Analyze the Circumstances Leading to the Missouri Compromise Essay Sample

The enlargement of the western boundary lines and districts caused concern for the Northern provinces. First. the Southern provinces were highly in favour of bondage. And 2nd. the increasing population and enlargement of districts in the Southern part made the Northern parts uncertain. They were afraid of the Southern provinces outnumbering the Northern provinces in the House of Representatives. taking to a displacement of power in the state. After the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. the United States about doubled in size. ( Doc. 7 ) When we received this land. cotton plantation proprietors in the South saw this as a great opportunity to do big net incomes. but in order to turn more cotton in the new land. many more slaves were needed. The North was against the extension of bondage. and they did non O.K. of the South widening bondage to the new lands. In add-on. if the South was to widen slavery due west. ( Doc. 4 and 6 ) more provinces would be established. which meant more ballots would come from the West during elections. which perchance could of resulted in the North losing political power. which they greatly feared. ( Doc. 8 ) As a consequence of these events. the South wanted to widen bondage to the West and increase the demand for slaves. while the North disagreed with the South widening bondage and losing political power.

The Southern parts were successful due to comfortable cotton agriculture in the part. Because of this. they wanted a big figure of slaves to be able to take attention of the lands. The Northern provinces were afraid that this would convey about disproportion in the state due to more figure of slaves provinces than free provinces in the part. They besides wanted complete abolition of bondage in the state. In order to forestall a civil war from blossoming in a immature state. the Missouri Compromise was passed. ( Doc. 3 ) The province of Missouri would be declared as a slave province. At the same clip. Maine would be welcomed as a free province. This balanced the figure of free and break one’s back provinces in the part. seting to rest rumours and insecurity between the Southern and Northern provinces. The fortunes taking to the Missouri Compromise included: The debut of new land in the West due to the Louisiana Purchase. Second circumstance that leads to the Missouri Compromise was the dissension of both North and South on the extension to bondage and the instability between slave states-free provinces. On the other manus. the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was besides a great illustration of coaction between the North and South during a troublesome period. every bit good as the peaceable colony of something that was of great importance to the Northern and Southern States.

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