Arabic Calligraphy Essay Sample

The written ****** of the Arabic ******** unites the universe of Islam. Arabic penmanship is considered really beautiful by the whole universe. both Islamic and non-Islamic. Of class. there are many different ******s which the Arabic penmanship can utilize such as Kufic. Thulth and Riq’ah. Calligraphy is likely the most of import signifier of art for Muslims. It is seen non merely in the Qur’an and in books but besides in many besides in many other topographic points. It is used. for illustration. for the ornament of edifices. There are wall-hangings. framed samples and in******ions inside and outside public and private buildings… Comparing Italic ****** with Gothic ******

Italic and Gothic are two well-known English ******s. Italic is more common than Gothic because it is easier to read. Because of this. Itailc ****** is more frequently used in printing and in mundane script than Gothic. Italic ****** is non every bit heavy as Gothic and less cosmetic. Italic is slanted but Gothic is vertical… Comparing Roman ****** with Gothic ******

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Roman and Gothic are two well-known English ******s. Roman is more common than Gothic because it is easier to read. Because of this. Roman ****** is more frequently used in printing and in mundane script than Gothic. Roman ****** is non every bit heavy as Gothic and less cosmetic. Both ******s are vertical… Comparing Roman ****** with Italic ******

Roman and Italic are two well-known English ******s. Roman is more common than Italic because it is easier to read. Because of this. Roman ****** is more frequently used in mundane script than Italic but they are both used in printing. Roman is less cosmetic than Italic. Roman is perpendicular but Italiv is slanted
