A Character Sketch Of Joe Gargery Essay

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A Character Sketch of Joe Gargery

Joe Gargery might non be the smartest or wisest of Dickens & # 8217 ; characters,

but he is decidedly one of the kindest and most humane. Although Miss Havisham

gets much attending for being different, I think that you will shortly be convinced

that Joe, nevertheless simple he may be, is decidedly a alone character. It is my

sentiment that Dickens made an attempt to raise the readers respect for Joe by the

crisp contrast between him and his married woman. Three qualities belonging to Joe are

his fond nature, pride, and his doggedness.

When Joe asks Mrs. Gargery to get married him, he particularly insists that she

conveying her immature orphaned brother, Pip, to populate with them. Joe ne’er reminds Pip

of this fact, except when stating Pip how much he thinks of him. Mrs. Gargery,

on the other manus, is invariably reminding Pip to be grateful of her & # 8220 ; raising

him by manus & # 8221 ; . At one point, Pip decides he will learn Joe to read. Although Joe

has no existent aspiration for this, he humors Pip and lets the boy instruct him.

As mentioned before, Mrs. Gargery is a really barbarous individual. One would believe

populating with her would drive even a saint to kill. Even so, Joe ne’er says a

rough word about his married woman and treats her with the extreme regard. Pip & # 8217 ; s

determination to travel to London has a greater impact than most readers think. Not merely

was Joe losing a set of

custodies around the forge, but he was besides stating farewell

to a male child who must hold been like a boy to him. Joe knew that one time Pip left

they would ne’er hold the same relationship. It was clear to Joe that this was

Pip & # 8217 ; s dream, so non one time did he oppugn the determination Pip had made.

When Pip is asked to come to Miss Havisham & # 8217 ; s and & # 8220 ; play & # 8221 ; , Mrs. Gargery

and Pumblechook are driven brainsick inquiring what gift she will give Pip for his

service. Joe, on the other manus, pays no attending to their high hopes. His

pride is besides apparent when he turns down the money Jaggers offers him for Pip & # 8217 ; s

indentations. It is non that Joe couldn & # 8217 ; t utilize the money, after all he is losing

Pip & # 8217 ; s aid in the forge and his married woman is bedfast.

Joe proves to be a adult male of great doggedness. He manages to run a

forge, be married to a married woman with a pique that makes a rabid Canis familiaris seem tame, and

be a male parent and friend to Pip. To hold the duty of any one of these

would be adequate to set a great trade of emphasis on any single, much less all


I think that Dickens might hold used Joe in connexion with Biddy to

stand for the antonym of Miss Havisham and Estella. Whatever the instance, I feel

that Joe exhibits the three qualities mentioned and many other satisfying 1s.

Be it today or a century ago, I believe that Joe Gargery is a alone character

because of his philanthropic ways.
