The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn Essay Sample

Differences between the film and the novel:
In the film Huck’s luck sums to $ 600 ; in the novel. it is $ 6000. The conmen are tarred and feathered in the movie ; in the novel. they escape and are tarred and feathered subsequently. The Grangerford boy that Huck befriends is Billy ; in the novel. he is named Buck. In the film the Grangerford’s feud with the Shepardsons is 30 old ages old ; in the novel it is 20. Tom Sawyer is non mentioned in the movie whereas in the novel he plays a strong function. In the fresh Tom Sawyer gets shot in the leg ; in the film Huck gets changeable. Huck is portrayed more as an ace prevaricator in the movie.

In the film. Jim buys back his household from money donated by the Wilks brothers ; in the novel. Jim gets the money from Tom Sawyer. Gulliver’s Travel

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Differences between the film and the novel:
Gulliver was badly punished when he urinate the Queen’s chamber. That scene besides appeared in the film. but in this instance “The Big Beast “was seen as a defender and for the same ground he became more dependable to the Lilliputians. The Lilliputians were non as friendly with Gulliver in the book ( when he was in prison ) as they were with him in the film. since in the literary work Gulliver was condemned to acquire blinded and dice of famishment after he urinates the Castle. In the book Gulliver left Lilliput one time he repaired his ship with his ain custodies. He left Lilliput all entirely. without any spouse with him. Merchant of Venice

Differences between the film and the novel:
One important emendation: In Act III. scene i. Tubal Tell Shylock that in Genoa. a individual “showed me a ring that he had of your girl for a monkey. ” Shylock answers “Thou torturest me. Tubal: It was my turquoise ; I had it of Leah when I was a unmarried man ; I would non hold given it for a wilderness of monkeys. ” Nothing more is said of it. However. in an added scene at the terminal of the movie. there is a close-up shooting of the turquoise ring on Jessica’s finger. connoting that Shylock had jumped to the incorrect decision – or that Tubal or his source was lying

Another important emendation is that we don’t see that Antonio receives the good intelligence that three of his ships were non stranded and have returned safely after all at the terminal of the movie. Pygmalion

The relationship between Eliza and Higgins in My Fair Lady and Pygmalion are different from each other in many ways. First of all the relationship between Higgins and Eliza in the movie is more romanticized than in the drama Pygmalion. Signs of this are when Eliza and Higgins dance at the ball. when Eliza sings in Higgins house after larning to dance with Higgins. “I could hold danced all dark. and still hold begged for more. ” . and when Eliza. alternatively of get marrieding Freddy like in the drama. goes back and lives with Henry. making a “happily of all time after” minute. Contrasting this. in Pygmalion Eliza ne’er dances with Higgins. and they have more of a teacher pupil relationship. Additionally. Eliza ne’er goes back to populate with Higgins. but goes and marries Freddy. My Fair Lady and Pygmalion are reasonably different.

The relationship between Eliza and Higgins is similar in both My Fair Lady and Pygmalion. In both Pygmalion and My Fair Lady Eliza and Higgins help each other. Higgins Teachs Eliza how to be a lady and Eliza straightens up for Higgins and helps him retrieve assignments. Higgins says himself that one time Eliza leaves he doesn’t know when anything is. In both the movie and drama Higgins is a instructor to Eliza. and Eliza is a pupil to Higgins. Higgins has Eliza sound out her vowels and shows her what to have on. There are many similarities through both My Fair Lady and Pygmalion. Cukor’s My Fair Lady and Shaw’s Pygmalion are really comparable. They are both different and similar to each other. The relationship between Eliza and Higgins is similar and different in both My Fair Lady and Pygmalion. All through the narratives there are both similarities and differences in Eliza’s and Higgins’ relationship.
