What Role Do Teachers Play in Disciplining the Students? Essay Sample

Teachers play countless functions in educating their pupils. More than giving talks. instructors are besides responsible for the students’ character. A good instructor must guarantee that when pupils graduate. they are non merely successful in their calling but besides in their life as a individual. Discipline is one of import component of good character. Being disciplined agencies obeying every regulation stimulated by an establishment. in this instance. the school. It is an indispensable component because without subject. it is impossible for the pupils to command their behavior as they do non take the regulations earnestly. As a consequence. their character will be flawed because of their noncompliance. However. instructors should gain that simply obeying the regulations will non learn the pupils anything ; directing their bosom towards their every action will.

First of all. there must be a wages that can actuate the pupils to volitionally follow the regulations. In this instance. the wages is used as the first motivation factor to pull the pupils to adhere to the regulations. The pupils need this motivation factor because most of them. as adolescents. may see regulations as something that opposes them ; they take regulations as something that is “meant to be broken” . Therefore. in order to educate them about the importance of regulations. a wages is foremost needed. Harmonizing to Wikipedia. a wages is something that when presented after a behavior. causes that behavior to increase in strength or frequence. Let us take competition as an illustration to better understand the old definition. Most of the pupils who are winning a competition. for case math competition. will be interested to fall in the same type of math competition on the undermentioned old ages. or even seek another competition which is more ambitious.

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This procedure will go on at the same time. Even though the pupils may non ever win the competition. they know that there will ever be a chance for them to win the competition like what they antecedently have done. What the instructors should make. utilizing the competition as case in point. is to honor the pupils who have fewer or no misdemeanor during a term or twelvemonth. By making so. they are encouraged to keep their behaviour and even make it more frequently as they want to have the wages. On top of that. after the wages is given. the pupils will non merely experience proud of themselves but they will besides seek non to let down the instructors. who have trusted them with the wages. by keeping their disciplined behaviour. This becomes a farther motive for them to maintain following the regulations. Therefore. as the wagess can actuate the pupils to obey the regulations. showing the pupils with wages can do them prolong their disciplined behaviour at will.

Second. the instructors should explicate the grounds why the regulations are made. It is of import that the pupils know about the importance of following the regulations every bit good as the effects they will confront if they fail to make so. By making so. the pupils will hold 2nd ideas before make up one’s minding to interrupt the jurisprudence. In my old school in Indonesia. the pupils are non allowed to convey their nomadic phone to school. even if they are non utilizing it during category. However. many of the pupils still bring their phone in secret and maintain it inside their bags or pockets ; they think it is wholly right to convey their phone to school every bit long as they do non utilize it during the category ; they believe it will non upset their concentration.

If the school has told them that there is a good ground behind this regulation. they will hold thought twice before disobeying the regulation. The school should besides hold told them that conveying their phone to school is really unsafe as our society is non really safe: There have been some instances whereby pupils get robbed or even kidnapped by aliens who trespass on our school country. If the pupils had known about this ground before. they will perfectly non make something that will put on the line their ain safety. Therefore. doing known the grounds behind the regulations to all pupils is an of import factor that will assist the pupils follow the regulations with understanding. Not because the regulations are imposed on them but because they truly want to follow them. as they know that it is of import for their ain benefits.

Last but non least. instructors should be unfastened when the pupils present some unfavorable judgments about the regulations. In general. the pupils will raise their unfavorable judgments if they feel that the current regulation does non expeditiously work to function its intent and something can be done in order to polish it. It is of import that the instructors consider all the unfavorable judgments and do some necessary alterations so as to better the regulations. This rule is about the same with the rule of administration in my state. For illustration. the regulations about porno-action and erotica in Indonesia was reformed after the outstanding Islamics criticized the authorities about the old jurisprudence as it did non continue their spiritual belief. After being reformed. the regulation is now more good to us. Indonesians. whose bulk of citizens are Islamic.

From this illustration. we can see that it is necessary to accept unfavorable judgment from all stakeholders so that the new regulations will be better than the old 1s ; it satisfies the demands of all the stakeholders. Merely when the students’ demands are fulfilled will the pupils find it good to follow the regulations. Besides. merely like the authorities can non wholly cognize what is best for the citizens. we besides can non anticipate instructors to understand all the demands of the pupils. Therefore. we need to do the regulations in school unfastened to unfavorable judgment from all pupils. In this manner. the instructors will understand the students’ state of affairs better so that they can revise the regulations that will profit both the instructors and the pupils. Therefore. the pupils will follow the regulations because they know that it will truly give them the advantages as they besides took portion in crafting the regulations.

In decision. instructors will ne’er be able to successfully train their pupils if the pupils themselves are non willing to follow the regulations. The regulations will ne’er learn the pupils anything if they followed them merely to free themselves from the penalties. They might look to be following the regulations. but their disciplined behaviour might non last for a long clip if it is non a echt act from their bosom. Therefore. instructors should first actuate them with wages. explicate the grounds behind the regulations. and besides accept any unfavorable judgment given by the pupils. By making so. pupils will follow the regulations even without being asked because they feel motivated to follow the regulations ; they know the importance of following the regulations ; and they believe that the regulations will profit them. Merely by using these rules will the instructors be able to turn a disciplinary value that is embodied in the students’ character.
