The Blue Boy Essay Sample

In Gary Stephen Ross’ extract. “The Blue Boy. ” he describes Vancouver through the eyes of the chief character. The character recounts a narrative of his travels that he would take with his male parent and brother from Toronto to Vancouver. The character highlights the on-going transmutation of the metropolis and describes how it has evolved over clip. In the beginning of the extract. he describes what he saw Vancouver to be in the sixties: a little metropolis with small to offer. Contrastingly. subsequently on he begins to pull out the goodness and luxuries that the maturating metropolis has to offer. The writer efforts to compare the maturating metropolis to a beautiful. immature female.


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The writer describes the lengthily development of Vancouver through the travels of a male child while comparing it to a maturating adult female. The male child recounts his visits to Vancouver and how as he matured so did the metropolis. At a immature age. he illustrates the metropolis to be really drab and dull. He uses adjectives and adverbs such as: after part. cheaply reproduced. curiously. etc. However. over clip he begins to see what the metropolis has become and all the great things that it has to offer. For illustration. the high terminal architecture that has evolved. The metropolis is so described with a more lively vocabulary. The writer besides uses a adult female to stand for the metropolis. Her attractiveness pulls people in nevertheless. merely to recognize that she has non to the full evolved and still has so much more to offer in her life-time.

How did your thought procedure differ from when you were composing the drumhead paragraph compared to when you were composing the analysis paragraph? How did you think otherwise in order to add analysis?

My thought procedure differed greatly when composing the drumhead paragraph compared to when composing the analysis paragraph. For the drumhead paragraph. I took the chief points of the extract and wrote them in my ain words. However. when composing my analysis I had to believe of the chief messages that the writer evoked. I besides had to believe critically and pay more attending to the small inside informations that the writer used throughout the extract. For illustration. I paid close attending to the adverbs and adjectives used every bit good as the symbolisms used when depicting the adult female. I truly tried to compare the miss to what her function was in the narrative and to look profoundly at the chief messages.
