New World Chemicals, Inc. Essay Sample

In bring forthing the fiscal prognosis for NWC. Ms. Wilson has to find the followers:

Extra financess needed ( AFN )
Free hard currency flow

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In relation to the above. Ms. Wilson has to see effects on the undermentioned points:

Operational capacity against gross revenues projections
Premises in receivables direction
Forecasted growing in fixed assets
Expected betterment in stock list handling


Methodology used in analyzing the instance is as follows:

Determine the initial prognosis based on the undermentioned premises:

Operationss is at full capacity
Gross saless to increase by 25 % in 2009
All assets will turn at the same rate as gross revenues
Histories collectible ( AP ) and accrued liabilities will besides turn at the same rate as gross revenues Profit border of 2. 52 % and dividend pay-out of 30 % will be sustained in 2009

Integrate the undermentioned utile information in the initial prognosis:

Dayss gross revenues outstanding will better from 43. 8 yearss in 2008 to about 34 yearss in 2009 Fixed assets will increase to $ 700 million in 2009
Improvement in stock list turnover from 8. 33 times in 2008 to 10 times in 2009

Determine the concluding prognosis and compute for AFN.
Determine the free hard currency flow in 2009. Compare the initial scenario with the concluding prognosis. Determine the full capacity gross revenues based on 85 % runing capacity of fixed assets. Compute for the addition in fixed assets in order to counterbalance the jutting addition in gross revenues. Analyse the effects of the following to AFN:

Dividend payout ratio
Net income border
Capital strength ratio
Lengthen purchases recognition footings

Extra Fundss Needed Determination

The fiscal demand based on the initial prognosis sing the undermentioned premises yielded a positive AFN of $ 180. 90 million.

Gross saless addition by 25 % in 2009
All assets. AP and accrued liabilities will turn at 25 % in 2009 Profit border of 2. 52 % and dividend pay-out of 30 % will be sustained in 2009

The AFN was determined by utilizing the AFN expression:

AFN = Projected addition in assets
( less ) self-generated addition in liabilities
( less ) addition in maintained net incomes
=Total AFN

Figure 1 illustrates the bit-by-bit calculation of the AFN.

Figure 1: Initial Forecast AFN

The same AFN. determined at $ 180. 90 million. can besides be derived utilizing the balance sheet attack as shown in figure 2.

After confer withing with different sections. Ms. Wilson determined the undermentioned points to be relevant and incorporated all the information in the calculation of AFN. Using the balance sheet attack. the undermentioned premises were combined with the initial prognosis and yielded the concluding 2009 jutting sums.

Figure 3 shows that the AFN is still at $ 180. 90 million because the alterations offset each other.

Figure 3: 2009 Final Projected Balance Sheet. Income Statement and AFN

Understanding Financial Ratios

In comparing cardinal ratios with 2008 informations and 2009 projection ( see figure 4 ) . the undermentioned can be concluded:

Basic net incomes power. net income border and return on equity indicate that the company is non that profitable because its Numberss show that it is approximately executing merely at 50 % of the industry.

Dayss gross revenues outstanding is higher than industry norm. The jutting addition will post a important betterment in receivables direction.

Inventory turnover is lower meaning that the company is transporting excessively much stock list.

Coverage ratio is lower than industry norm.

Figure 4: Cardinal Ratios

Having determined and interpreted the appropriate ratios as illustrated in figure 4. it is of great value for NWC to find the nature of several ratios with respects to the AFN. The selected ratios and other factors below explain their behavior with regard to the AFN.

Dividend Payout Ratio ( DPR )

By expression. addition in DPR will intend decrease of maintained net incomes and increase in AFN. Paying dividends will cut down the available financess of the company but is a manner to increase stockholder value. Increasing or decreasing of DPR spells out the standing of the company to its stockholders. Decrease or non giving dividends for a period will cut down AFN but will intend that the company is fighting to supply adequate net income. Stockholders may see this as a signal that farther investings for the company are riskier.

Net income Margin

Net income border and AFN have inverse relationship. As net income border additions. AFN will diminish. This is true. nevertheless. merely when volume of gross revenues remains changeless. More frequently the non when net income border additions due to increase in monetary values. volume of gross revenues will endure. which may or may non increase the net net income itself. If addition in net income border is caused by operational efficiency or merely decrease of costs. it is safe to state that volume of gross revenues will non be affected. With this. AFN will diminish consequently.

Capital Intensity Ratio ( CIR )

CIR is a step of how much money is invested to bring forth a dollar of gross revenues gross. Having a low CIR is favourable for a company. Assuming degree of gross revenues is increasing and assets are increasing at a slower rate. CIR will diminish and frailty versa. This means that assets required to bring forth same sum of income is diminishing. If this is the status. decreasing of CIR will cut down AFN. However. when lessening in CIR is caused by take downing of monetary values. depending on the consequence on net income. it may post lower. higher. or no maintained net incomes. Despite holding decreased CIR. under this status. the consequence on AFN will depend on the ensuing consequence on maintained net incomes.

NWC Lengthen purchases recognition footings

Permission to pay after 60 yearss alternatively of 30 yearss will increase short term liabilities in general. In expression. mean histories collectible will increase and hold a direct impact on AFN. Addition on this sort of liability will cut down AFN and is favourable for the company in footings of hard currency flow. If the monetary values of the goods and involvement rates remain the same. there will be no other manner that the consequence on AFN will alter.

Cash Flow Interpretation

On the other manus. free hard currency flow for NWC is computed as shown in figure 4.

Figure 5: Free Cash Flow

Free hard currency flows represent the hard currency the company is able to bring forth after disbursement on its fixed assets. Having a negative free hard currency flow for NWC is non wholly bad. It merely shows that the company is puting in spread outing its plus base.

Figure 6: Degree of Gross saless vs. Operating Capacity

The expected gross revenues growing will necessitate extra fixed assets.


Most companies bring forthing specialised chemicals operate in an investing heavy industry. Therefore. the purchase of fixed assets should be good planned. Otherwise. company’s money will be tied up with fresh equipment. In New World Chemical’s ( NWC ) instance. planning for 25 % addition in gross revenues for the coming twelvemonth will intend extra fixed assets needed to be financed.

With the information given above. the company should prosecute on purchasing fixed assets to make the mark addition in gross revenues. If the NWC wants to shut the spread of its financials to that of the industry norm. investing for the new fixed assets should be debt financed.

The addition in fixed assets will at first non be able to be utilized to the full but will open up extra capacity. which can be utilized by company to spread out its merchandises. A new merchandise that has a lower variable cost is favorable for the company in footings of increasing its BASIC gaining power. This covers up for their failing. which is evidenced as their worst ratio in comparing to the industry.
