Recording, Analysing and Using Hr Information Essay Sample

1-Introduction: Recording. analysing and utilizing HR information

All organisations. nevertheless big or little. demand to maintain certain records. some because the jurisprudence requires them. and some for internal intents.

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Our Company merely requests the information that is straight relevant to the demands of the occupation and the organisation.

2- What records our company keeps and the grounds to supports HR patterns:

a- Personal inside informations

Name. day of the month of birth. staff figure and designation figure –The name and staff/identification figure for alphabetical and numerical filing and the age for wage axial rotation and retirement intents.

Tax and Social Insurance numbers- to do accurate monthly parts to authorities organic structures.

Bank inside informations – required to recognition rewards.

Following of family –needed in instance of accident and exigency and besides for pension and insurance intents in the event of decease.

It is a legislative demand to keep and enter personal information and to make so in maintaining with informations protection statute law.

b- Attendance records

Annual Leave – this is required to guarantee that the person does non travel over the entitlement and to hold visibleness to be able to send on program. The Manager has the demand to hold this information to guarantee that he has the right sum of people at work to supply the criterion of service required and run into the aims.

Ill Leave- to guarantee that the person does non travel over the entitlement. to set up any tendencies and if exceeded could hold tax write-offs made in wage. This record would besides be instrumental to be able to originate disciplinary process for Capability.

Maternity/Paternity Leave- this record needs to be kept as there is a demand to cognize how long the individual intends to be off from work and to supply impermanent screen for the station if demand be. There is besides an impact in Pay Roll.

3- Methods of Storage

It is indispensable to make up one’s mind what method of storage should be used depending on the information. There may be legal deductions as to the manner paperss are stored and care should be taken when hive awaying confidential information. The following are three methods of storage and illustrations of benefits for each of them ;

Electronic Internally – Personal Information. Footings and Conditions. Absence. Recruitment. Pay and Reward. Policies. Disciplinaries. Grievances. Promotions. electronic mails.

Very effectual method of hive awaying as you can see the information at the imperativeness of a button. The information can be used a beginning to supply statistics much faster. It can besides be transferred electronically and non hold to trust on station and salvage on storage infinite. If networked can be accessed by other stakeholders and at other sites.

Manually- Contracts. Employee files. Appraisals. CV’s. Sick notes. Passport transcripts. Condemnable records. Immigration. Annual leave. Disciplinaries.

These records are required to be stored manually as they will necessitate the individual’s signature. They will non be at hazard of loss due to storage drive dislocation. They may be needed to be used for Audits/Industrial Courts were there may be a demand to bring forth difficult transcripts.

4-Current Legislation

There is a legal demand as an Employer to hold accurate Employee records. We have to stay by the Data Protection Act 1998 whereby the information has to be collected reasonably and legitimately and merely obtained for lawful intents. This should be equal and comparative and as accurate and updated as possible. It should be kept secure and in conformity with the informations topic and kept no longer than necessary. Personal informations should non be transferred outside the European Economic Area unless the state has precautions for informations topics. We are besides cognizant to stay with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 whereby we have the right to inquire any public organic structure for information.


Accurate forces records will assist the organisation in many ways – increasing the efficiency of enlisting. preparation and development. and publicity. Forces records are about people. and it is hence in everybody’s involvement that the records are accurate and secure


* Data Protection Act 1998
* World Wide Web. ico. gov. United Kingdom
* hypertext transfer protocol: //www. acas. org. uk/index. aspx? articleid=1461
* A enchiridion of Human resource direction pattern. Michael Armstrong
