Ho Chi Minh (HCM) 1890-1965 Essay Sample

Born in Nguyen Sinh Cung in Kimlien in Annam state His male parent & gt ; teacher employed by the Gallic. resigned in protest of Gallic laterality over Vietnam & gt ; Ho learnt to defy French & A ; battle for independency from his male parent Run msg’s for the anti Gallic resistance when he was a kid Brought up n strong Confucian instructions and went to Gallic school. where he learnt to talk Gallic 1911 left Vietnam on a steamer & gt ; worked as kitchen manus Western influences and travels ; France and USSR

By 1914 good travelled & gt ; India. US. England ( worked as a pastry cook ) 1917 arrived in Paris and was known as Nguyen Ai Qouc ( Nguyen the Patriot ) & gt ; Paris read Karl Marx. heard of Bolshevik rpm. similarities b/t Russia and Vietnam & gt ; communism 1919 went to Woodrow Wilson to request for Vietnam independency 1920 laminitis of the Gallic Communist Party

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1924 Ho visited Moscow & gt ; Communist capital
Then went to China and worked with the Comintern ( communist international ) Ho moved to the China/Vietnam boundary line and formed the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth League with communist expatriates. Rise to prominence

Formation of the Indochinese Communist party ( ICP )
1930 formed ICP
Promised land reform. worker. soldier. provincial govt & A ; Bankss & gt ; great peasant support ICP remained uneffective before WW2. Comintern support for Popular Front govt in France- ICP/French cooperation but so USSR signed non aggression treaty with Nazi Germany. ICP forced belowground Experiences in China

1930-1 communist HCM arrested in Hong Kong remained at that place til 1933 1930s travelled throughout Sth East Asia distributing monosodium glutamate of communism and ICP 1938 went to china worked with Mao as adviser & gt ; China strong ally for Vietnam Development of the Viet Minh & A ; propaganda units

1941. HCM returned to Nipponese occupied Vietnam & A ; formed nationalist independency movement- Viet Minh & gt ; replacing govt when Nipponese left Changed name to HCM ‘the enlightened one’

During year of opposition taught provincials of his monosodium glutamate & gt ; used propaganda units to learn of patriotism. communism & A ; land reforms & gt ; consequence of HCM’s observation of Mao in China Resistance to Nipponese Occupation

Thru military leader of General Giap Vietminh started Guerrilla warfare run against Japanese & gt ; these tactics subsequently used against Gallic and US Tactics incl. – little group ambuscades. turning away of major conflicts. hassling a retreating or resting ground forces. taking advantage of jungle and cragged terrain. deriving assurance of dad. Defeat of Japan & gt ; Vietminh started rpm. & gt ; gained control of Hanoi 22 August by late August captured Saigon

Significance and rating
Declaration of independency
2 Sept HCM announced independency of Vietnam & gt ; hoped to derive support from western states incl. US. during war US had aided HCM and Vietminh rescued downed US pilots Vietnam declaration of independency incl. portion of the US and France declaration HCM failed to derive US support

The taking 3 wartime allies-US. UK & A ; USSR-decided at the Potsdam conference. to return Gallic control to Indochina. HCM continuously negotiated with Gallic throughout 1946 & gt ; France had no purpose of allowing independency The 1st Indochina war Begin with France assailing Haiphong seaport killing 6000 The Gallic War ( 1st Indochina War )

Lasted from 1946-54. the Vietminh retreated to the jungle. conventional onslaughts to be avoided Guerrilla onslaughts and propaganda continued
1950 Chinese assistance
Gallic morale worsening due to unorg. Of ground forces
Peasants enduring in French controlled countries compared to Vietminh controlled countries Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Geneva Conference
Held to discourse jobs originating in Indochina and Korea Vietminh triumph at Dien Bien Phu strengthened negociating place of HCM Main determinations of the conference- Vietnam divided at 17th analogue. elections to be held in 1956 to reunite Vietnam HCM non happy with consequences of conference but pressured into accepting footings by China and USSR 2nd Indochina War

After 1954 HCM focused on the development and Reconstruction of Nth Vietnam. Late 50s resistance to Diem Sth government was turning and HCM and the Vietminh attacked ‘soft targets’ such as govt functionaries in the Sth. 1959 HCM advised to take up weaponries against Diem. HCM backed the National Liberation Front ( NLF ) or Vietcong NLF contained many anti Diem groups. dominated by the Communists Vietcong used guerilla warfare techniques

NLF forced US engagement from 1965 in order to shore up up the southern government HCM throughout this period had go oning bad wellness 3 Sept 1969 HCM died of bosom failure. aged 79. became known as ‘Uncle Ho’ Role and impact as a radical war clip leader

HCM crucial in developing Vietminh/Vietcong
Accomplished success of Guerrilla warfare & gt ; needed both effectual military and political schemes Believed in the scheme of abrasion and forbearance when it came to Vietnam winning the war of imminence & gt ; described struggle b/t French and Vietnamese like battle b/t tiger and elephant. Insisted on regard for provincials e. g. respect peasant adult females. aid provincials with work. non steal & gt ; such regulations portion of HCM’s ’12 Recommendations’ Guerrillas taught to distribute nationalist ideals amongst the peasantry HCM: A Communist or patriot?

Combination of both but nationalist first
Nationalist e. g. entreaties to pres Woodrow Wilson 1919 and 1960 pres Johnson for Vietnamese independency Held with the ideals of communism throughout life but patriotism ever predominated. Communism was one of HCM mistakes. This ideal had negative stigma attached to it. Communism may hold taunted his repute particularly in the western universe where communism was feared and hated by many. Refused to bow to French. Nipponese or Americans

Would non let communist states e. g. China or USSR to command Vietnam. even thou he would accept their assistance.
