Scarlet Letter – the Destruction Caused by Isolation Essay Sample

Harmonizing to Biblical histories. God created the universe and world. One of the cardinal elements of this creative activity was the constitution of community and relationships within humanity. Genesis Tells of relationships between humanity and God. between adult male and adult female. and between humanity and nature. When Adam and Eve Ate of the out fruit. they were isolated from God. in struggle with one another. and repelled from the Garden of Eden. This isolation was the effect of their wickedness. One of the major subjects in The Scarlet Letter is the isolation and devastation of relationships of the characters populating in this fictional Puritan community. This isolation is portrayed by Nathaniel Hawthorne through three major characters: Hester Prynne. Arthur Dimmesdale. and Roger Chillingworth.

Throughout The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne emphasizes Hester Prynne’s isolation as a effect of her wickedness. The reader knows nil of Hester’s old life before she was shunned by the remainder of society. emphasizing the separation her great discourtesy caused. “In all her intercourse with society. nevertheless. there was nil that made her feel as if she belonged to it. Every gesture. every word. and even the silence of those with whom she came in contact. implied. and frequently expressed. that she was banished. and as much entirely as if she had inhabited another domain or communicated with the common nature by other variety meats that the remainder of human kind” ( Hawthorne. 36 ) . This quotation mark describes the societal isolation Hester faces and the emotional agony of being an castaway. This societal isolation is due to a moral isolation because she has committed criminal conversation. besides doing her a premier illustration of a evildoer in the town magistrates’ discourses. Most evidently. Hester is isolated physically in that she lives on the outskirts of town.

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Another major character who faces isolation is Arthur Dimmesdale. His isolation is chiefly because he is populating a prevarication. He feels separate from his fold because he deems himself unworthy in position of his ruby offense. Dimmesdale suffers emotionally from his compunction and besides from Chillingworth’s vindictive devices. He feels entirely in the thick of his fellow reverends due to his lip service. He tells his iniquitous lover. “Happy are you. Hester. that wear the vermilion missive openly upon your bosom! Mine burns in secret! Thou small knowest what a alleviation it is. after torture of a seven years’ darnel. to look into an oculus that recognizes me for what I am! ” ( Hawthorne. 148 ) . This quotation mark describes his true isolation from society. uncovering he has non been able to merely look person in the oculus without guilt pressing upon him.

The character who is conceivably the most stray is Roger Chillingworth. Chillingworth commits two wickednesss that do his disintegration. First. he marries Hester. cognizing she does non love him and he is non a proper hubby for her. This causes separation in his matrimony. which is supposed to be wholly unified harmonizing to Biblical rules. Second. he becomes consumed with prosecuting the wickedness of retribution. He uses his mind to gnaw at Dimmesdale’s spirit and resuscitate his guilty scruples daily. Because of his passion for retaliation. he is filled with immorality. He even admits his transmutation to Hester. “But it was the changeless shadow of my presence…A mortal adult male. with one time a human bosom. has become a monster for his exceptional torture! ” ( Hawthorne. 124 ) . This quotation mark shows his isolation from all of humanity. and even from God.

In decision. the characters of The Scarlet Letter all face devastation of relationships and community due to their isolation. They experience this isolation as a effect of their single wickedness. As the narrative progresses. Hawthorne helps the reader to understand that this isolation can be overcome. Hester overcomes her isolation by a life-time of service and charity. Dimmesdale overcomes his isolation by squealing and atoning of his wickedness before his decease. Chillingworth serves as a warning to the reader that isolation caused by wickedness can destruct those who refuse to atone of their errors. The Scarlet Letter is Hawthorne’s dramatic reminder of the devastation that can be caused by isolation.
