The Black Cat Essay Research Paper A

The Black Cat Essay, Research Paper

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A Glimpse Into the World of The Black Cat

Those who have read any of Edgar Allan Poe s short narratives know that most of them are full of suspense and enigma and that they efflict a feeling of horror and daze upon the reader.

Poe surveies the head, and is witting of the abnormalcies of his storytellers and he does non excuse the rational expedient through which they strive, merely excessively seriously, to warrant themselves. He enters the field of the starkly, about clinically realistic probe of work forces who, although they may experience uneasy about their mental provinces when their tenseness lets up, are excessively far gone to understand their passion, allow entirely to command it ( Gargano 171 ) . His narratives normally have a atrocious slaying subject in which there is a obsessional storyteller and they follow the development of the theme measure by measure with a pragmatism that, excluding with mastermind, might instance a

history from the twentieth-century psychopathology. This could non be presented more clearly than in The Black Cat. Those who may deny pragmatism to Poe can non be really familiar with our day-to-day newspapers, which sporadically carry true narratives of slayings committed under merely unnatural psychological force per unit areas as those described in The Black Cat ( Buranelli 76 ) . This narrative begins with the storyteller, who is about to be hung, squealing what he has done in some type of

repention for his psyche. The narrator measure by measure describes how he began imbibing and so to pretermit his dearly beloved cat and his married woman. One twenty-four hours when he is maddened by the actions of the

cat, he cuts out its oculus and subsequently kills the cat by hanging it. After his house burns down and he has lost all he owned he finds a new cat resembling all to well the first. One twenty-four hours while working

with his married woman in the basement he is about tripped down the steps by the cat, he so picks up an axe and attempts to kill it but his swing is intercepted by his married woman and he alternatively strikes her and kills her

immediately. He conceals the organic structure but so when the constabulary semen, he in a mocking mode taps the wall in which she is buried and reveals to the constabulary what he has done ( Poe ) . In Edgar Allan Poe s The Black Cat, his usage of point of position, symbolism, prefiguration, and theme all combine with what he calls a series of mere family events to demo how the storyteller is driven into lunacy ( Poe 1 ) .

Told in the first individual point of position by a undependable storyteller, a term denominating one who either consciously or unconsciously distorts the truth, we are caused to acquire a one sided

narrative in which we don t know whether what we are reading is fact of fiction ( Prinsky 231 ) . Poe s usage of the first individual point of position strengthens the purpose of moral daze and horror writes

Martha Womack ( 5 ) . By get downing the narrative with the phrase, For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to write, I neither solicit belief, the storyteller makes several things rather explicit: that he is composing instead than speech production, that the narrative, although difficult to believe, is true and that he doesn t expect any one to believe him ( Poe 1 ) . He besides makes it clear that what he will depict is non the consequence of lunacy or a dream, but existent events that took topographic point which he calls an ordinary sequence of really natural causes and effects ( Poe 1 ) . When the storyteller declares this, he causes the reader to believe rather the antonym of what he is composing,

which in fact is that the storyteller of the narrative is brainsick and causes us to oppugn if the narrative is in

fact the truth.

By stating the narrative from the first individual point of position readers get the feeling that they are merely traveling to larn about what the storyteller wants them to cognize and that they might non

larn the whole truth. Although, this point of position is one sided we still learn a batch about the storyteller s feelings towards his cat, but we learn about nil about his feelings towards his

married woman. We find that the storyteller is sensitive and has a strong love for animate beings. We learn that his favourite animate being was his black cat, and we besides learn how his attitude alterations after he starts

imbibing. Throughout the narrative the storyteller ne’er reveals the name of his married woman or why he has no compunction when he dreadfully kills her ( Hoffman 235 ) . This may propose that the storyteller wants us to cognize nil about her and possibly he, himself, want us non to believe much about her. The point of position of the narrative can outdo be described when Womack implies what we get out of it by composing, Once once more, the reader is invited to dig into the interior workings of the dark side of the

head ( 5 ) . This statement shows how from the first individual point of position the reader is able to see deep inside the storyteller s head about as if taking portion in the action.

The narrative has a great trade of symbolism which plays an of import function throughout the whole narrative. From the symbolism in the narrative we learn a batch about the concealed messages that are

behind the storytellers actions. First of wholly, the cat in the narrative is black which can be interpreted into holding a great trade of different significances. One significance is that the black cat normally symbolizes something evil or bad. In this narrative there are two black cats which can typify twice every bit much immorality. Hoffman thinks that the black cat may typify something else when he writes:

It is she ( married woman ) that suggests to the storyteller who is so tender towards his pets, theold superstitious notion that a black cat is a enchantress in camouflage. What the married woman suggests, but the hubby may in truth believe, that the black cat = enchantress. This, and other grounds shortly to be introduced and offered in the present brief, take me tosuggest that, in the synoptic and evasive glossary of this narrative, enchantress = married woman. Ergo, black cat = married woman ( 235 ) .

Yet black cats can typify a batch more things such things as decease, black magic, witchery, liquors of the dead, and most common a symbol of bad fortune ( Womack 6 ) . The cat s name itself can be interpreted as a symbol. Pluto, the name of the cat, can typify what we know from Greek and Roman mythology, which is that Pluto was the God of the dead and swayer of the underworld. The symbolism of the cats name can be used to demo how the cat will somehow do some type of decease.

The cat s oculus in the narrative can besides be a symbol in which it represents what some call the immorality oculus, that is performed when person looks at another in a distressing mode. Possibly the

cat s oculus symbolizes something else as May mentioned, When we listen to the word oculus, instead than look at it, we understand that when the storyteller says he destroys the oculus, he could mmean he destroyed the I, which would intend himself ( 78 ) . Another portion in the narrative which can typify a batch of things is the fact that the cat is half blinded, this could represent that the storyteller excessively is somehow half blinded possibly by imbibing, or by guilt, or the unwillingness to see

upseting things. The physical injury the storyteller inflicts upon the cat can typify how he alternatively wants to harm his married woman. A farther symbol is The baleful figure of Pluto, seen by a crowd

of neighbours, is symbolically both and accusal and a omen, an mystery to the witnesss but and infallible mark to the reader ( Gargano 170 ) .

Poe besides applies symbolism when he uses peculiar words, alternatively of others, to depict something. In the narrative the changeless repeat sing the usage of words such as bosom, bosom, and chest, I believe can typify the storytellers problem

with love and compassiontowards others, largely his married woman. When the storyteller kills his married woman he says that he buried the axe in her encephalon the usage of the word encephalon alternatively of caput or skull can typify how he may

have been believing about making this for some clip ( Poe 4 ) .

One of the most telling symbols in the narrative is When the brick wall is broken down, the cat is found perched on the cadaver s caput, one more indicant of the storyteller s guilt ( remembering the site of lesion ) and its cause ( Prinsky 234 ) .

Poe s usage of boding besides plays an of import function in the narrative to announce some of the major events that will take topographic point. In the beginning of the narrative when the storyteller writes, But to-morrow I die, and today I would unburthen my psyche ( Poe 1 ) . This tells readers that they are about to happen out what atrocious offense the storyteller has committed in order to be in such a state of affairs. Womack writes: Poe s pronounced usage of boding leads the reader from one event to the following ( one dark, one forenoon, on the dark of the twenty-four hours, etc. ) . Within the first few paragraphs of the narrative, the storyteller foreshadows that he will violently harm his married woman ( At length, I even offered her personal force ) ( 6 ) . Poe uses boding throughout the narrative when he talks a batch about the cat and talk small about his married woman, proposing that he doesn t care much about his married woman and he could ache her without compunction.

The debut of the black cat itself foreshadows a great trade of what is traveling to go on. The cat, stand foring bad fortune, foreshadows that in the coming of events bad things are traveling to take topographic point. The cat s name, Pluto besides foreshadows what is traveling to go on in the narrative. His name foreshadows the storytellers decent into the cloudy parts of alcohol addiction, self-deceit, and force. A farther topographic point prefiguration is used is when the visual aspect of a

hung cat is left on the staying wall after the house has been burnt. This hints that he will everlastingly be haunted by how he killed Pluto. The gallows on the chest of the 2nd cat besides play a portion in boding because they implicate to the reader that the storyteller will be hung in the hereafter for the offense of killing his married woman. Prinsky states that boding is used in the offense scene, a basement, which reminds readers of the name of the first black cat and foreshadows the

storytellers descent into the darkness of unreason, of immorality, and the forces of the unconscious head ( 234 ) .

The Black Cat is a narrative that has puzzled critics for some clip because there is no true subject that can be found in the narrative. There are many subjects one can acquire out of this narrative many of which have to make with those of psychological survey ( Womack ) . As Prinsky said:

The narrative has many subjects, most of them associating to human psychological science and several in the signifier of reverses: ground versus the irrational ; human being versus animate being ; self-knowledge versus ego misrepresentation ; saneness versus lunacy ; love versus hatred ; good versus immorality ; the power of compulsion and guilt ; and the beginnings or motivations of offense. As in many of his plants, Poe is interested in the boundary line between antonyms and how it may be crossed ( 232 ) . The good versus evil subject suggested by Prinsky in my sentiment can be interpreted in two different ways. One, in which instance the storyteller thinks of himself as the good combating the evil-the cat. This subject I think could besides be the same but the good being the married woman and the evil being the storyteller. Another of Prinsky subjects can besides be interpreted in two different ways. Love versus hatred, in which the love the storyteller has towards the cat turns into hatred. It can be viewed in another manner in which the love the cat has for the storyteller turns into the hatred towards him after he starts imbibing.

Another subject I believe could be that the power of compulsion and guilt could drive a individual mad. In this instance the power of compulsion the storyteller has towards the cat and guilt for what he did to the cat drove the storyteller so huffy that he killed it even though he truly loved it. An extra subject can be stated as: are people genuinely huffy or are they driven into lunacy? This subject could be hard because in the beginning of the narrative we think the storyteller is huffy when we see how he is an obsessional storyteller but we besides see how he is loving towards his animate beings oppugning our first ideas. His character does non alter until he starts imbibing, doing him to go huffy, so this could explicate how he was driven into lunacy.

Davidson wrote that, The Black Cat is pointedly addressed to this subject of contrariness & # 8230 ; this unfathomable yearning of the psyche to annoy itself-to offer force to its ain nature- to make incorrect for incorrect s sake merely is represented in the narrative ( 190 ) . Contrary to this subject is when Gargano implies that if in fact it was a subject of contrariness it is flawed when the storyteller proudly boasts of his self-denial. In my position the most appropriate subject for this narrative is that the Fiend Intemperance could be one s ruin as it was for the storyteller in this narrative. When the storyteller started imbibing his loving attitude changed into one of insanity and force.

Poe s usage of point of position, symbolism, boding and theme all played an of import function in this narrative giving grounds to why the storyteller acted as he did. Although in the beginning of the narrative we understand that when the storyteller writes huffy am I non that he in actuality was in fact mad or insane. Even though the storyteller states that what he did was caused all by the actions of the cat we find that in fact it was caused by him and his imbibing. In this narrative the

irrational impulse to kill, which precedes out of an congenital sense of fright and blends into the impulse of self-destruction, becomes our ain. In capsule signifier, this vocalization describes the whole of the storyteller s life and ironically his decease. Poe, I think, is a serious creative person who explores all parts of his characters with examining intelligence. He permits the storyteller in this narrative to uncover and stagger into torture, but sees beyond the torture it causes. The Black Cat, must surely acquit Poe of the charge of simply sensational authorship ( Gargano 170 ) . If we did non look at this narrative and see the four chief literary devices used we would hold non got the full consequence that Poe was

seeking to convey, which is that merely about anyone can be driven into lunacy and that the storyteller in this narrative is non really different from any other individual.

Plants Cited

Buranelli, Vincent. Edgar Allan Poe: Second Edition. Boston: Twanyne Publishers, 1977.


Davidson, Edward H. Poe: A Critical Study. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957. 190.

Gargano, James W. The Question of Poe s Narrators. Poe: A Collection of Critical Essays.

Ed. Robert Regan. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1967. 169-171.

Hoffman, Daniel. Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe. Garden City: Doubleday & A ; Company, 1972.

May, Charles E. Edgar Allan Poe: A Study of the Short Fiction. Boston: Twayne Publishers,

1991. 78.

Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. Ed. Martha Womack. Internet 29 July.

1998. Available hypertext transfer protocol: //

Prinsky, Norman. The Black Cat. Masterplots II: Short Story Series. Ed. Frank N. Magil.

Vol. 1. Pasadena: Salem Press, 1986. 231-34.

Womack, Martha. Edgar Allan Poe s The Black Cat. Internet. 2 August

1998. Available hypertext transfer protocol: //
