Summary vs. Paraphrase Essay Sample

Drumhead involves repeating every chief thought from the original piece while besides paying attending to the proportion of the original. That is. if one tierce of the original essay was devoted to a peculiar subject. so one tierce of one’s sum-up should besides be devoted to that same subject. When sum uping. one must capture every chief thought presented from the original but do it in a fraction of the original infinite. That’s why sum-up is so utile.

Paraphrase. on the other manus. involves repeating the original piece word for word but utilizing fresh linguistic communication. For this ground. paraphrasiss will about ever be a small longer than the original. This is non ever as easy to make as it may sound! Paraphrase has much more limited use wholly. One would non try to rephrase anything much more than a paragraph or a smattering of lines. for illustration. I have used paraphrasis in the past — as an teacher — when I was learning Shakespeare’s Hamlet. for illustration. Hamlet’s soliloquies — like the celebrated “To be or non to be” address — are really hard if one is non familiar with the type of English Shakespeare used. For that ground. I have frequently made a word for word “translation” of some of Hamlet’s monologues so that pupils can break understand them. Another usage of paraphrasis is to explicate a really heavy and hard transition of prose composing. such as a proficient account or philosophical transition. for illustration. For pupils like yourselves. you might happen it helpful to take a hard short citation and paraphrase it ( rephrase it ) in order that your readers will understand it more easy.

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