Final Examination Essay Sample

Question 1
What are minimum groups? How does group rank lead to bias and favoritism? Minimal groups are little assembly of people that are considered together. These people portion common involvement. beliefs and political ends. Group rank leads to prejudice because people discriminate against them merely because they are a portion of the group. Most groups are singled out and look to be different is another ground they are discriminated against. For illustration. a group of males that hang out and look soft would be considered a group of homophiles. Others would know apart and move bias toward them because they seem different.

Question 2
What is modern racism. and how is it studied?
Modern racism is when person from the exterior shows no mark of bias but inside uphold bias attitudes. The modern racism is a signifier a racism that is delusory in the eyes of people. Most people tend to conceal behind this type of racism more toward the inner feeling than the outer feeling. This type of racism is most likely in in-between and affluent category people in today’s society. Psychologist utilizing reticent steps such as a fake grapevine and paper questionnaires treats modern racism. These research surveies are used to acquire student responses on their true feelings on bias. The fake grapevine survey seems to be the more accurate survey.

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Questions 3
What is stereotype menace. and what are the effects of stereotype menace? Be certain to supply an illustration to exemplify your point. Stereotype menace is when different people of different races believe their behaviour or public presentation may impact their civilization. A effect of stereotype menace is minorities in college or high professional occupations. These pupils or professionals believe if they fail or show hapless public presentations in their field they will do a bad feeling on their race or civilization. They believe that if they are non successful at what they do society will experience no 1 in that race could be successful.

Questions 4
Compare and contrast procedural justness and the disincentive theory as accounts for why people obey the jurisprudence. When a individual is faced with the disincentive theory and procedural justness. they will believe before doing an illegal determination. In procedural justness. a individual is concern if the offense they are charged with is just. A individual will be concern with if they are guiltless or guilty of the offense that they are charged with. The disincentive theory is a individual will believe before perpetrating a offense because of the terrible punishment for perpetrating the offense. In the disincentive theory. a individual will be more likely non to perpetrate the offense because of the terrible legal punishments once the offense has been committed. The disincentive theory is a definite ground for why people obey the jurisprudence ; no 1 wants to travel to imprison. Knowledge of penalty for a offense will do a individual thing before they take a opportunity to make something illegal. Questions 5

Sum up the cured memory argument and research. Should we believe a individual who comes frontward with a cured memory? Recovered memory is remembrance of a past event that has been forgotten or repressed. most likely sexual maltreatment experience. Most people will hold repressed the memories because they do non desire to retrieve because of the calamity of the event. Most sexually abuse adult females will quash the memories and so old ages subsequently when something else tragic happens or they meet a adult male that remind them of the maltreater the memory will be retrieved. I do believe that people with cured memory are capable of believing. unless the individual is a proven diagnose compulsive prevaricator.

Question 6
Describe at least three ways eyewitness memory can be affected. and how we can find the truth of eyewitness testimony. Many of ways can impact eyewitness memory. but there are three of import ways that the eyewitness memory can be affected. One manner eyewitness can be affected is that most people have jobs placing people of other races. Many Caucasic people have made statements that most African Americans look likewise to them. A 2nd manner a memory can be affected is the location where a informant testifies that they saw a individual perpetrating a offense. The confusion on the location can come from rehabilitative memory. The eyewitness may positively place the individual. but memory on location can be inaccurate. The 3rd ground an eyewitness memory can be a job is there is non a manner to turn out that the informant is stating the truth. A human can non state if another homo is stating. the truth and polygraph are non perfect and can be inaccurate. These three jobs could do a justice and jury non to believe an eyewitness and stop up mistakenly directing person to gaol.

Question 7
Explain how empathy is related to assisting.
Empathy is when a individual put themselves in person else places and see an emotional event that individual experienced. Empathy related to assisting is that most people will assist others merely because they have been or cognize person that has been in the same place as that individual. When a individual sees person holding trouble in their life. they will hold the same emotions as that individual and experience the demand to assist that individual. Peoples with help their friends for different ground than they help their household members. When people help. friends they do it because of empathy but when assisting household it is done because they feel household will return the favour.

Question 8
Sum up the effects of temper on assisting behaviours.
The effects of temper on assisting behaviours play an of import function of when people choose to assist or be a bystander. The temper that a individual in will do the decision making factor if they are traveling to assist a individual. Peoples or in good tempers will be most likely to halt and assist others. A individual in a bad temper 90 % of the clip will take non to assist a individual in demand. It has been said that some people in bad tempers will assist to alleviate their sad temper.

Question 9
Imagine the undermentioned scenario: You are dating a individual that you have fun with. and convey new and interesting avocations into your life. Your dating spouse is amusing and attractive. Your dating spouse dainties you good. but you frequently think about a co-worker at your office. and inquire what it would be like to day of the month person other than your dating spouse. The co-worker at your office is more attractive than the individual you are dating. and this co-worker has asked you out on a day of the month. What you do non wish about the individual you are presently dating is that he or she is a spot destitute. At times. he or she seeks you out invariably. calls often desiring to make things and is about clingy. When you ask for infinite. your dating spouse gets disquieted. On the other manus. you do non desire to be that near to another individual. You prefer to maintain your distance and want a relationship with less committedness. Analyze the relationship you have with this dating spouse in footings of social-exchange theory ( comparison degree. comparing degree for options. wagess and costs ) and attachment manner. What I do non wish about the current dating spouse is that he is excessively destitute and commanding. The individual wants excessively much of my clip. Even though I have fun with the dating spouse. there are times when I need to be entirely.

In societal exchange theory cognizing that my dating spouse enjoys being with me could take to a great hereafter with this individual. Even though I am funny about my co-worker. I may desire to look at long term with my current dating spouse. The wages of being with my current dating spouse is that he could be a future hubby and non merely person I am passing clip with. Comparison degree for my current dating spouse to a co-worker I am interested in could be hazardous. I think I am more funny about the co-worker because he is more attractive and something different. In the terminal. my wonder could do me to free person I truly care for and attentions for me. In the comparing degree for options. my co-worker could besides be husband material since I have a strong involvement in him. The attachment manner with my current spouse could be compared to a male parents love. He cares so much about me that his strong attention for me could look commanding. but truly be is connexion with lovingness for me. There could besides be a different involvement of love between my current spouse and my co-worker. I could hold companionate love for my co-worker and bask the clip that we spend together. For my current spouse I have passionate love because of the strong love we have for each other. should non even be believing of my co-worker.

Question 10
See the societal cognitive cause of bias. specifically the thought of the activation of stereotypes. How does the activation of stereotypes explain prejudice behaviour? Summarize Devine’s research on automatic and controlled processing of stereotypes. and how it can explicate prejudice behaviour. How does the justification-suppression theoretical account of bias explicate how bias works? How does the illusory correlativity explain damaging thought? When you consider the research and significance behind all of these theories. what decisions can be drawn about our ability to alter stereotyped beliefs? The activation of stereotypes explains prejudice behavior by explicating how people make determinations after hearing a stereotype remark about person. There could be a group of people watching a public presentation or merely judging person. Person in the group can do a negative remark about one of the performing artists or rivals. Once that remark is made another person’s determination on those persons they are judging has been affected by the stereotype remark. Devine’s research on automatic and controlled processing can be summarized by stating that automatic processing of stereotypes are largely race related and people have no control over them. Even though these automatic stereotypes are with a individual does non intend the individual is prejudice. A individual can non command or halt these automatic stereotypes about people that come in to mine. The controlled processing on stereotypes a individual or aware of and has the option to ignore or disregard the stereotypes. These procedure of stereo types can hold an consequence on how people act towards people they may be bias against.

Peoples will do determinations on how they will cover with state of affairss and other people by which stereotype is instilled in them. In the justification-suppression theoretical account of bias it is explained how prejudice plants by depicting the energy people use to stamp down bias. Peoples try to turn out they are non an extremist or raper to maintain others from believing negative of them. An illustration of the justification suppression is how we deal with homophiles. I can retrieve when I worked in FT Lee at the Advance Individual Training for new Soldiers coming in the Army. I notice three Soldiers who ever took showers last. found out it were non by pick. The other Soldiers assume these Soldiers were homosexual and coerce them to take showers when all the other males were finished. The leaders tried to move as if they did non see this was go oning and felt the Soldiers were making no incorrect. I could believe the leaders suppress their feelings against the Soldiers and allow this go on to those Soldiers because of their personal beliefs and stereotypes about the soldiers. The illusive correlativity is when people think things are related that really are non related. In the text it is reference that all African American adult females like opera. that is a great illustration of illusive correlativity. I am an African American and non a fan of Oprah I have likely watched her show no more than five times. Sing the research and beliefs behind all of these theories. decisions can be drawn that our ability to alter stereotyped belief is impossible.
