United States Constitution and B. Twenty-first C. Essay Sample

When you have completed your test and reexamine your replies. click Submit Exam. Answers will non be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to go out before finishing the test. click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20: Choose the best reply to each inquiry. Note that a inquiry and its replies may be split across a page interruption. so be certain that you have seen the full inquiry and all the replies before taking an reply.

1. When you buy a U. S. authorities nest eggs bond. you’re making so under the power given to Congress to A. borrow money. B. print and coin money. C. levy revenue enhancements. D. regulate commercialism.

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2. Which statement about Shays’ Rebellion is false?
A. The cardinal authorities provided military personnels to squelch the rebellion. B. Daniel Shays resigned from the Continental Army. C. Many among the Massachusetts reserves joined the Rebels. D. Poor husbandmans could be sent to debtor’s prison.

3. The procedure by which the Constitution was approved by the provinces is known as A. impeachment. B. imposing. C. confirmation. D. vetoing.

4. The Eighteenth Amendment. “Prohibition. ” was reversed by the _______ Amendment. A. Twenty-second B. Twenty-first C. Twentieth D. Nineteenth

5. A bicameral legislative assembly characteristics
A. four equal legislative organic structures. B. two legislative organic structures. C. one legislative organic structure. D. one hundred equal representatives.

6. Choose the statement from the undermentioned picks that best describes the separation of powers. A. Powers and responsibilities of the United States authorities are decided by a system of direct democracy.

B. Powers and responsibilities of the United States authorities are divided among three subdivisions of authorities. C. Powers and responsibilities of the United States authorities are divided among two subdivisions of authorities. D. Powers and responsibilities of the
United States authorities are chosen wholly by the President of the United States.

7. The _______ Amendment is the lone constitutional amendment that was ratified by blessing of conventions in three-quarterss of the provinces. A. Eighteenth B. Twenty-First C. Fifteenth D. Twenty-Sixth

8. The adult male who served as president of the Constitutional Convention was A. Thomas Jefferson. B. George Washington. C. Alexander Hamilton. D. James Madison.

9. Suppose you’re an lawyer. In a instance you’re showing to a federal tribunal. you argue that the individual you’re defending suffered cruel and unusual penalty. Which Amendment of the Constitution should you mention? A. Amendment VIII B. Amendment III C. Amendment IV D. Amendment IX

10. The governmental organic structure responsible for construing the Constitution is the A. Supreme Court. B. Senate. C. president. D. House of Representatives.

11. Under Article _______ of the Constitution. the Torahs of Congress and all pacts are the jurisprudence of the land. A. III B. IV C. VI D. VII

12. Supporters of the New Jersey Plan
A. called for a legislative assembly in which each province had one ballot. B. required that Senators be selected by a House of Representatives. C. supported a bicameral legislative assembly. D. rejected the thought of three subdivisions of authorities.

13. Suppose Briscoe Cole is found non guilty of slaying in a just jury test. Later. grounds comes to illume that Briscoe may hold been guilty. Under the _______ rule of the Fifth Amendment. Briscoe can’t be tried once more for that same offense. A. impeachment B. expansive jury C. due procedure D. double hazard

14. The intent of the Constitution is presented in the
A. Preamble. B. Articles. C. Amendments. D. Bill of Rights.

15. The New Jersey program called for
A. the abolishment of bondage. B. a strong president. C. abandoning the Articles of Confederation. D. equal representation for all provinces in the Congress.

16. An understanding to number slaves as three-fifths of a individual was related to A. the figure of Senators each province would hold. B. the manner in which population would be counted in each province. C. the denial of African Americans the right to vote. D. the creative activity of an upper and a lower house in Congress.

17. Although it seemed rather of import in 1788. Amendment _______ . excluding the quartering of soldiers in private places. is outdated today. A. III B. IV C. II D. V

18. Which one of the undermentioned leaders proposed the thoughts for the via media that was finally adopted in outlining the Constitution? A. Alexander Hamilton B. Roger Sherman C. Gouverneur Morris D. William Paterson

19. Which portion of the Constitution establishes the legislative subdivision of the authorities? A. The Bill of Rights B. Amendment I

C. Article II D. Article I

20. Suppose a measure has passed both the House and the Senate. It goes to the president at the beginning of the one-year session of Congress. The president doesn’t sign the measure but holds it for more than 10 yearss. What happens to the measure? A. It becomes jurisprudence. B. It can non go jurisprudence. but it has non been vetoed. C. It has been vetoed. D. It becomes jurisprudence merely if two-thirds of the House and Senate ballot for it.
