Department of the said establishment. Students will be able to measure their several teachers harmonizing to their public presentation in learning the topic the faster manner and hassle free. On the other manus. the system will be able to bring forth the end product of the rating more efficient and faster. so that the teachers will be able to calculate out the consequence of the rating right off. This system will besides supply the school disposal soft transcripts of the rating consequence of every professor. therefore the school disposal will be able to salvage financess intended to be used in the printing intents of the manual rating procedure. Besides of salvaging financess. it is besides ecological friendly. The Human Resources Department will profit most of this system because there will be lesser usage of adult male power and clip.

Chapter 2
This chapter shows the conceptual theoretical account of the survey and the operational definition of footings. Conceptual Model of the Study

System Analysis
•Requirement analysis
•Requirement definition
System Design
•Context Flow Diagram
System Development
•Waterfall method
System Testing

Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study

The Figure 1 shows the Conceptual Model of the Study. It is composed of three of import blocks: input demands. procedure involved and the end product.

The input block is composed of Knowledge demands. Software demands and Hardware demands that are needed in order to carry through the procedure involved and so come up with the end product. Knowledge demands include the Evaluation System. Rogationist College Evaluation System. Database Management System and System Analysis and Design. The system requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 for doing the system design and MySQL for the database. It besides requires a personal computing machine with at least 1 GB memory and a Pentium IV processor.

The procedure block is chiefly composed of System Analysis. System Design. System Development and System Testing. The System Analysis includes Requirement Analysis and Requirement Definition. The System Design includes the Context Flow Diagram. which shows the direct users of the system. The System Development shows the methodological analysis used in the development of the system. And the System Testing will look into the efficiency. effectivity and truth of the system.

The end product block includes the developed and finished system. the Computerized Teacher’s Evaluation System for College Department.

To prove the functionality. efficiency and to garner feedbacks from the users of the system. the rating of the system will besides be conducted.

Operational Definition of Footings
• Computer-based Evaluation System- automated rating procedure utilizing high engineering ( computing machine ) . • Evaluation System- system used to measure one’s public presentation. • Database- aggregation of comparative information or information. • Front-end- refers to the user interface seeable to the users ( physical design of the system ) . • Human Resources Department- group of people in charge of pull offing the human resources in the establishment. • Manual Evaluation Process- procedure of measuring utilizing pen and a questionnaire ( paper-based ) . • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010- linguistic communication used in making the design of the system. • MySQL- package demand for the database of the system. • Proponents- people involved in making and developing the system. • System- used to execute a certain undertaking faster and easier.

Chapter 3
This chapter shows undertaking design. undertaking development. and diagrams used in the development of the system.
Undertaking Design
This shows the design which will be used during the design stage of the development of Rogationist College Computerized Teachers Evaluation System. [ movie ]
Figure 2. Context Flow Diagram
Figure 2. Context Flow Diagram shows the direct users of the system. First. the HRDM Department. they have to input a verified watchword to entree the system. In return. they can entree records on the rating procedure. Second. pupils have to input verified username and watchword to be able to measure their several professors.

Undertaking Development
This shows the Waterfall Methodology. Database Design. Data Flow Diagram. Database Relational Diagram and the Entity Relationship Diagram. System Development Methodology

Figure 3. Waterfall Methodology
Figure 3. Waterfall Methodology shows the 6 stages of System Development Life Cycle ( SDLC ) that will be used in developing the system. Once a stage of development is completed. the development returns to the following stage. The six stages are explained as follows: Planning and Analysis Phase. The advocates were tasked to make a system that will fiddle the bing job in rating processs in Rogationist College. The advocates foremost determined the cause of the job which is the much clip wasted in the manual rating procedure. and so come up to its solution. the computerized rating system.

To garner relevant informations needed in the development of the system. the advocates interviewed the section apt to the information needed. the Human Resources Department. From the gathered information. the advocates had come up to the base plans or design of the system. Design Phase. This stage doesn’t merely care about the physical design but besides the logical design of the system. From the demands of the system given by the HR section. the advocates so formulated procedures on how the system will flux. They besides made certain that the system interfaces are easy to voyage. neat and simple and user-friendly characteristics. Certain charts and diagrams were besides made to assist understand how the system will work.

Data Flow Diagram
The Data Flow Diagram shows the overall flow of the informations processed by the system. It besides shows the input and end product of each procedure.

Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram ( Server )

Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram ( Server ) presents the server procedure of the Computerized Teacher Evaluation System. The decision maker has to log in to the system through a verified watchword from the user tabular array. If an entry is to be added to the profile. its information will be stored in profile tabular array. Updating and redacting professor information are besides included in this procedure. For puting up the professor to be evaluated. the decision maker will take from the list of professor gathered from the profile tabular array and the decision maker will besides put the subdivision. who will measure the professor. The selected professor and subdivision will appears in the rating signifier during the rating procedure ( client manner ) . For bring forthing studies. the decision maker will hold to seek the professor. The chosen professor’s records gathered from the rating will so look. These records are viewable and printable if desired.

Figure 5. Data Flow Diagram ( Client )
Figure 5. Data Flow Diagram ( Client ) presents the client procedure of the Computerized Teacher Evaluation System. The client will hold to log in to the system through a verified username and watchword from the user tabular array. The client will make full up the rating signifier and give remarks or suggestions to the professor who is being evaluated. Then a message box will look to denote that the client had successfully done in the rating procedure. After the rating the gathered informations will be stored in the rating tabular array automatically.

Database Design
This shows the database design. the list of tabular arraies which will be used in the database direction. Table 1. user tabular array
|Field Name |Data Type |Size |Description | |admin_password |varchar |50 |Determines the watchword of the decision maker | |client_login |varchar |50 |Determines the username of the client | |client_password |varchar |50 |Determines the watchword of the client |

Table 1. user tabular array. shows the admin_password. client_login and client_password. This tabular array will be used for hive awaying the inside informations of the user’s history. Table 2. rating table |Field Name |Data Type |Size |Description | |knowledge_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the concluding consequence of cognition | |communication_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the concluding consequence of communicating accomplishment | |teachingskills_fresult |Varchar |100|Determines the concluding consequence of learning accomplishments | |classroommngt_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the concluding consequence of schoolroom direction | |evaluationskill_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the concluding consequence of rating accomplishment | |attitude_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the concluding consequence of attitude | |comments |Varchar |100 |Determines the gathered remarks or suggestion |

Table 2. rating tabular array. will be used for hive awaying information gathered from the rating. Table 3. profile tabular array
|Field Name |Data Type |Size |Description | |faculty_id |varchar |100 |Determines the module Idaho | |lname |varchar |100 |Determines the last name of the professor | |fname |varchar |100 |Determines the first name of the professor | |mname |varchar |100 |Determines the in-between name of the professor | |department |varchar |100 |Determines the section of the professor | |subject |varchar |100 |Determines the topic he/she Teach |

Table 3. profile tabular array. shows the module Idaho. full name. section and topic of the professor.

Database Relational Diagram
The Database Relational Diagram shows the relationship between the tabular arraies in the database design. [ movie ]
Figure 6. Relational Diagram
Figure 6. Relational Diagram presents the relationships of the tabular arraies for the database to be used in the Rogationist College Computerized Teacher’s Evaluation System. The table rating has its field name client_login as its primary key and faculty_id its foreign key to entree tabular array profile. Table user has admin_password as its primary key and client_login its foreign key to entree table rating. Table profile has faculty_id as its primary key and admin_password its foreign key to entree both tabular array.

Entity Relationship Diagram
This shows the entity relationship between the different entities in the system.

Figure 7. Entity relationship Diagram
Figure 7. Entity Relationship Diagram shows the relationship between the different entities in the system. The bluish parts pertain to the decision maker of the system. while the ruddy 1s are the users ( pupils ) of the system. An Admin verifies a Password. This means an Admin verifies merely 1 Password. An Admin can see many Results. This means an Admin can see many Results. Many Student evaluates many Professor. Each Student sends many Results. A Student verifies 1 Password. This means every Student verifies merely 1 Password.

Development Phase. In this stage. programs and thoughts from the old stages will be put into action. The system will be developed via Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 for the system signifiers and layouts. To back up storage for information gathered. the advocates will be utilizing MySQL as its database. And to add some art to the system. they besides used Adobe Photoshop CS5 for the artworks sweetenings. Network Diagram

This shows the web diagram that will be used in the development of the system.
Figure 8. Network Diagram
Figure 8. Network diagram shows how computing machines will be connected to the waiter. The computing machines will be utilizing leading topology wherein all nodes are connected to one cardinal connexion point ( hub ) that routes all informations passing in the web. Testing and Evaluation Phase. To prove the efficiency and effectivity of the developed system. it will undergo through proving and rating sing the FURPS ( Functionality. Usability. Reliability. Performance and Supportability ) . to guarantee that the system will be capable of fulfilling its client’s demands. Implementation Phase. The developed system will be implemented in Rogationist College specifically in the College Department. The system will be given to the client after running the concluding testing. Maintenance Phase. When the developed system has been given to its client. it will be the HRDM Department’s duty to keep the system and to repair jobs that will be encountered in the system. Operational and Testing Procedure

The undermentioned stairss will be conducted by the advocates in order to prove the system’s functionality: 1. The needed package of the system will be installed on the computing machine in HRDM Department Office.

2. The system uses the networking design STAR topology to link the waiter to its clients.

3. Ten per centum ( 10 % ) of the entire population of Rogationist College. college pupils will be indiscriminately selected to measure and prove the system.

Evaluation Procedure

Preliminary Evaluation
The advocates will be utilizing a set of inquiries to be answered by the advocates of the system. These inquiries aim to prove the system’s functionality of tools. absence of failure. efficiency of public presentation. truth and user friendliness. The inquiries are listed as follows: A. Server

a. Does the system truly automatize the manual rating procedure in Rogationist College Department? B. Is the system capable of adding. redacting. canceling. updating and hive awaying the information of professor and figure of the pupil who will be measuring? c. Does the system
supply accurate end product consequences?

d. Is the system user friendly?
e. Does the system lessen the financess. clip and work of the HRDM Department Faculty and Staff?

B. Client
a. Does the system truly automatize the manual rating procedure in Rogationist College Department?
B. Is the system user friendly?
c. Does the system secure the individuality of the judge?

Concluding Evaluation
The proposed system will be evaluated by the 10 % of the entire population of the Rogationist College. college pupils that were indiscriminately selected. They evaluated the systems public presentation in the existent presentation in footings of its functionality. absence of failure. efficiency of public presentation. truth and user friendliness. Remarks and suggestions were besides considered as it may assist for the farther sweetening and betterment of the system. Evaluation Materials

To measure the system accurately. the advocates made usage of the FURPS theoretical account ( Functionality. Usability. Reliability. Performance and Supportability ) . a. Functionality. It refers to the capableness of the system to supply appropriate set of maps to run a specific undertaking and procure its informations to unauthorised entree. b. Usability. Refers to the consistence of the maps of the system and the attraction of its interfaces. c. Reliability. It refers to the capableness of the system to avoid failure and keep a specified degree of public presentation. d. Performance. Refers to the capableness of the system to treat informations and information expeditiously and rapidly. e. Supportability- It refers to the capableness of the system to accommodate and to be installed in a specified environment.
