Social Studies Sba Essay Sample

Table of Contents1
Statement of the problem3
Method of investigation4
Instrument used to roll up data5-8
Procedure used to roll up data9
Presentation and account of informations ( figure 1 ) 10
Figure 211
Figure 312
Figure 413
Figure 514
Figure 615
Interpretation of data16-17
Recommendations 19

I would wish T thank my Social Studies teacher for giving me this chance to make the S. B. A. I would besides wish to thank my neighbour Lilith Green who helped me in do this S. B. A.

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To what extent do poorness. peer force per unit area and parental neglect contribute to Juvenile Delinquency?


The research worker decided to utilize questionnaires for the aggregation of informations. The questionnaire was made up of 19 ( 19 ) inquiries. The questionnaire as a tool for roll uping information has the undermentioned advantages: 1. It is easy to collate the information from a questionnaire

2. It is cheap
3. It is easy understood
4. It is non time-consuming


I. Sexual activity:

A. MaleB. Female

2. Age:

A. Under 14 old ages
B. 14-19 old ages
C. 20-25 old ages
D. 26-31 old ages
E. 32-40
F. Over 40

3. What is your educational position?

A. Basic
B. Primary
C. Secondary
D. Tertiary

4. To what cultural group do you belong?

A. African descent
B. Chinese descent
C. Indian descent
D. Mixed descent

5. How long have you lived in this community?

A. Below 2 year
B. 3 – 5 year
C. 6 – 8 year
D. 9 – 12 year
E. 12 year and over

6. At what age do the young person in your community begin to take part in Juvenile Delinquency?

A. Below 10 year
B. 10-12 year
C. 13-15 year
D. 16-18 year

7. How much clip make you pass with your equals?

A. Most of my clip
B. Good sum of clip
C. Merely when I am free
D. I don’t pass any clip with them/

8. Which of the following contributes to Juvenile Delinquency?

A. Parents inability to back up kids
B. Lack of attending and supervising by parent ( s ) /guardian ( s ) C. Regular absence of parents from the place
D. All of the above

9. How much of a job is Juvenile Delinquency in your community?

A. Barely a job at all
B. A little job
C. A big job
D. A great nuisance

10. What do you believe is the MAIN cause of Juvenile Delinquency in your community?

A. Peer Pressure
B. Parental Neglect
C. Poverty
D. Negative Environment

11. What is the MAIN mark that shows when a immature individual is going more involved with Juvenile Delinquency in your community?

A. Regression in school work
B. Development of an violative attitude
C. Change of friends or equals
D. Skipping school

12. What type of jobs or chaos do Juvenile Delinquents normally
cause/practice within your community?

A. Robbery
B. Vandalism
C. Disturbance of the Peace
D. Murder/Manslaughter
E. Rape/Sexual Harassment
F. All of the above

13. To which household type do these delinquents usually belong to?

A. Nuclear FamilyD. Reorganized Family
B. Extended FamilyE. Single Parent Family
C. Sibling Household

14. To which socio-economic group do the bulk of delinquents belong to?

A. Upper ClassD. Working Class
B. Upper Middle
C. Lower Middle

15. How does Juvenile Delinquency impact your community the MOST?

A. Addition in Crime and Violence
B. Increase of Homeless Persons
C. Increase in Death Rate
D. Decrease in immature person’s attention schools

16. How frequently do individuals populating in your community usually do ailments about the malicious Acts of the Apostless of Juvenile Delinquents?

A. Once a twenty-four hours
B. Once a hebdomad
C. Every month
D. Never

17. How do individuals in your community control or cut down the Acts of the Apostless of Juvenile Delinquents?

A. They let the governments handle it
B. They take affairs into their ain custodies
C. They ignore it and let it to go on
D. They set up packs

18. At what clip of the twenty-four hours make Juvenile Delinquents tend to bring mayhem and cause jobs within the community?

A. Normally in daytime
B. Largely at darks
C. It is uninterrupted. twenty-four hours to dark
D. Lunchtime merely

19. What do you propose that should be done to Juvenile Delinquents after they have been caught?

They should:

A. be warned and allow travel
B. given 6 months community service
C. be put on test
D. be put into a rehabilitation Centre

20. What can the churches in the community do to forestall juvenile delinquency?

A. Pray

B. Set up young person nines to maintain the juveniles out of mischievousness

C. Get the young person more involved in church programmes such as the young person choir

D. Establish after school prep centres to assist the juveniles maintain up with school work


Different Numberss of houses were located on each street. 20 house Numberss from one side of the route was selected and each was supplied with one transcript of the questionnaire. For precautional steps. the research worker left questionnaires in the letter boxs of members that were non at place and besides left a note kindly inquiring the respondents to return the questionnaire completed to the researcher’s letter box. When all 20 questionnaires were returned the research worker analyzed the information for this undertaking.



Figure 1: How long have you lived in this community?

[ movie ]

Figure 1 above shows how long individuals have been shacking in Manley Meadows. The chart shows that 30 % of the respondents have been populating in this community ‘Below 2 years’ . 45 % between 3 to 5 old ages. 15 % between 6 to 8 old ages. 5 % between 9 to 12 old ages and 5 % have been populating in Manley Meadows for 12 old ages and over.

Figure 2: How much of a job is Juvenile Delinquency in your community?

[ movie ]

Figure 2 show that 15 % of the respondents felt that juvenile delinquency is ‘Hardly a Problem’ within Manley Meadows. 20 % felt that it was ‘A Small Problem’ ; while 30 % considered Juvenile Delinquency as ‘A Large Problem’ .
Merely 35 % said it was ‘A Great Nuisance’ within the community. Figure 3: What is the MAIN cause of juvenile delinquency in your Community?

|CAUSE CATEGORY |PERCENTAGE ( % ) | |Peer Pressure | 30 | |Parental Neglect | 15 | |Poverty |35 | |Negative Environment | 20 |

The Table above indicates that 35 % of the sample chose ‘Poverty’ as being the chief cause of juvenile delinquency. 30 % chose ‘Peer Pressure’ . 20 % believe that a ‘Negative Environment’ was the chief cause of Juvenile Delinquency ; while 15 % chose ‘Parental Neglect’ . Figure 4: What type of job or pandemonium do juvenile delinquents normally cause/practice within your community?

[ movie ]

In Figure 4 it is apparent that 30 % of the respondents chose ‘Robbery’ as the type of job juvenile delinquents normally cause in Manley Meadows. 20 % chose ‘Vandalism’ and another 20 % chose ‘Disturbance of the Peace’ . Merely 10 % chose ‘Murder/Manslaughter’ ; while 15 % chose ‘Rape/Sexual Harassment’ . 5 % chose the option ‘All of the above’ as the type of jobs caused by the juvenile delinquents in the community.

Figure 5: How does juvenile delinquency impact your community the MOST?

[ movie ]

In figure 5. 30 % of these respondents think that chief consequence of juvenile delinquency in Manley Meadows is a ‘Decrease in Young Persons Attending Schools’ . ‘Increase in Death Rate’ was chosen by 10 % ; while 15 % believed
that the chief consequence was an ‘Increase of Homeless Individuals’ . ‘Increase in Crime & A ; Violence’ was chosen by 45 % .

Figure 6: At what clip of the twenty-four hours make juvenile delinquents tend to bring mayhem and cause jobs within the community? [ movie ]

Figure 6 shows that 85 % of the respondents stated that juvenile delinquents cause jobs ‘Mostly at Nights’ ; 10 % said ‘Usually in Daylight’ while 5 % stated that it is ‘Continuous. Day to Night’ .

Interpretation OF DATA

Figure 1 above shows how long individuals have been shacking in Manley Meadows. The chart shows that bulk of the respondents have been populating in this community from between 3 to 5 old ages. while a few of the respondents have been populating in this community ‘Below 2 years’ . Some of the respondents have been populating at that place for 6 to 8 old ages and a few have been populating at that place for 9 to 12 old ages and 12 old ages and over.

Figure 2 show that merely a small of the respondents felt that juvenile delinquency is ‘Hardly a Problem’ within Manley Meadows. A few felt that it was ‘A Small Problem’ ; while a big figure considered Juvenile Delinquency as ‘A Large Problem’ . Majority said it was ‘A Great Nuisance’ within the community.

Figure 3 indicates that bulk of the respondents of the sample chose ‘Poverty’ as being the chief cause of juvenile delinquency. A big figure chose ‘Peer Pressure’ . while a few believe that a ‘Negative Environment’ was the chief cause of Juvenile Delinquency ; while a few chose ‘Parental Neglect.

In Figure 4 it is apparent that bulk of the respondents chose ‘Robbery’ as the type of job juvenile delinquents normally cause in Manley Meadows. A big figure chose ‘Vandalism’ and ‘Disturbance of the Peace’ . Merely a few chose ‘Murder/Manslaughter’ and Rape/Sexual Harassment’ . Just a small chose the option ‘All of the above’ as the type of jobs caused by the juvenile
delinquents in the community.

In figure 5. a big figure of these respondents think that chief consequence of juvenile delinquency in Manley Meadows is a ‘Decrease in Young Persons Attending Schools’ . ‘Increase in Death Rate’ was chosen by a few piece merely a small believed that the chief consequence was an ‘Increase of Homeless Individuals’ . ‘Increase in Crime & A ; Violence’ was chosen by bulk of the respondents.

Figure 6 shows that bulk of the respondents stated that juvenile delinquents cause jobs ‘Mostly at Nights’ ; while a few said ‘Usually in Daylight’ and a small said ‘Continuous. Day to Night’ .


1. Poverty is the chief cause of juvenile delinquency within the community of Manley Meadows. 2. The major pervert activity conducted by these juveniles is robbery 3. The juvenile delinquents prosecute in robbery largely at darks.


The research worker suggests that the Manley Meadows citizen association establishes Neighborhood Watch. The occupants should take or elect a leader for their vicinity ticker and acquire the Police section involved to discourse offense bar schemes and to help occupants in transporting out safety audits and developing action program. The Neighborhood Watch could besides bespeak from the constabulary station that the Police carry out regular patrol at darks which the research worker indicated is the clip of twenty-four hours the juvenile delinquents tends to transport out their illicit activities. The Neighborhood Watch/Citizen Association could keep regular meetings and maintain the community informed through newsletters/flyers. The Community Safety Unit in the Jamaica Constabulary Force in charge of the Police Youth Clubs could set up a Police Youth Club in the community. This nine could run into one time per hebdomad and parents of the young person should guarantee that their
kids become involved as this would assist to further effectual communicating with equals and maintain their heads occupied with excess course of study activities such as netball. football and basket ball. The research workers suggested that these protective programmes and activities be implemented instantly with aid from the Neighborhood Watch Committee. the Citizen Association Committee every bit good as the Government. These signifiers of actions would greatly cut down the degree of offense and force ( and in kernel juvenile delinquency ) which will do the community a safer topographic point to populate.
