Affirmative Action Essay Research Paper Opinion On

Affirmative Action Essay, Research Paper

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Opinion On Affirmative ActionNote: This essay contains sentiments NOT shared by the host of this web site. Affirmative action is incorrect and will non assist work out the problemsminorities face. The ground it is incorrect is because it & # 8217 ; s favoritism. It has no topographic point in today & # 8217 ; s society in today & # 8217 ; s society because it does morebad than good. In add-on to that most people don & # 8217 ; t bask the presence of affirmatory action. Besides, it appearsthat affirmatory action can really be damaging to employees wellness. First of all, affirmatory action is favoritism, there is nohiding it. When an employer hires anyone because he or she is a minority, even if person else if more qualified to make the occupation, it isdiscrimination. Merely because it is rearward discriminat ion, when whitesare discriminated against and minorities are being discriminated for, doesn & # 8217 ; Ts make it right. Affirmative action legalizes favoritism ( Steele 1990, 39 ) . & # 8220 ; I thought favoritism was illegal in this state ( Buchanan 1995, 1 ) . & # 8221 ; Besides, if this favoritism continues racism inthe United States may go worse. Imagine what you would experience like ifyou couldn & # 8217 ; t acquire a occupation merely because you are a white adult male and non a hispanicman. The racism will go worse because of it, and that is the verything it is seeking to forestall. It is possible that because of affirmativeaction, racism will turn and go on to turn until we history repeatsitself and we end up populating under Jim Crow Torahs once more. That is an extremepossibility to stop up und Er Jim Crow Torahs once more, but it is a definitepossibility to stop up someplace near to Jim Crow Torahs once more. In add-on to that, people say affirmatory action is all right becauseit remedies past favoritism ( Keyes 1996, 1 ) . Discrimination wasn & # 8217 ; t okwhen inkinesss were the 1s acquiring the short terminal of the stick. Thereforeit & # 8217 ; s non ok when Whites are discriminated ag ainst ( DeWit 1996, 1 ) . Twowrongs Don & # 8217 ; Ts make a right. Therefore, affirmatory action doesn & # 8217 ; t makediscrimination very well merely because it & # 8217 ; s against inkinesss alternatively of Whites. Affirmative action in college is the most discriminating thingthis state has of all time seen since the Jim Crow Torahs many old ages ago ( Buchanan 1995, 1 ) . At ivy conference colleges the average GPA of applicantsis stopping point to 4.0 and S.A.T. & # 8217 ; s are close to 1300, mino rities are let inwith GPA & # 8217 ; s less than 3.0 and S.A.T. & # 8217 ; s less than 1000 ( D & # 8217 ; Souza 1990, 231 ) . The lone manner for colleges to accomplish cultural proportionalism is todownplay or abandon merit standards and to accept pupils from typicallyunder represented groups, such as inkinesss, Spanish Americans, and American Indians, over better qualified pupils from am ong Whites and Asian Americans ( D & # 8217 ; Souza 1990, 231 ) . Obviously, affirmatory action is leting undereducated citizens to getinto college when the people that are qualified aren & # 8217 ; t acquiring acceptedwhen they should. When we passed the equal chances jurisprudence, it didn & # 8217 ; tmean dainty different races otherwise, it means we should handle allpeople as peers, affirmatory action doesn & # 8217 ; t handle everyone as peers ( Hacker 1990, 229 ) . If we lower credence criterions for minorities, we

should take down criterions for everyone.

Since nobody would do that we shouldraise the standard for minorities. In addition, if affirmative action gets its way, it will do moreharm than good. Affirmative action will only work short term because ifyou hire a minority that’s under qualified they’ll eventually get fired. Also, you can only hire so many people, ev entually you’ll get too muchunder qualified people working for you and you’ll eventually have toabandon affirmative action all together. Also, affirmative action doesn’twork because it doesn’t change anything (Keyes 1996, 1). If there isracism in to day’s modern age, then racism will always be present andaffirmative action won’t work. In addition if we need to discriminateagainst white people to give minorities jobs now, it won’t change. Givingsomeone a job won’t do any good in making the qualit y of life ofminorities better. Just because you enroll more minorities in yourcollege, doesn’t mean you’re making the playing field even. When someoneisn’t good enough to get into a certain college, they’re out of theirleague when they get in. Only 15% of black and 22% of hispanic affirmative action students accepted toBerkeley in 1987 graduated (D’Souza 1990, 233). To give minorities abetter life “we have to fix the moral decay caused by the absence of twoparent families to help minorities” (K eyes 1996, 1). Affirmative action is also insulting to minorities because theymay feel they have to be helped out just to get a job (Steele 1990, 37). A minority that benefits form affirmative action may feel that they’reinadequate for the job they were hired for. “Every employee that benefits from affirmative action bears a mark ofnot being the best pick, but only the best pick from a limited group”(DeWit 1996, 1). When one thinks about it, they will discover that theywould get a better feeling of satisfacti on if they got a job because theywere the best person for the job, not because they were hispanic. Employers may also feel cheated because they didn’t get as good a workeras they could have gotten (DeWit 1996, 1). Employers that hiringemployees solel y on the color of their skin are discriminating (DeWit1996, 2). Affirmative action is very dangerous to the american people. Ifan employee hires an under qualified worker then that worker puts othersat risk if he or she doesn’t have enough experience to know what to do andwhat not to do. It’s also financially da ngerous. You don’t want to payunexperienced people to do work they’re not qualified for. In conclusion, affirmative action is just wrong. Affirmativeaction should be abolished, such an unlawful thing shouldn’t even beconsidered in the United States. If we allow affirmative action toproceed, we are just proving to ourselves that we endor se and acceptdiscrimination in the workplace. There is absolutely no reason why itshould exist. Affirmative action lends a bad name to the United States ofAmerica. Others may view our fine country as a country with people thatare so irresponsible the government has to lower its standard just to getpeople jobs (DeWit 1996, 2). This indicates that affirmative actionshould be outlawed because it has no place in our finecountry. Essay Data Section
