Afghan National Security Forces Essay Sample

While much of current international attending is focussed on the clip from now to 2014. with the enteqal ( handover ) procedure traveling into the focal point – President Karzai merely had defined the first seven countries of security duty matter. viz. three full states and four other provincial capitals – in peculiar many Afghans look at the post-2014 period with fright. Our guest blogger Almut Wieland-Karimi ( * ) has thought about some scenarios – interestingly one which features a negotiated colony with all post-2001 accomplishments preserved is non portion of her list. [ Destroyed Chehelsutun Palace in Kabul. consequence of the last civil war secenario — exposure by Thomas Ruttig. 2005 ]

The International Community and the Afghan Government have a day of the month to state good-bye to each other: 2014. By so. duty for the security of the state should be transferred to the Afghan National Security Forces ( ANSF ) and a major drawdown of NATO forces will take topographic point. But what are possible post-2014 scenarios. between desirous thought and the worst instance?

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Scenario “Victory! ” : NATO forces together with ANSF prevail militarily over the seditious groups. the Taliban & A ; Co. The security state of affairs is comparatively stable. and the war is finished. The establishment edifice and democratisation procedure picks up gait and President Hamed Karzai hands over to a democratically elected replacement. Afghanistan still ranks among the least developed states in the universe.

Scenario “Forced Marriage” : After long-standing political dialogues strongly supported by the international community. particularly the United States and Great Britain. Islamist insurrectionists become portion of a broad-based alliance authorities. Contending terminals and security is re-established. The fundamental law of 2003 has been amended and some rights. such as freedom of the imperativeness and women’s equality. have been limited. Regional participants. such as Pakistan. India. China and Iran. are frequenters of the peace understanding between the former insurrectionists and the Afghan authorities.

Scenario “The Autocrat” : NATO has non succeeded militarily and political dialogues with the insurrectionists have failed. Karzai has taken the political enterprise ; he has changed the fundamental law and corsets on in power after two legislative periods. His government. democratic in name like the 1s once known from Egypt or Tunisia. assumes an autocratic manner. Karzai looks for ( new ) national and international spouses. However. the range of the cardinal authorities continues to be really limited. Therefore. in Southern and Eastern states Islamist groups like the Taliban have their zones of influence. Contending occurs merely on occasion.
