Affirmative Action Essay Research Paper Jennifer Carnes

Affirmative Action Essay, Research Paper

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Jennifer Carnes

February 10, 1999

English 102

Mattio Valentino

Proposal for Paper 1: Affirmative Action

Question at Issue

Affirmative action was implemented with the thought and hope that America would eventually go genuinely equal. The tenseness of the 1960 & # 8217 ; s civil rights motion had made it really clear, that the state & # 8217 ; s minority and female population were non having equal societal and economic chance. The execution of affirmatory action was America & # 8217 ; s first honest effort at work outing a job, it had antecedently chose to disregard. However, there are many people that don & # 8217 ; t see affirmatory action as a positive solution to this major societal job of racial inequality. These people feel that Affirmative action uses rearward favoritism to work out the job of favoritism in the workplace.

The Enthymeme

Affirmative action uses rearward favoritism to work out the job of favoritism because Affirmative action makes employers have to take from the best available employee from the minorities, alternatively of holding the possibility to take merely the best employee.

A= Affirmative action v1= uses B= contrary favoritism to work out the job of favoritism


A= Affirmative action v2= makes C= employers have to take from the best

available employee from the minorities, alternatively of holding the possibility to take the best available employee.

Premise: Anything that makes employers have to take from the best available employee from the minorities, alternatively of holding to merely taking the best available employee utilizations reverse favoritism to work out the job of favoritism.

Premise and Audience

The premise for this paper will appeal to employees who do non measure up for Affirmative action, every bit good as employers and minorities. Employees non measure uping for Affirmative action feel shortchanged due to the fact employers, for a lesser skilled employee, bypassed them. They feel tricked by the authorities or the minority hence firing up racism among the bypassed group, while Affirmative action was introduced to diminish racism. Employers besides feel as if they have ended up with a lesser skilled employee hence increasing the sum of lesser quality work. Employees provided with equal chance occupations bear the grade of & # 8220 ; non being the best choice, but merely the best choice from a limited group. & # 8221 ;


Question at Issue: Does Affirmative action usage contrary favoritism to work out favoritism?

Definition of Angstrom: Affirmative action is an active attempt to better the employment or educational chances for members minority groups and adult females.

A -* C Relationship: Affirmative action causes federal contractors/employers to take from the best available employee from the minorities alternatively of taking the best available employee from the whole

Definition of B: Rearward favoritism to work out the job of favoritism is utilizing spoting intervention against a white male or female alternatively of a black male or female to work out a job of racial inequality.

A -* B Relationship: Affirmative action uses rearward favoritism to work out the job of favoritism.

Definition of C: Employers ability to take the best available employee from the whole alternatively of a choice minority is the result of affirmatory action. It insures that minorities are recruited to hold existent chances to be hired in the workplace.

C -* B Relationship: By employers holding to take from the best of a minority group for employment instead than merely merely the best employee, contrary favoritism is used to work out the job of favoritism. This is due to the fact that unequal chance is given to the minority.


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This statement would be represented in an column signifier due to its entreaty to the common mundane adult male seeking to do an honest life.

Affirmative Action Animosity

Affirmative action is the U.S. plan set Forth in the early 1970 & # 8217 ; s to rectify the effects of past favoritism by giving discriminatory intervention to adult females and cultural minorities in the workplace. At the clip of affirmatory action & # 8217 ; s initiation to society, advocates of affirmatory action plans felt that the lone manner to increase the figure of minorities in the workplace was to set up a system of quotas to be maintained by jurisprudence. However, by organizing and keeping these Torahs over the past 25 old ages, a development of an wholly new set of jobs arose ; jobs that would fuel contention over affirmatory action. A bulk of people are dissatisfied with current affirmatory action policies, but are opposed to extinguishing them wholly: & # 8220 ; Americans hold tenaciously to impressions of household and autonomy, but they besides believe in a kind of unsmooth equality of chance that gives the underdog a existent opportunity in life & # 8221 ; ( Kahlenberg 209 ) . Once necessary, affirmatory action plans have outlived their utility, and advance favoritism by go oning to let for unjust hiring patterns. Affirmative action uses rearward favoritism to work out the job of favoritism because it makes employers have to take from the best available employee from the minorities, alternatively of holding the possibility of merely taking the best available employee.

The primary end of affirmatory action plans was to increase the figure of minorities, including adult females, in the workplace. The American Association for Affirmative Action states that they are & # 8220 ; dedicated to the promotion of affirmatory action, equal chance and the riddance of favoritism on the footing of race, gender, cultural background or any other standard that deprives people of chances to populate and work, & # 8221 ; ( AAAA Sept. 1998 ) . Most people would hold that end has been realized. There was a definite demand for action to edify persons and corporations to the negative consequences of their biass. It is improbable that corporations would hold taken the enterprise to engage from the minority groups had it non been for authorities intercession. Affirmative action has created legion chances for adult females and minorities in this state. It would be hard to reason that these plans were non perfectly indispensable in doing advancement toward the semi-equality that we have today.

However, affirmatory action has ever been a via media, and with the advancement made, a monetary value has besides been paid. Affirmative action must now be rethought and restructured. Laws created penchant plans that & # 8220 ; were based in the scruples of the American people and in their committedness to equal intervention, & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Statton 67 ) . & # 8220 ; The racial quotas that we experience today are blazing perversions that are illegal under the statutory linguistic communication of the Civil Rights Act & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Stratton 67 ) . If the end is true equal chance employment, remotion of all advantages and leting people to be hired for their accomplishments and abilities merely should happen.

Continuing to let for unjust hiring patterns, affirmatory action plans promote favoritism. Using rearward favoritism, defined as the spoting intervention against white males alternatively of black males or adult females of any race, to work out the job of favoritism will ever have unfavorable judgment for its lip service. For illustration, in 1965, the Newport News Shipbuilding Co. buckled under the heavy manus of the EEOC, who had solicited ailments by strike harding on the doors in black vicinities. The company reluctantly agreed to advance 2,890 of its five 1000 black workers, denominating 100 inkinesss as supervisors, and agreed to a quota system. One shipyard worker stated that the EEOC had done its best to & # 8220 ; set black against white, labour against direction, and confuse everybody. & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Stratton 93 ) . Another illustration of this contrary favoritism was in the instruction system ; the public instance of Cheryl J. Hopwood, Douglas W. Carvell, Kenneth R. Elliott, and David A. Rogers. They filed favoritism charges once more the State of Texas saying they were discriminated against and denied admittance to the University of Texas School of Law. The college granted admittance to less qualified African American and Mexican American appliers through the usage of a quota system. This pattern of discriminatory admittances for minorities furthers the pattern of contrary favoritism, now non merely in the workplace, but besides in the school systems. This creates animuss between workers that lead to farther segregation, get the better ofing the purposes of the plans wholly. Through the death of race-dividing policies, underrepresented persons shielded by affirmatory action would be forced to vie, on a flat playing field, for occupations and admittance to colleges and universities. Competition has nil but positive effects and is important in speed uping capitalist economy. The enfeebling effects of affirmatory action and quotas hinder an single & # 8217 ; s desire to vie in society.

Destroying favoritism caused by past discourtesies may ne’er hold perfect solutions, hence, making valid statements for keeping the being of equal chance plans. But, to go on to offer one group chance, due merely to their minority position, at the disbursal of another is incorrect. Non-minorities continue to experience that their rights have been violated and that they are being punished for offenses that they had no portion in perpetrating. And when non-minorities are capable to the same favoritism, they have small resort: & # 8220 ; Under the 1991 Civil Rights Act, white males can hold no evidences for favoritism cases until they are statistically underrepresented in direction and line places.

The 1991 Act, in consequence, repealed the 1964 act by legalising racial penchants as the nucleus of civil rights law” ( Roberts & Stratton ) .

Regardless of good purposes, altering the past effects of favoritism is a end that is far from range, nevertheless, non unachievable. Womans and minorities should be entitled to bask the same successes as the remainder of the state, without the fright of being seen as the donee of entitlements. Business proprietors should be free to do intelligent hiring determinations based on a individuals accomplishments and endowments, without the fright of punishment from the authorities. As Marsha M. provinces, & # 8220 ; Affirmative action is used non to level the playing field, but used to forcible employer & # 8217 ; s into occupations, rises and publicities for Black Americans and women. & # 8221 ; The turning tensenesss that result from these plans continues to split races, non convey them closer together. & # 8220 ; Ultimately, either quotas will travel or democracy will, because legal privileges based on position are incompatible with democracy & # 8217 ; s demand of equal standing before the jurisprudence & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Stratton 177 ) . Leting different sets of regulations and lower criterions to divide people based on race or sex, defeats any attempts made toward eventually stoping favoritism.

Today every American has entree to employment and educational chances. Americans live in a universe of free endeavor where they can make their ain successes. Americans have the agencies to accomplish and win, they merely have to hold the thrust and inducement to travel out into the universe and make it. As in every facet of life some things may non come easy. Yet these experiences make one stronger and sometimes even more determined to accomplish their ends. Persons of any race should non utilize or misapply the colour of their tegument or sexual orientation for progressing themselves over others. Alternatively by utilizing their endowments, cognition and sense of equity to accomplish their ends, affirmatory action will go out-of-date.

Affirmative Action: Part 1 Enforcing Equality, & # 8221 ; An Affirmative Action Primer & # 8221 ; , The Virginia Pilot. 1995. Pilot Online. 12, September 1998.

Heilman, Madeline. Study: & # 8220 ; Affirmative Action Hires Abilities Doubted & # 8221 ; @ . Money Magazine, Aug. 31, 1992, 3B.

Kahlenberg, Richard D. The Remedy. New York ; BasicBooks, 1996.

M. , Marsha. & # 8220 ; Untitled & # 8221 ; . Tidewater Community College. November, 1998.

Roberts, Paul Craig. , and Lawrence M. Stratton. The New Color Line. Washington, DC ; Regnery Publishing, 1995.

Rough Draft

Affirmative action refers to the U.S. plan set Forth in the early 1970 & # 8217 ; s to rectify the effects of past favoritism by giving discriminatory intervention to adult females and cultural minorities in the workplace. At the clip of their initiation, advocates of affirmatory action plans felt that the lone manner to increase the figure of minorities in the workplace was to set up a system of quotas to be maintained by jurisprudence. However, by organizing and keeping these Torahs over the past 25 old ages, a development of an wholly new set of jobs arose. These jobs are what fuel the contention over affirmatory action. Most people are dissatisfied with current affirmatory action policies, but are opposed to extinguishing them wholly: & # 8220 ; Americans hold tenaciously to impressions of household and autonomy, but they besides believe in a kind of unsmooth equality of chance that gives the underdog a existent opportunity in life & # 8221 ; ( Kahlenberg 209 ) . Once a necessary immorality, affirmatory action plans have outlived their utility, and advance favoritism by go oning to let for unjust hiring patterns.

The primary end of affirmatory action plans was to increase the figure of minorities in the workplace. Most people would hold that that end has been realized. There was a definite demand for action to edify persons and corporations to the negative consequences of their biass. It is improbable that corporations would hold taken the enterprise to engage from the minority groups, had it non been for authorities intercession. Affirmative action has created legion chances for adult females and minorities in this state. It would be hard to reason that these plans were non perfectly indispensable in doing advancement toward equality that we have made today. The American Association for Affirmative Action states that they are & # 8220 ; dedicated to the promotion of affirmatory action, equal chance and the riddance of favoritism on the footing of race, gender, cultural background or any other standard that deprives people of chances to populate and work ( AAAA Sept. 1998 ) . & # 8221 ;

However, affirmatory action has ever been a via media, and with the advancement made, a monetary value has besides been paid. Affirmative action must now be rethought and restructured. Laws created the penchant plans: & # 8220 ; were based in the scruples of the American people and in their committedness to equal intervention. The racial quotas that we experience today are blazing perversions that are illegal under the statutory linguistic communication of the Civil Rights Act & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Stratton 67 ) . If the end is true equal chance employment, remotion of all advantages and leting people to be hired for their accomplishments and abilities merely should happen.

By go oning to let for unjust hiring patterns, affirmatory action plans promote favoritism. Using rearward favoritism to work out the job of favoritism will ever have unfavorable judgment for its lip service. By necessitating corporations to carry through quotas, the affirmatory action Torahs promote the hiring of less qualified workers. For illustration, in 1965, the Newport News Shipbuilding Co. buckled under the heavy manus of the EEOC, who had solicited ailments by strike harding on the doors in black vicinities. The company reluctantly agreed to advance 2,890 of its five 1000 black workers, denominating 100 inkinesss as supervisors, and agreed to a quota system. One shipyard worker stated that the EEOC had done its best to & # 8220 ; set black against white, labour against direction, and confuse everybody. & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Stratton 93 ) . This creates animuss between workers that lead to farther segregation, get the better ofing the purposes of the plans wholly.

Another illustration of this & # 8220 ; change by reversal favoritism & # 8221 ; was in the instruction system ; the public instance of Cheryl J. Hopwood, Douglas W. Carvell, Kenneth R. Elliott, and David A. Rogers. They filed favoritism charges once more the State of Texas saying they were discriminated against and denied admittance to the University of Texas School of Law. The college granted admittance to less qualified African American and Mexican American appliers through the usage of a quota system. This pattern of discriminatory admittances for minorities furthers the pattern of contrary favoritism, now non merely in the workplace, but besides in the school systems.

Affirmative action has ne’er been a perfect solution and people will ever hold valid statements for keeping its being. But, to go on to offer one group chance, due merely to their minority position, at the disbursal of another is incorrect. Non-minorities continue to experience that their rights have been violated and that they are being punished for offenses that they had no portion in perpetrating. And when non-minorities are capable to the same favoritism, they have small resort: & # 8220 ; Under the 1991 Civil Rights Act, white males can hold no evidences for favoritism cases until they are statistically underrepresented in direction and line places. The 1991 Act, in consequence, repealed the 1964 act by legalising racial penchants as the nucleus of civil rights jurisprudence & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Stratton ) .

Regardless of good purposes, altering the past effects of favoritism is an unachievable end. Women and minorities should be entitled to bask the same successes as the remainder of the state, without the fright of being seen as the donee of entitlements. Business proprietors should be free to do intelligent hiring determinations based on a individuals accomplishments and endowments, without the fright of punishment from the authorities. As Marsha M. provinces, & # 8220 ; Affirmative action is used non to level the playing field, but used to forcible employer & # 8217 ; s into occupations, rises and publicities for Black Americans and adult females & # 8221 ; . The turning tensenesss that result from these plans continues to split races, non convey them closer together. Leting different sets of regulations and lower

Standards to divide people based on race or sex, defeats any attempts made toward eventually stoping favoritism. & # 8220 ; Ultimately, either quotas will travel or democracy will, because legal privileges based on position are incompatible with democracy & # 8217 ; s demand of equal standing before the jurisprudence & # 8221 ; ( Roberts & A ; Stratton 177 ) .

Today every American has entree to employment and educational chances. Americans live in a universe of free endeavor where they can make their ain successes. Americans have the agencies to accomplish and win, they merely have to hold the thrust and inducement to travel out into the universe and make it. As in every facet of life some things may non come easy. Yet these experiences make one stronger and sometimes even more determined to accomplish their ends. Persons of any race should non utilize or misapply the colour of their tegument or sexual orientation for progressing themselves over others. Alternatively by utilizing their endowments, cognition and sense of equity to accomplish their ends, affirmatory action will go out-of-date.

Plants Cited Page

Affirmative Action: Part 1 Enforcing Equality, & # 8221 ; An Affirmative Action Primer & # 8221 ; , The Virginia Pilot. 1995. Pilot Online. 12, September 1998.

Heilman, Madeline. Survey: Affirmative Action Hires Abilities Doubted @ . Money Magazine, Aug. 31, 1992, 3B.

Kahlenberg, Richard D. The Remedy. New York ; BasicBooks, 1996.

M. , Marsha. & # 8220 ; Untitled & # 8221 ; . Tidewater Community College. November, 1998.

Roberts, Paul Craig. , and Lawrence M. Stratton. The New Color Line. Washington, DC ; Regnery Publishing, 1995.
