Nervous, Muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular Essay Sample

1 ) The humerus. biceps. triceps. tegument. and all venas and arterias in the arm. 2 ) The nervous system was most likely non reattached because it’s manner excessively difficult/probably impossible to attach all of the nervousnesss back in the arm. 3 ) The clean bite made it easier to attach the musculuss and arterias. If they were ripped and torn. the reattachment would be highly hard. 4 ) The physician had to pare the bone on each side of the cut to set in the home base that keeps the two parts of his arm together.

5 ) Flexure. Extension. Abduction. Adduction. mobility of fingers 7 ) Raising the arm could be more hard and the scope of gesture for the different parts of the arm would be affected. This is because of the nervousnesss being damaged. 8 ) Collateral Circulation- Multiple circulation waies providing a peculiar country. Found in upper appendage: Scapula and caput of the humerus. 9 ) Branchs of the profunda brachii arteria. inferior ulnar collateral arteria. and anterior and posterior ulnar arteria. 10 ) Throwing a baseball. traveling his fingers. authorship.

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11 ) Jim’s nervousnesss in the arm are damaged. 12 ) Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jim’s parents. We have completed surgery on your son’s arm. Fortunately. the shark bite was clean which made fix a batch easier and more effectual. Most of the castanetss. musculus. and venas in his arm have been reattached and are working good. The nervousnesss in his arm couldn’t be wholly restored so it is improbable that he will hold full usage of his arm. Although it is improbable. it’s non impossible! He still will hold limited map with his arm no affair what.

13 ) Even if the surgery were successful. the nervousnesss of the arm wouldn’t recover as rapidly and wholly as musculus because nervousnesss don’t grow or regenerate every bit good as musculus. 14 ) If he were eighty. surgery would hold been less effectual because at that age. recovery takes everlastingly with all hurts.
