The Christianity Of Beowulf Essay Research Paper

The Christianity Of Beowulf Essay, Research Paper

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It is agreed by about all critics that Beowulf was one time a pre-Christian verse form but no 1 is wholly certain how it went from pre-Christian to Christian influenced. There are many thoughts of how it was written and one of the most popular theories is that the verse form was already in poetic signifier and the writer & # 8217 ; s ain beliefs were added. Another theory is that the verse form was written by a Christian who heard the narrative and added some of his ain beliefs when he wrote it. A 3rd theory is that the verse form was already written and a Christian revised it and added his ain beliefs ( Blackburn, p.1 ) . Throughout the verse form there is an implicit in non-Christian feeling with Christian beliefs added in. It is obvious that some of these beliefs were added but no 1 knows to what sum they were added in. There are comparings that can be made from Grendel to the Devil and Beowulf to Christ that seem to propose that the Christian influence may hold been more than merely a twosome words changed around, but these could hold been merely coinciding.

Throughout the whole verse form there are non-Christian patterns and beliefs told. Some are the offering of giving to idols, the observations of portents, combustion of the dead, the many mentions to destine, and blood retaliation. These are all things that Christians are against and are frequently considered wickednesss. Though largely minor things, these are seen rather often and demo that the writer was familiar with cognition of the bible and Christian nomenclature. If the verse form was originally Christian, so likely non of these things would be mentioned. On the other manus, there are perfectly no mentions to angels, saints, the cross or Christ. These are things that are frequently in Christian narratives but fail to demo up in Beowulf.

It is besides believed that when the Christian beliefs were added subsequently, the writer may hold changed a important sum of the narrative. This can been see through the character of Grendel. Grendel is a type of man-monster and represents all evil and darkness, merely like the Christian Satan. They frequently say Satan related things about him such as naming him & # 8220 ; God & # 8217 ; s enemy & # 8221 ; , & # 8220 ; Hell slave & # 8221 ; , and at one point even name him & # 8220 ; the Satan in Hell & # 8221 ;

( Klaeber, p104 ) . It is besides mentioned that Grendel descended from Cain, the first liquidator that was banished by God, and where he lives with his female parent describes what could be thought of every bit Hell. & # 8220 ; They live in secret topographic points, blowy drops, wolf-dens where H2O pours from stones, so runs resistance, where mist steams like black clouds, and the Grovess of trees grow

ing out over the lake are all covered with frozen spray and weave down serpentine roots that reach every bit far as the H2O and maintain it dark. At dark that lake Burnss like a torch. No 1 knows its underside, no wisdom reaches such depths.” ( Beowulf, ll. 1358 ) . The scop knows of Grendel being God’s enemy through the whole verse form but it is non mentioned by Hrothgar or anyone else, which suggests that these things may hold been added later.

Then there is Beowulf, the winning hero who beats the monsters and dies for his people while making so. In the narrative the writer has called Beowulf & # 8220 ; supporting, protecting, and delivering being & # 8221 ; ( Klaeber, p104 ) . We can acknowledge the features of Beowulf as the same or at least related to Jesus. He is the destroyer of hell-like monsters, a brave but soft warrior, blameless for his actions and a male monarch that finally dies for his people.

In the narrative there are about 57 mentions to God such as & # 8220 ; Allowed them by the grace of God & # 8221 ; ( Beowulf, ll. 14 ) , & # 8220 ; holy God, who sent him triumph, gave opinion for truth and right, Ruler of Heavens & # 8221 ; ( Beowulf, ll. 1554 ) , and many that vary in length. There is a really simple manner to take the Christianity out of Beowulf. Everywhere the word & # 8220 ; God & # 8221 ; is written, merely replace the word & # 8220 ; destiny & # 8221 ; , which is already frequently used in the verse form, for it. There is normally no other alterations needed to do the verse form wholly non-Christian. An illustration of this is when it is said that Grendel could non destruct the followings of Beowulf because & # 8220 ; God willed it non & # 8221 ; , all that has to be done is alteration it to state because & # 8220 ; destiny willed it non & # 8221 ; and it is the same thing except now its non-Christian. It would take small attempt to take the full Christian experiencing out of Beowulf, all that is needed is a few verbal alterations.

In decision, Beowulf is about decidedly a non-Christian verse form or at least non-Christian narrative at one clip until it was written or merely revised. When written or revised, the alterations harmonizing to the beliefs of the writer, which are Christian, were added. Whether these alterations were major or minor is unknown. The Grendel to the Devil and Beowulf to Christ mentions could hold been intentionally added which would propose that the narrative was changed more so merely a small spot. If they were merely happenstance so possibly its true that all that has to be done is alter the word & # 8220 ; God & # 8221 ; to & # 8220 ; destiny & # 8221 ; and all Christianity is gone and we see the verse form in the comparative original signifier, before the Christian influence was added. It is something we will ne’er cognize unless an earlier version of Beowulf, before it may hold been revised, is recovered.
