Criminal Law Dicnonary Essay Research Paper Entrapment

Condemnable Law Dicnonary Essay, Research Paper

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The incentive, by jurisprudence enforcement officers or their agents, of another individual to perpetrate

a offense for the intents of delivery charges for the committee of that

artificially-provoked offense. This technique, because it involves the committee of a offense,

which is itself a offense, is badly curtailed under the constitutional jurisprudence of many provinces.


a regulation of jurisprudence that when individual A, by act or words, gives individual B ground to

believe a certain set of facts upon which individual B takes action, individual A can non subsequently,

to his ( or her ) benefit, deny those facts or state that his ( or her ) earlier act was

improper. A 1891 English tribunal determination summarized estoppel as & # 8220 ; a regulation of grounds

which precludes a individual from denying the truth of some statement antecedently made

by himself & # 8221 ; .


A writ of certiorari is a signifier of judicial reappraisal whereby a tribunal is asked to

see a legal determination of an, judicial office or organisation ( eg. authorities ) and to

make up one’s mind if the determination has been regular and complete or if there has been an mistake of jurisprudence.

For illustration, a certiorari may be used to pass over out a determination of an administrative court

which was made in misdemeanor of the regulations of natural justness, such as a failure to give the

individual affected by the determination an chance to be heard.

Circumstantial grounds

which may let a justice or jury to infer a certain fact from other facts which have been

proven. In some instances, there can be some that can non be proven straight, such as with an

eye-witness. And yet that may be indispensable to turn out a instance. In these instances, the attorney will

supply the justice or juryman with of the fortunes from which a juryman or justice can

logically deduct, or moderately infer, the fact that can non be proven straight ; it is proven by

the of the fortunes ; hence, & # 8220 ; circumstantial & # 8221 ; . Fingerprints are an illustration of

circumstantial grounds: while there may be no informant to a individual & # 8217 ; s presence in a certain

topographic point, or contact with a certain object, the scientific grounds of person & # 8217 ; s fingerprints is

persuasive cogent evidence of a individual & # 8217 ; s presence or contact with an object.

Case jurisprudence

The full aggregation of published legal determinations of the tribunals which, because of,

contributes a big portion of the legal regulations which apply in modern society. If a regulation of jurisprudence

can non be found in written Torahs, attorneies will frequently state that it is a regulation to be found in & # 8220 ; instance

jurisprudence & # 8221 ; . In other words, the regulation is non in the books but can be found as a rule of jurisprudence

established by a justice in some recorded instance. The word has become synonymous for instance


Class action

When different individuals combine their cases because the facts and the suspect are so

similar. This is designed to salvage Court clip and to let one justice to hear all the instances at

the same clip and to do one determination binding on all parties. Class action cases would

typically occur after a plane or train accident where all the victims would action the

transit company together in a category action suit.

Ad hoc

Latin: for this intent ; for a specific intent. An ad hoc, for illustration, is created with a

unique and specific intent or undertaking and once it has studied and studies on the affair, it

bases disbanded ( compare with ) .

Ad litem

Latin: for the suit. A individual appointed merely for the intents of prosecuting or supporting

an action on behalf of another such as a kid or mentally-challenged individual. Besides called a

guardian ad litem.

Res judicata

Latin: A affair which has already been once and for all decided by a tribunal.

Nolo contendere

Latin for & # 8220 ; I will non support it. & # 8221 ; Used chiefly in condemnable proceedings whereby the

defendant diminutions to rebut the grounds of the prosecution. In some legal powers, this

response by the suspect has same consequence as a supplication of guilty.


An official tribunal papers, signed by a justice or bearing an official tribunal seal, which

commands the individual to whom it is addressed, to make something particular. That & # 8220 ; individual & # 8221 ; is

typically either a sheriff ( who may be instructed to prehend belongings, for illustration ) or a

suspect ( for whom the writ is the first notice of formal legal action. In these instances, the

writ would command the individual to reply the charges laid out in the suit, or else

judgement may be made against them in their absence ) .


Besides called a & # 8220 ; moot point & # 8221 ; : a side issue, job or inquiry which does non hold to

be decided to decide the chief issues in a difference


A forgiveness is a authorities determination to let a individual who has been convicted of a offense,

to be free and absolved of that strong belief, as if ne’er convicted. It is typically used to

take a condemnable record against a good citizen for a little offense that may hold been

committed during adolescence or immature maturity. Although processs vary from one

province to another, the petition for a forgiveness normally involves a drawn-out period of clip of

faultless behaviour and a mention cheque. By and large talking, the more serious the

offense, the longer the clip demand for first-class behaviour. In the USA, the power to

forgiveness for federal discourtesies belongs to the President.


A writ which commands an person, organisation ( eg. authorities ) , or tribunal to

execute a certain action, normally to rectify a anterior illegal action or a failure to move in the

foremost topographic point.


This is a gesture put to a test justice after the complainant has completed his or her instance, in

which the suspect, while non objecting to the facts presented, and instead than reacting

by a full defense mechanism, asks the tribunal to reject the request right so and at that place because of a deficiency

of footing in jurisprudence or inadequacy of the grounds. This gesture has been been abolished in

many provinces and, alternatively, any such statements are to be made while showing a regular

defense mechanism to the request.

De Novo

Latin: new. This term is used to mention to a test which starts over, which wipes the slate

clean and begins all over once more, as if any old partial or complete hearing had non



The official statement by a taken in composing ( as opposed to which where a informants give

their perceptual experience of the facts verbally ) . are the most common sort of depositions.

Duces tecum

Latin: bring with you. Used most often for a species of ( as in & # 8221 ; duces tecum & # 8221 ; ) which

seeks non so much the visual aspect of a individual before a tribunal of jurisprudence, but the resignation of a

thing ( eg. a papers or some other grounds ) by its holder, to the tribunal, to function as

grounds in a test.

Punitive amendss

Particular and extremely exceeding amendss ordered by a tribunal against a suspect where the

act or skip which caused the suit, was of a peculiarly flagitious, malicious or

highhanded nature. Where awarded, they are an exclusion to the regulation that amendss are to

compensate non to penalize. The exact threshold of punitory amendss varies from

legal power to legal power. In some states, and in certain fortunes, punitory

amendss might even be available for breach of contract instances but, once more, merely for the

exceeding instances where the tribunal wants to give a strong message to the community that

similar behavior will be badly punished. They are most common in knowing civil wrongs such

as colza, battery or calumny. Some legal powers prefer utilizing the word & # 8220 ; model

amendss & # 8221 ; and there is an on-going legal argument whether there is a differentiation to be made

between the two and even with the construct of.

Guardian ad litem

A guardian appointed to help an baby or other mentally incapable suspect or complainant,

or any such helpless individual that may be a party in a legal action.

Habeas principal

Latin: a tribunal request which orders that a individual being detained be produced before a

justice for a hearing to make up one’s mind whether the detainment is lawful. Habeas principal was one of

the grants the British Monarch made in the and has stood as a basic person right

against arbitrary apprehension and imprisonment.


An freedom that a individual ( single or corporate ) enjoys from the normal operation of

the jurisprudence such as a legal responsibility or liability, either condemnable or civil. For illustration, bask

& # 8220 ; diplomatic unsusceptibility & # 8221 ; which means that they can non be prosecuted for offenses committed

during their term of office as. Another illustration of an unsusceptibility is where a informant agrees to

attest merely if the testimony can non be used at some ulterior day of the month during a hearing against the

R / & gt ;



A tribunal order that prohibits a party from making something ( restrictive injunction ) or

compels them to make something ( compulsory injunction ) .

In personam

Latin: All legal rights are either in personam or. An in personam right is a personal right

attached to a specific individual. In paradoxical sleep rights are belongings rights and enforceable against the

full universe.

In paradoxical sleep

Latin: All legal rights are either or in paradoxical sleep. In paradoxical sleep rights are proprietary in nature ; related

to the ownership of belongings and non based on any personal relationship, as is the instance

with rights.


Proceedings taken during the class of, and incidental to a test. Examples include

processs or applications made which are to help a instance in fixing its instance or of

put to deathing judgement one time obtained ( eg. garnishment or judicial sale ) . These determinations

intervene after the start of a suit and make up one’s mind some issue other than the concluding determination itself.

Legal power

Refers to a tribunal & # 8217 ; s authorization to judge over a state of affairs normally acquired in one of three

ways: over Acts of the Apostless committed in a defined district ( eg. the legal power of the Supreme Court

of Australia is limited to Acts of the Apostless committed or arising in Australia ) , over certain types of

instances ( the legal power of a bankruptcy tribunal is limited to bankruptcy instances ) , or over

certain individuals ( a military tribunal has legal power limited to actions of enlisted forces ) .

Lis pendens

Latin: a difference or affair which is the topic of ongoing or pending. Politicians will

sometimes decline to discourse a affair or an issue which is & # 8220 ; lis pendens & # 8221 ; because they do

non desire their remarks to be perceived as an effort to act upon a tribunal of jurisprudence.


A difference is in & # 8220 ; judicial proceeding & # 8221 ; ( or being & # 8220 ; litigated & # 8221 ; ) when it has become the topic of a

formal tribunal action or jurisprudence suit.


Improperly making something which a individual has the legal right to make.


Not making something that a individual should be making.


Making something which is illegal.


The formal, written papers submitted to a tribunal, and which asks for the tribunal to

damages what is described in the request as being an unfairness of some sort. Requests set

out the facts, identifies the jurisprudence under which the tribunal is being asked to step in, and terminals

with a suggested class of action for the tribunal to see ( eg. payment of amendss to the

) . Requests are usually filed by attorneies because tribunals insist on complicated signifiers but

most provinces will let citizens to register requests provided they conform to the tribunal & # 8217 ; s signifier.

Some provinces do non utilize the word & # 8220 ; request & # 8221 ; and, alternatively, might mention to an & # 8220 ; application & # 8221 ; , a

& # 8220 ; ailment & # 8221 ; or the & # 8220 ; .


The individual who brings an instance to tribunal ; who sues. May besides be called & # 8220 ; claimant & # 8221 ; ,

& # 8220 ; petitioner & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; applier. The individual being sued is by and large called the & # 8220 ; & # 8221 ; or the & # 8220 ; . & # 8221 ;


That portion of a party & # 8217 ; s instance in which he or she officially sets out the facts and legal

statements which support that party & # 8217 ; s place. Pleadings can be in composing or they can be

made verbally to a tribunal, during the test.

Legislative act

The written Torahs approved by legislative assemblies, parliaments or houses of assembly ( i.e. ,

politicians ) . Besides known as & # 8220 ; & # 8221 ; . The written Torahs of the Canadian Province of

Newfoundland, for illustration, are in a multi-volume set of books called the Legislative acts of



Derived from the Latin word tortus which meant incorrect. In French, & # 8220 ; civil wrong & # 8221 ; means a

incorrect & # 8221 ; . Tort refers to that organic structure of the which will let an injured individual to obtain

compensation from the individual who caused the hurt. Every individual is expected to carry on

themselves without wounding others. When they do so, either deliberately or by, they can

be required by a tribunal to pay money to the injured party ( & # 8221 ; amendss & # 8221 ; ) so that, finally,

they will endure the hurting cause by their action. Tort besides serves as a hindrance by directing a

message to the community as to what is unacceptable behavior.

Tort Feasor

Name given to a individual or individuals who have committed a.


This has the same significance as in mundane English except that in a legal context it normally

refers specifically to the location of a judicial hearing. For illustration, if a condemnable instance has a

really high media profile in a peculiar metropolis, the & # 8220 ; venue & # 8221 ; may alter to another metropolis to

guarantee nonsubjective informants ( i.e. that would non hold been spoiled by media guess on

the offense ) .

Due procedure

A term of US jurisprudence which refers to cardinal procedural legal precautions of which every

citizen has an absolute right when a province or tribunal purports to take a determination that could

impact any right of that citizen. The most basic right protected under the due procedure

philosophy is the right to be given notice, and an chance to be heard. The term is now

besides in usage in other states, once more to mention to basic cardinal legal rights such as the

right to be heard.

Bad religion

Purpose to lead on. A individual who deliberately tries to lead on or misdirect another in order

to derive some advantage.

Supplication bargaining

Negotiations during a condemnable test, between an accused individual and a prosecuting officer in which

the accused agrees to acknowledge to a offense ( sometimes a lesser offense than the one set out in

the original charge ) , avoiding the disbursal of a public test, in exchange for which the

prosecuting officer agrees to inquire for a more indulgent sentence than would hold been recommended

if the instance had of proceeded to full test. The normal regulation of jurisprudence is that Judgess are non

edge by supplication deals although, as past attorneies themselves, they are by and large cognizant of

supplication deals and a sensible recommendation of a prosecuting officer on sentencing is ever

to a great extent considered.


A individual whose business consists of look intoing client ailments against his or

her employer. Many authoritiess have ombudsmen who will look into citizen

ailments against authorities services.

Pro se

Latin: in one & # 8217 ; s personal behalf.


To be capable to the orders or way of another ; of lower rank.

Collateral estoppel

A type of estoppel that bars a individual from following a place in tribunal that contradicts his

or her past statements or actions when that contradictory stance would be unjust to

another individual who relied on the original place. For illustration, if a landlord agrees to

let a renter to pay the rent 10 yearss tardily for six months, it would be unjust to let the

landlord to convey a tribunal action in the 4th month to evict the renter for being a hebdomad

tardily with the rent. The landlord would be estopped from asseverating his right to evict the

renter for late payment of rent. Besides known as estoppel in pais.


A determination by a justice or that a in a condemnable instance is non guilty of a. An acquittal is non a

determination of artlessness ; it is merely a decision that the pros.


Removal of a renter from rental belongings by a jurisprudence enforcement officer. First, the landlord

must register and win an eviction case, besides known as an & # 8220 ; improper detainer. & # 8221 ;


Another term for a case. For illustration, a complainant might state, & # 8220 ; I began this carelessness

action last autumn after the, Ms. Adams, struck me while I was traversing the street at Elm and

Main. & # 8221 ;

Appellate tribunal

A higher tribunal that reviews the determination of a lower tribunal when a losing for an entreaty.


A papers used to subject a legal contention or statement to a tribunal. A brief typically

sets out the facts of the and a statement as to why she should predominate. These statements

must be supported by legal authorization and, such as, ordinances and old tribunal

determinations. Although it is normally possible to subject a brief to a test tribunal ( called a test

brief ) , Jockey shortss are most normally used as a cardinal portion of the procedure ( an appellate brief ) .

But don & # 8217 ; t be fooled by the name & # 8212 ; Jockey shortss are normally anything but brief, as pointed out by

author Franz Kafka, who defined a attorney as & # 8220 ; a individual who writes a 10,000 word determination

and calls it a brief. & # 8221 ;

Compensatory amendss

Damagess that cover existent hurt or economic loss. Compensatory amendss are intended

to set the injured party in the place he was in anterior to the hurt. Compensatory

amendss typically include medical disbursals, lost rewards and the fix or replacing of

belongings. Besides called & # 8220 ; existent damages. & # 8221 ;

