Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different Business Structures

. Essay, Research Paper

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There are many types of organizational construction a concern may make up one’s mind to follow. This assignment will analyze the four chief different concern constructions and show the advantages and disadvantages of each one. The concern structures that I will be analyzing are as follows:

The Sole Trader

The partnership

The Private Limited Company ( LTD )

The Public Limited Company ( PLC )

Exclusive bargainer

A exclusive bargainer is an administration, which is owned by one individual. The assets and liabilities of the proprietor and those of the concern are the same. There are no legal or revenue enhancement differentiations between the proprietor and concern.

This type of concern is straightforward to put up and fade out. It requires the minimum legal demands and costs. The proprietor can do all the determinations and can retain all the net incomes. He owns all the assets of the concern.

The proprietor can pull or put financess into or out of the concern, as he deems necessary.

Business losingss can be offset against other income, including claw back of past wage as you earn ( PAYE ) . As the exclusive bargainer is freelance, he is able to postpone Income Tax and cut down his National Insurance parts. The proprietor s personal assets can be transferred to a partner ( or any other relation ) . However, the assets may be required to be returned by the tribunal if it is satisfied that they were transferred to get the better of creditors that were owed money.

There is no legal demand to hold the histories and records audited. No public revelation of histories and records is necessary, unless the concern is registered for Value Added Tax ( VAT ) . There is no demand to register for VAT unless the nonexempt supplies to clients is equal to, or exceeds, the enrollment degree. The enrollment degree is presently 50,000 for a twelve-month period ) .

The chief disadvantage for being a exclusive bargainer is the limitless liability factor. The exclusive bargainer is seting at hazard his full personal luck including his house, auto and any other personal assets in his ownership that are outside the concern. This is because there is no differentiation between the person ( the proprietor ) and the concern. The jurisprudence does non recognize the concern as an unreal individual ( unlike a company, ) and the concern hence, does non have the benefits that would be attached if it were. If the concern does go belly-up, the proprietor may free his personal luck to pay the debts of the concern. It is besides true that if the exclusive bargainer becomes bankrupt, the concern can non lawfully continue. There are no extra financess available from equity investing by individuals outside the concern ( 3rd parties ) . This therefore, limits the concerns growing potency. The transportation of ownership is non really flexible and the proprietor can merely sell assets. All of the net incomes from the concern are revenue enhancements as personal income, whether they have been retained within the concern or taken out. Although self-employment reduces the National Insurance parts collectible, it besides reduces the benefits of the National Insurance entitlements. The revenue enhancement alleviation on pension parts is restricted. If any belongings is transferred to the partner it is lost to the exclusive bargainer if the matrimony interruptions and the partner refuses to give it up. If the proprietor dies, the concern comes to an terminal and the executives in charge of his personal businesss either sell it as a traveling concern or sell the assets separately.


This is easy to put up and fade out. There are no legal demands to scrutinize the histories. No public entree to the histories ensures confidentiality. Any concern losingss can be offset against other income. Can be converted to a limited company at a ulterior phase. Benefits of self-employment for income revenue enhancement and National Insurance. Can pull more capital by acknowledging new spouses, nevertheless, each spouse has the right to blackball the debut of the new spouse. Can acquire recognition easy because supplies are non at hazard as it is the spouses who are taking the hazards. A partnership can action ( and be sued ) in its ain name even though it is non an unreal individual. Can alter s19 of the Partnership Act 1890, but all spouses must hold ( s24 of the Partnership Act 1890 ) . Can alter proviso of the 1890 Act e.g. s24 net income and losingss shared every bit, but spouses may supply for a different portion ( e.g. + : + net income liability ) in their understanding. If no grounds of split, their split will be equal. Every spouse has legal entree to inspect and copy houses books s24 ( 9 ) Partnerships Act 1890. Differing wages may be given to spouses before excess net income is split. No philosophy of extremist vires and partnership may prosecute in any lawful activity as the spouses see fit. Able to entree cognition and experience of the spouses.

Limited to maximum of 20 people by Companies Act 1985, some professions are exempt and can hold partnerships of limitless size ( e.g. canvassers, comptrollers, estate agents, stock agents ) . Partnerships are jointly and independently apt for debts. Liability extends to private assets/personal luck. Bankruptcy of partnership peers bankruptcy of all spouses ( excepting limited spouses under the Limited Partners Act 1907 ) . If a spouse dies, his estate may still be apt for the concerns debts. Unless specific continuance commissariats are made in the understanding, decease, bankruptcy or retirement will fade out the partnership. Less flexibleness than a limited company, in reassigning ownership. High degree of trust required. Whether drawn or non, the net incomes are taxed as income. Freelance national insurance entitlements have less benefits. Tax

alleviation on pension parts is restricted. Spouses can be sued separately, or together by a creditor that has non been paid. However staying spouses must purchase out the portion of the deceased, bankrupt or retiring spouse and it may be hard to raise the necessary financess. The Business Names Act 1985 requires the names of all the members of a partnership and references in Great Britain where paperss can be served, must be stated at all concern premises so they can be easy read. Besides all names must travel on letterheads/documents. If more than 20 spouses, the house may elect to hold a statement on letterheads/documents of the houses principle topographic point of concern with indicant that the spouses names can be inspected at that place.

Partnership will be in contract if a spouse without the relevant authorization binds them to it ( evident ( apparent ) authorization ) . The partnership is belly-up if all the spouses are besides belly-up ( excepting a limited spouse under the Limited Partnership Act 1907.

Limited Company

There are many factors that are the same for a LTD and a PLC so these will be covered foremost and so the single factors will be looked at subsequently.

The company is considered by jurisprudence as an unreal legal individual and has an independent legal and revenue enhancement position. Therefore it can action and be sued in its ain name. As the company is independent of its members, there is limited liability for its stockholders who merely risk the sums invested. Unlike a exclusive bargainer and a partnership, the company owns the assets. The decease or bankruptcy of a member does non impact the company, which has ageless sequence. Besides, the members do non travel bankrupt if the company is being wound up.

To supply financess for the company portions are issued, which can hold different categories and rights ( e.g. penchant portions and equity portions ) . Merely company managers can adhere the company. There is no upper bound curtailing the figure of members a company can hold. A company has a greater installation for borrowing ( e.g. it can borrow on unsecured bonds ) and raising finance externally. The formalistic constructions make direction clearer. It is easier to widen the ownership base. There are no bounds sing parts made to a pension strategy with revenue enhancement alleviation. Income revenue enhancement is merely paid on wages drawn. When net incomes are retained in the company the higher rates of personal revenue enhancement can be avoided.

It is really clip consuming and expensive to put up as a company. There is a complex enrollment registering under the Companies Acts, paperss must be delivered to the Registrar of Companies and there are many related fees. The companies must conform to the relevant formalities of the Companies Act 1985. There are many demands refering factors such as the histories and records, audits, portion issues, managers demands etc. The histories and records must be made accessible to the populace so rivals will hold entree to them. Company topic to ordinance and suspension from secretary of province for trade and industry, the tribunals and the registrar of companies certain histories records to be submitted to ROC lupus erythematosus of confidentiality. Audit and history costs high, full audit costs if gross revenues exceed an upper bound. Stockholders personally taxed on dividends. Double revenue enhancement when company pays corporation revenue enhancement on net incomes and capital additions. Higher national insurance part. Limited liability ab initio as creditors and Bankss request personal warrants from managers.

Private Limited Company ( LTD company )

Has no minimal value required for the allotted portion capital. Can on reception of its certification of incorporation limited can borrow and commence concern. A LTD company needs merely one manager and one stockholder. There is less statute law than PLC to follow with. A member can name merely one placeholder who can vote and turn to the meeting. Can supply fiscal aid to a individual to assist them buy the companies portions. It is optional for a LTD to pay dividends.

A LTD company can non sell portions or unsecured bonds to the populace. Has to print histories but gets partial freedom from printing the full histories, if they are bellow an upper bound. The company secretary is non required to be qualified or experienced, so there may be a deficiency of cognition. Share holders can non easy sell portions due to the deficiency of a market and Articles of association limitations on transportation.

The Public Limited Company ( PLC company )

Raise capital by selling portions and unsecured bonds to the populace. Needs 2 managers and 2 portion holders ( unless registered before 1st Nov 1929 ) . A member can name more than 1 placeholders who can vote but can non turn to meetings. The secretary must be qualified and posses the needed cognition and experience. Public examination over histories AIDSs public presentation and efficiency. Large market for portions. No limitation on portion transportation on stock exchange, USM and AIM but must maintain path of who has portions. Encourages investing into company by portion ownership by paying dividends. Can be exempt from the statutory demand to hold its twelvemonth terminal histories audited.

Has legal demand refering allotted portion capital must be equal or greater than 50 thousand lbs. Can non exert its borrowing powers or enter concern minutess until the registrar has granted it a subdivision 117 certification. High grade of statute law, regulation and formalities it must conform to, e.g. managers retiring at 70 old ages of age, lower limit of 2 managers, voting for managers separately at a general meeting, portion allocation. Must print its histories in full. Can non give fiscal aid to a individual to enable him to buy the companies portions.
