100 Greatest Discovery Video Notes Summary Essay Sample

The first find in chemical science. the find of O by Joseph Priestley in the 1770s. started when scientists searched for “new air”” known as gas. Later. Antoine Lavoisier named it O and described its function. The following find was the atomic theory by John Dalton. who at foremost called the atomic weights “the comparative weights of ultimate particles” . His atomic theory was the radical system that described the relationship between atoms and elements. Atoms uniting into molecules was another find found when Gay Lussac saw that the gases produced twice the volume when uniting equal volume of different gases. In 1811. Amedeo Avogadro realized that the premises that gases remain of individual atoms to be incorrect and that gases really stay of multiple atoms. molecules. The following find was the synthesis of carbamide in the nineteenth century when Friedrich Woehler synthesized urea from inorganic stuffs. turn outing that substances made by populating things can be reproduced with inanimate substances. The periodic tabular array of elements is following find and is discovered by Dmitry Mendeleyev. who made cards and wrote the name of elements. atomic weight. typical belongingss and its similarities with other elements. and after set uping them about. he saw that they fall into seven perpendicular groupings.

Humphry Davy discovered and proved the power of electricity to respond with chemicals and transform. which subsequently lead to lift in aluminium industry. solar panels. semi music directors and etc. Later. negatrons where discovered by J. J Thomson and became known to be smaller than other atoms. John Hyatt discovered a manner to work the long stringing molecules of cellulous and created the first plastic. About 50 old ages subsequently. Leo Baekeland took the following measure and with two chemicals from coal he discovered the first to the full man-made plastic. The following find was the thought that negatrons form chemical bonds. Early on in 1900’s. Gilbert Lewis explained that negatrons and atoms went in shells around the karyon and theorized that two chemical elements might unite to organize a compound when they give up or accept negatrons from their outer shells ( ex: table salt ) . In1850. Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen found that atoms have signatures of visible radiation. They conducted series of experiments to cognize why substances emitted specific colourss when placed in fire and resulted with the thought that colour determines what elements are present in substance. They besides built the first stethoscope to assist them see the spectra coming from heated substances.

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