Care Plan Hip Fracture Essay Sample

Give hurting medicines prior to physical activity as hurting impairs mobility and the patient is more likely to win in making her physical activity ends if her hurting is under good control. Impaired physical mobility R/T recent surgery 2° right intertrochanteric hip break AEB platinum. merely being able to ambulate 40 foot with Walker & A ; assist x 1. Acute hurting R/T recent surgery 2° to intertrochanteric right hip break AEB platinum. evaluation hurting as a 10/10. Ensure platinum. alterations place at least Q 2hr to forestall musculus wasting & A ; force per unit area sores from stationariness & A ; extended periods of clash as these can deter physical activity. Assess hurting Q 2 hour & A ; following hurting medicine disposal as per protocol. in order to “stay on top of the pain” & A ; handle it before it gets out of manus. The platinum. will rate her hurting no higher than a 4/10 on the hurting graduated table by the terminal of my displacement on 12-5-11 at 12:00 autopsy. CONCEPT MAP. 12-5-11

Pt. will ambulate 60 foot with Walker & A ; assist x 1 by the terminal of my displacement on 12-5-11 at 12:00 autopsy. PT consult for direction on usage of assistive devices ( Walker. crutches. etc. ) Encourage platinum. to execute AROM exercises Q 2hrs every bit tolerated as this will forestall musculus wasting every bit good ass status the platinum. & A ; work platinum. up to full ambulation. Evaluate effectivity of ALL pain control steps used ( non merely Master of Educations ) . as research shows the most common ground for undiminished hurting is failure to routinely measure hurting & A ; hurting alleviation. Establish a baseline appraisal of hurting and have pt. choose end hurting degree. as baseline appraisal gives a mention point & A ; alerts staff about alterations in hurting position. Administer prn hurting medicine as needed per MD orders.

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