Stress Experienced by Older Family Members Essay Sample

Bing an older household member entails a batch of duties and therefore infinite experiences of emphasiss may be encountered. Let me to narrate some to you:

As an older household member. I experienced holding a cousin who has been involved in a household hazard in relation to abusive intoxicant imbibing ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . This stresses me a batch because whenever he engages himself in inordinate imbibing. he ever ends up exhibiting violent behaviours every bit good ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . For case. he would paddle my large sister. and even flog out at our female parent. and aunties etc ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . I experience utmost emphasis because I am particularly ‘allergic’ force against adult females. Plus. of class. since I am an older household member. I feel highly responsible for my family’s safety ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) .

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In add-on to that. my uncle is self-destructive ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . When negative happenings come into drama. for case. pecuniary problems. or misconstruing between his kids and other relations. he would ever try self-destruction ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . This happening brings in great emphasis on my portion because my female parent. who is his sister. gets highly nervous when my uncle does that ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . My large sister and my uncle’s kids get extremely scared every bit good ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) .

Besides. when household conflicts occur. for case. when I ask one of my cousins who already has a occupation and can back up or finance our cousins and other relatives’ school disbursals and finally she refuses to portion or aid for personal grounds ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . This happening would finally take to “non talking to each other for rather a long clip” ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) . This makes me experience so entirely and hence. emphasiss me finally ( Risk and Resilience Factors. n. d. ) .

It is good that in malice of all the emphasiss that I go through being an older household member. I easy resile back because I am ever optimistic and have a positive mentality in life. I hope to keep these resiliency accomplishments of mine to get by up with infinite emphasiss.


Hazard and Resilience Factors.( n. d. ) . Retrieved November 7. 2007 from

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