Managing and Creating New Organizational Structure Essay Sample

It is customary that the initial measure in the organizing procedure is departmentalization ( Morgenstern. 1998 ) . Through departmentalization. plants are classified consequently and so are divided decently to different sections and divisions. It is a medium that allows specialisation at work. With the different undertakings suitably categorized. work forces suited for the occupation whose particular accomplishments fit those demands needed to carry through the undertakings. can be employed ( Mintzberg. l98l ) . Therefore. in order for an organisation to bloom and vie with ferocious challengers. sections and divisions that comprise a peculiar organisation demands to be adequately equipped with accomplishments. endowments and proper values. A section should be good balanced. with forces able to be cohesively and work with common ends. puting aside their differences and alternatively seting stress on the values of teamwork ( Morgenstern. 1998 ) . This is the really ground how and why directors and section caputs play major parts to the success or ruin of an organisation. There are of import determinations. policies and schemes a section caput must do. Oftentimes. failure to implement these policies and guidelines causes the ruin of the division and finally the organisation itself. Once the organisation ruin started to crawl. it would be hard for directors and executives to reconstruct its great image.

Turning a weakness and wavering organisation about and reconstructing its fight is non an easy undertaking. There are legion factors that must be carefully considered and weighed. Frequently. companies look for alterations with their directors and their leaders that run the different divisions. They hire new section caputs and directors that will be able to inculcate fresh thoughts and integrated inventions that would salvage their company in clip. Innovation of new merchandises is strategically of import ( Burkett. 2007 ) . With the inventions. new guidelines and policies are besides integrated to the company. As a consequence. a restructured system of organisation is created. one that will supply hope for a bend about and promise of great things to come.

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Turning a company around relies to a great extent on the shoulder of the freshly appointed directors. If for case I was hired as director to salvage a company. first thing I would make is to alleviate myself of the tremendous force per unit area that will be gazing at me. Expectations will be really high that may somehow force me to free my focal point. In order to reconstruct the company’s fight. I as a director must first make chances that will better the quality of our services and merchandises. Although the deficiency of fiscal support and assistance greatly affect the quality of the production. it is of import to make chances that will finally assist the company understand assorted grounds why the merchandises and services slowdown behind and could non vie with other company’s merchandises ( Burkett. 2007 ) .

To come up with these chances. I will delegate forces or a specific commission that would carry on elaborate survey on the comparing of the merchandises. The survey will besides include the designation of tendencies that are embraced by consumers presents. Through this commission. conceptualisation of merchandises designed can be more handily done. From the information gather by the “conceptualizing team” . another squad will so work manus in manus with them in order to fix a sound “proposal” . The success of the new merchandise begins here. It is of import to come up with a great proposal that will deserve the blessing of the board or the people in the higher places. If the concern proposal is first-class it will non count if competition for support in fabrication is rigorous. The minute the company realizes the proposal’s tremendous potency the company would take the hazard since the proposal is deserving taking. Managerial accomplishments such as great converting power will come in ready to hand during this state of affairs.

Since. every actions for the Restoration of the company is link to the blessing of proposal. it would be my policy to assign more clip in fixing the proposals. In making the proposals. there will be two phases ; conceptualisation of designs and preliminary merchandise analysis. Emphasis will be put in elaborate planning and survey in order to come up with great proposals. It is of import to observe that with an appropriate program at manus building and fabrication will non be hard every bit long as procedures are performed in conformity with the prescribed processs and resources.

When Fabrication is being done. it is standard that the squad that conceptualizes the designs should be present to see that all specifications are being followed. and one time paradigms are created trials will be conducted. Adequate clip will besides be allotted in carry oning trials. before merchandises are released to the market. To pull off these alterations from the work agenda. clip allocation and direction and reshuffle of forces to different commission. preparations will be conducted that would do my people be familiarize with the new work scene. Booklets and print outs that contained guidelines and ordinances of the new working scenario would besides be distributed. I will besides apportion some clip for meetings and seminars that would let my people to aerate their grudges and sentiments about the work at manus. the occupation and affair refering their wages and benefits.

More significantly. from the alterations mentioned above. I will do certain that my team’s public assistance and safety is the company’s primary concern. Working status should be kept safe at all times and proper wellness benefits and insurances are given to the forces. By supplying them security. they can work more handily and abilities can be maximized to its full potencies. Nothing will trouble oneself the workers. as a consequence they are more focussed in executing their occupation. Besides. as a item of the workers grasp. for the things the company is supplying them. they will work hard and make their occupation better. because they will bask making their occupation that finally may take to loving their work.

My relationship with my people should non impact my relationship with my foremans. It is common that those busying higher places are in struggle with the lower forces in the company. It is of import that differences are prevented and any misinterpretations be avoided. As a director. I would be the workers medium in order for their grudges and suggestions be heard. Besides. through me they can hear the board and managers reply. I will be the span that would enable the two parties understand their difference and assist them come to footings.

Hopefully. the workers and the director’s response to these alterations are promoting. I entirely can non salvage the company from its ruin. but I have laid out my programs and created a scenario in which the company can be saved.


Burkett. M. ( 2007 ) . Successful New Product Innovation: Tendencies to Watch in 2007.AMR Research.

Mintzberg. H. ( l98l ) . Organization Design: Manner or Fit.Harvard Business Review

Morgenstern. J. ( 1998 ) .Forming from the Inside Out: Owl Books.
