Arrange Marriages Essay Research Paper Arrange MarriagesThis

Arrange Marriages Essay, Research Paper

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Arrange Marriages

This article is about a immature miss who has been arranged to run into with her possible hubby, the miss is from the West and he is from the E they are both from different universes. Her parents traditions does non run into with her ain so she must happen off to disarrange the matrimony. Arrange matrimonies do non frequently work in western counties, is the subject of this article written by Bageshree Paradkar.Many of the adult females that live in the western universe are influenced by its civilization and manner of life. Many of the adult females in the western universe are now referred to as modern adult females compared to many of the adult females in India and China. This is because many of them are now out at that place prosecuting callings and looking for occupations, and do non hold clip for a hubby or a household. The modern adult females have small clip, for many of them are to occupy seeking to vie in this fast gait cut-thoart universe that the western states have to offer.In the article the miss express her feelings to her household that she is non looking for a hubby and that is merely beca

use she is busy enough getting her life together. She agrees to meet with her potential husband because this will make her parents happy and because the fact is she is Indian and must respect her cultural traditions. The girl s parents arrange this marriage only because it seems to them that her daughter is not pursuing a life partner so it is there parental duty following Indian tradition that her parents find her a husband. This proves my point that the women of today have no interest in a family until they are financially secure, fulfilled all her life long goals and satisfied enough with how life has treated her to then go out and pick the man she wants to marry. Our goals as humans is to eventually be able to settle down with a husband our wife and to find the one person we our compatible with. But we as individuals must also make a life for ourselves before we can make a life long commitment to a life long partner. Many of the things that keep us away from committing is a career, education and finding ourselves. These are the most important elements we must fulfill before getting married.
