Winter and Summer Essay Sample

Summer has the warmest temperature of all four seasons. It normally occurs during the months of June. July and August. Most schools and assorted occupations use this season to take a interruption for the advantage of longer yearss and warm conditions. The odor of sun-tan lotion at the pool or beach. the odor of barbecues. fume. and summer zephyr make full the air. The sounds of childs playing outside with their motorcycles. leap ropes. and birds peeping are heard throughout the twenty-four hours. The feeling of the hot Sun crushing down my cervix and shoulders. the feeling of heat moving ridges from outside and all the manner through my house as a consequence of no A/C is by and large my experience of summer. Tasting summer fruits such as Citrullus vulgaris. Prunus persicas. strawberries and lemonade while hearing gunfires and bangers outside is a day-to-day modus operandi for my summer.

Winter is the antonym of summer ; the coldest temperature of all four seasons. It normally occurs during the months of December. January and February. Winter is usually a clip for observing vacations such as Christmas and it besides brings in the New Year. One can anticipate to see people have oning the usual chapeaus. scarves. North Faces. boots and baseball mitts. I spend my winters listening to outside’s quiet hush from snow being on the land. Snow ploughs are heard every forenoon and dark. while heat is invariably fluxing throughout the house. I love the feeling of cool breezed and weave pushed against you as you feel the snow scranching beneath your pess. Winter is popular for the gustatory sensation of hot chocolate and vacation nutrient every bit good as the odor of fume from a fire topographic point or woodstove.

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Although these two seasons are improbably different they are besides related in tonss of different ways. Similarities between summer and winter are that they both have utmost temperatures. daylight nest eggs. and athleticss which fit the season. Summer and winter are like dark and twenty-four hours. wholly opposites from each other in conditions. Summer is extremely warm while winter is cold. The yearss of summer are besides longer where as the yearss in winter are comparatively shorter. Shorter apparels are worn during summer and heater apparels are worn during winter. In shutting. winter and summer are two seasons
