Lemonade Stand Supply and Demand Game Essay Sample

I played the game three times before I successfully made a net income over $ 2. 00. In order to be successful. I had to maintain my monetary values closer to $ . 20 on yearss when the temperature was over 90 grades and closer to $ . 12- $ . 15 on yearss when the temperature was between 50 and 70 grades. In add-on. I watched the figure of cups I was selling per twenty-four hours in order to buy the right sums of ingredients for that twenty-four hours ; some of the clip I bought a small excess when the monetary value of the lowest sum was cheaper to buy multiples of that increment versus the larger sum. When the game drew to a stopping point. I was watching closer to see merely how many pitchers/cups my ingredients would do. so that I would non stop up with a big sum of ingredients left over which would do my net income border lower overall.

At times. it seemed as though I sold more when it was cooler conditions compared to when it was hot conditions. But. the net income border was much better when I raised my monetary values for the hot yearss. When it is hotter out and people are thirsty the demand is higher for the cool merchandise. therefore I was able to bear down more money and do more net incomes. I enjoyed this activity and the challenge that it provided. It was fun to calculate out how many pitchers/cups of lemonade that I thought I might necessitate for the twenty-four hours based upon the temperature and prognosis. so to cipher the sum of ice I might utilize and non hold excessively much of it go to waste at the terminal of the twenty-four hours.

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