Speaking of Marriage Essay Sample

“I do” . it is a really memorable phrase when it comes to marriage. It is a short phrase yet. it symbolizes a person’s heartfelt. lifetime committedness to his/ her spouse. Marriage allows two people to go one.

Bringing person in forepart of God and in forepart of the people you love and who loves you is non merely something to be done casually. It is merely done when you already know that the individual you will be conveying will be the individual you want to pass the remainder of your life with. In matrimony. you indulge yourself to a lifetime committedness of love. In this committedness. you are given the duty to help your spouse.

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In the docudrama. “Speaking of Marriage” . three different twosomes were featured. It was shown in the movie the narratives of the three twosomes in line with their determination of being committed to each other in matrimony. One thing I learned in the docudrama is that. it takes two to go one. One matrimony will non be fruitful without the attempt of both twosomes. Love is between two people holding one bosom. Marriage is to be sustained by two people sharing one love.

Another thing that I have learned from the movie was that one committedness should be centered with God’s love. when one gets married we give our vows in forepart of God. and holding God as the informant of the matrimony. the couple’s committedness to each other are given the grace from God and is meant to be nourish everlastingly. This committedness so is rooted on love. non merely ordinary love but on God’s love. Last. commonalty between the twosome would be a good thing in matrimony. Finding what is common between the both parties would be a good manner to prolong the involvement between the twosomes. Just like in the docudrama. the three twosomes have something in common that allowed them to be able to understand and populate a married life with apprehension.

Entering matrimony as they say would non be easy. It will be a one-shot determination. However. being able to fix for matrimony and being able to pass the remainder of your life with a individual you love will be the fruit of it. some people may be afraid of matrimony. however. matrimony is a approval from God that we must be grateful for.
