Drug Abuse in Society Essay Sample

The sum of force within society today is amazing and medical surveies have proven to demo Acts of the Apostless of force with relation to drug maltreatment. Drug maltreatment is regarded to as a personal and antisocial dependance which normally leads to a punishable discourtesy by governments. Social struggle theory and drug maltreatment would be considered a job of inequality and category struggle. While drug maltreatment is a job throughout society. a struggle theory would reason that minorities or lower category groups are more likely to endure. because of the negative effects from drug maltreatment. Sociologists can analyse with three chief theoretical positions of functionalism. struggle. and interactionism with drug maltreatment and Acts of the Apostless of force. These sociological theories will assist to understand substance maltreatment as a social phenomenon. holding cultural. societal. and economic beginnings. These theories will non merely research the person. but the societal universe that exists around them. Drug maltreatment through the position of a functionalist may see it as dysfunctional ; a important procedure within society when on disrupts the societal system or upset its solidness.

The position of society is a complex system whose parts all work together to advance solidarity and stableness. Drug maltreatment can be viewed as functional. because the drug maltreatment maintains the billion dollar industry along with employment of pharmaceutical companies. head-shrinkers. and doctors who write and prescribe the medicines and maintain rehabilitation centres. The focal point is on society as a whole that can turn. make integrity. coherence. stableness. and create cardinal necessities for societal being. Chaos. instability. and disaffection will interrupt the society. Schaefer ( 2010 ) explained. “Talcott Parsons ( 1902–1979 ) . a Harvard University sociologist. was a cardinal figure in the development of functionalist theory.

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Parsons was greatly influenced by the work of Emile Durkheim. Max Weber. and other European sociologists. Parsons saw any society as a huge web of connected parts. each of which helps to keep the system as a whole. His functionalist attack holds that if an facet of societal life does non lend to a society’s stableness or survival—if it does non function some identifiably utile map or advance value. ” Along with the other theoreticians. Emile Durkheim was particularly interested in how societal order is possible or how society remains comparatively stable. Once a society displays instability. the operation of that society will go disrupted and will go viewed as unfavourable and non the norm. When drug related force is exposed throughout a society. it will so go disrupted and unstable. Once a society has been disrupted and is unstable. it can non work efficaciously and decently.

Sociologists view societal struggle theories are within a wide country of inequality and struggle. The struggle theory arises over disparities. such as poorness. power. and group individuality. Conflict theoreticians see society and its construction controlled by those who are educated. wealthier or with higher power that possess a greater economical category. These theoreticians are more macro oriented. and for society’s construction it is controlled by those with the greatest economic. societal. and cultural assets. Because of Karl Marx’s work. sociologists and other societal scientists have come to see struggle non as a category phenomenon. but as a portion of mundane life in all societies. Schaefer ( 2010 ) explained. “Marx emphasized the group designations and associations that influence an individual’s topographic point in society.

Marx viewed relationships in systematic footings ; that is. he believed that a system of economic. societal. and political relationships maintained the power and laterality of the proprietors over the workers. ” Conflict theory suggests a theoretical account of society bing into different groups with independent involvements. and these groups compete for resources and power. while ruling and stamp downing minority groups. This allows persons to lift to places of power publically and in private. where they create constructions that perpetuate their power every bit good as involvements. Aberrance and force related to drug maltreatment is a response of estranging the inequality of certain groups of ethnicities and racial minorities. While substance maltreatment is by and large ubiquitous throughout society. societal struggle would reason that minorities. the lower category. and other marginalized groups are more likely to endure negative effects as a consequence of drug maltreatment. Not all may see inequality and resort to aberrance. but those that do are either seeking to alter systems of inequality. or following alternate life styles and individualities.

The Interactionist and its position on drug maltreatment is related to cut downing the badness by protagonism with a renewing justness attack. This perspective takes on a more micro-level position of force with drugs. and a more personal focal point on societal interaction in state of affairss. Persons involved have created their ain societal system. Interactionists would see drug usage as an single action. Schaefer ( 2010 ) explained. “Theorists who take the interactionist position generalize about mundane signifiers of societal interaction in order to explicate society as a whole. ” A sociologist with this position would believe people act towards drugs and force based on the intending those things have for them ; and these significances are derived from societal interaction and modified through reading.

Society is created and socially structured by the persons. The consequences to this force of drug maltreatment are with a theory of positive consequences and ends to reconstruct wellness of the person and community and its negative events. fix any hurt. and to legalize a victim’s drug discourtesies with resolution and taking a condemnable label wholly. The end of interactionism is to cut down formal labeling and punishment of substance maltreaters with specifications to the factors that lead to drug maltreatment. This can greatly increase bar rates and schemes that seek to extinguish drug maltreatment. An interactionist would see force related to drug maltreatment is what it is labeled to be. or what people say it is. All in all. society and world are what people make them.

Overall. it is important to distribute consciousness among others and the after effects of drugs throughout every society. Not merely should societies be cognizant of the negative effects drug maltreatment can hold. but the force that can make along with it. This issue is imperative whether you are analysing the state of affairs through the functionalist theory. struggle theory. or interactionist theory. Through the eyes of a functionalist. interactionist. struggle theory. we can either work together. be into different groups. or cut down formal labeling and punishment. No affair if the issue is being viewed by the individual’s actions. a merchandise of inequality. or a necessary portion of society functioning some intent. drug maltreatment and force is a really serious issue that needs to be resolved within every society.
