Importance of Ritual and Festival in Traditional Africal Essay Sample

Well. most of the festivals that I know of were spiritual in nature. Christmas of class being the most celebrated. it lasted from Christmas Day until Epiphany ( the 6th January ) . and was preceded by the fast period of Advent. Epiphany used to be the flood tide of the Christmas period and was the biggest jubilation of all. but in England it has faded off and is no longer celebrated. However. it is still the flood tide of Christmas in Spain and Italy.

Easter of class. preceded by another fast. Lent. which lasted from Ash Wednesday until Easter. shrove Tuesday. the twenty-four hours before Lent started. was traditonally a twenty-four hours for a banquet before the fast started. battercakes were traditionally eaten on that twenty-four hours. and still are. even though fasting in Lent is a usage that has largely lapsed in England.

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May Day is still celebrated slightly here. though more so in other states. Bringing place may bloom to adorn houses used to be a large thing here. and it was a clip for merrymaking and ( traditonally ) a clip of sexual licence.

Whitsun and principal Christi ( in June ) used to be large festivals. but once more have fallen into neglect in England. though they are still large in Catholic states. Spain has a large Corpus Christi festival. Midsummer is still a large jubilation in Nordic states. I think it’s avery large festival in Sweden etc.

Lammas. at the beginning of August. is another festival that has fallen into neglect in England. but I think is still celebrated in a large manner in Ireland.

And we still celebrate harvest festival here in England. at the terminal of September. although we are no longer a really rural state. and harvest doesn’t truly intend a great trade to the English as a whole any more.

I think most festival mark the different seasons of the twelvemonth. or remind us of peculiar spiritual events. as with Christmas and Easter. And they give people a ground to hold merriment.
