If I Could Change the World Essay Sample

If I could alter the universe I would acquire rid of malignant neoplastic disease. drugs/alcohol. and deceivers. I have personal grounds for this list. and non so personal grounds.

First. I would acquire rid of malignant neoplastic disease because it hurts a batch of people. Peoples mundane suffer from malignant neoplastic disease. non merely the people covering with it themselves but households excessively. Some people don’t even know that they have malignant neoplastic disease. and so it takes them off from their household. friends. and life. In my ain household we have had more than three people have malignant neoplastic disease. and one of them was my grandfather. Papa. He has had caner 5 times. and every clip it gets worse. My ma has come place shouting some yearss because my Papa called her and was holding a unsmooth clip. or state her about a new conflict he has to travel through. I hate to see her call. and I know she hates seeing her male parent so weak. Sometimes I merely don’t understand how God can allow such a atrocious thing go on to such guiltless people. They have households and friends merely like everyone else. and so God decides. “Oh allow me take them off from their life riigghhttt… . NOW! ” I know that this is non why God does it or even how. but that’s merely how I feel sometimes.

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I’d besides get rid of drugs and intoxicant. In my sentiment drugs and intoxicant aid perfectly NO ONE! People overdose. dice. crush their households. and do other things all because they were smoking cleft. hiting diacetylmorphine. or even merely acquiring drunk. Most people don’t even understand the sum of harm drugs and intoxicant can do. A individual I know is without a brother and male parent. Her pa came home one dark so drunk that he beat his boy to decease. They were the lone household she had sing her ma had left when she was small. She was put in an orphanhood and got adopted 3 months subsequently. I ne’er saw her after that twenty-four hours. Drugs are. in my sentiment. worse than imbibing. They have made people do truly brainsick things like eat other’s faces off and worse. My ain cousin was caught making PCP at school. He said he merely gave in to peer force per unit area. I think it’s horrible that he is 17 and being exposed to drugs and intoxicant.

The concluding thing I would acquire rid of is deceivers. When I say this. I’m non speaking about the mean middle/high school deceiver that cheats on trials. and prep and material like that. No. I’m speaking about rip offing on your spouse rip offing. Deceivers are non merely destroying their ain household. but besides the individual they are rip offing with. Another think. is if you have childs you set a atrocious illustration for them in the long tally. My pa cheated on my ma. and that was the ground they split up. My ma tried remaining with him for my brother and I. but they were contending excessively much. and he was ne’er about. Cheating breaks up households everyday. and it did that to mine. My brother hatreds my pa for what he did. and does non wish traveling to see him with me. So to do the universe better. in my sentiment. I would acquire rid of malignant neoplastic disease. drugs/alcohol. and deceivers.
