Car Insurance Essay Research Paper The most

Car Insurance Essay, Research Paper

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The most exciting minute of our life is when we learn how to drive and really acquire on behind the wheel. Who wouldn & # 8217 ; t insist to larn to drive particularly we turn to the age of 15 or 16. I was truly excited when my pa taught me how to drive. When I really started the first bend on the route, I realized that driving was non easy for me. Since that clip, I had told myself that I should non drive so fast on the route because I might acquire an accident. In order to go better drivers, it is non truly necessary that we are work forces or adult females. It is the accomplishment of driving and how good trained of driving that individual can accomplish. We can ever retrieve that larning how to drive is one thing, but larning to be a good driver is inquiring a individual a batch of achievement. Harmonizing to the article, & # 8220 ; Womans are better Drivers, & # 8221 ; Phyllis Mcginley provinces that adult females can accomplish a better achievement than work forces for driving an car. I do non believe the thought that the writer had stated in the article that adult females are better drivers, that discriminates against immature male drivers.

In North Carolina, auto insurance companies base their monetary values on experience, bear downing more for less experient drivers. The highest rates fall on the largest group of new drivers, male adolescents. Accidents increase the insurance rate of the individual at mistake. Each accident accumulates points on the driver & # 8217 ; s policy, which raises insurance costs. For a three-point accident, which involves bodily hurt or belongings harm of $ 2,000, the insurance rate would lift by 65 % , harmonizing to the California Department of Insurance. The maximal point value is 12, which is given for driving piece impaired, a hit-and-run or a combination of lesser discourtesies. The cost of insurance would so increase to 400 per centum of the original rate for a 12-point discourtesy, and insurance points remain effectual for precisely three old ages.

Statistically, immature male drivers have a significantly higher accident rate than other age groups. Harmonizing to the N.C. Department of Transportation, drivers 16 to 19 were involved in 13.6 per centum of all accidents in 1995, which is the highest accident rate of any three-year age scope. Whitehurst Insurance agent Louis Whitehurst explains why rates for immature male drivers are higher than for older drivers ; & # 8220 ; in North Carolina, insurance is based on old ages of experience. Once you have been driving for three old ages, insurance is the same for everybody, & # 8221 ; he said. Whitehurst Insurance Agency charges $ 500 per six months for limited liability for a beginning driver, which goes down to $ 158 after three old ages, if the driver has non had any accidents. With such sum of money to pay for auto insurance, some people merely could non afford it. The Insurance Agency could non merely presume that all immature male are hazardous drivers. There are aged adult females who could be really hazardous on the route. This is why I do non hold with Mcginley that adult females are needfully ever better drivers because there are many adult females out there who do non drive really good. For illustration, my girlfriend & # 8217 ; s female parent, Mrs. Tram does non driver really good on the expressway. She drives excessively slow below the minimal demand that posted, 55 stat mis per hr. She would do a slow traffic, and she could acquire a ticket for that. Sometimes, she would merely go through the halt mark because she can non see really good. This is really unsafe for her every bit good as others. Based on the grounds that Mcginley stated in the article that merely adult females are good drivers because they are good to take advice, and another is adult females think that auto is a agency of transit. Again, I do non hold with that statement, because I have known my girlfriend who would non drive a auto that would look so old. Linh, another girlfriend of mine, answered me that, & # 8220 ; I w

ould non drive that old auto, I would instead take a bus.” I think her illustrations were non statistically important plenty to turn out that adult females are better drivers.

Today, immature drivers have to pay such an expensive premium on auto. Car insurance costs seem unreasonable to my best friend, Hau. & # 8220 ; Obviously, since I am a adolescent, I do non like it, but sing that adolescents make more accidents, it does do sense, & # 8221 ; he said. Hau & # 8217 ; s father, Mr. Trai besides understands the grounds for higher pricing. & # 8220 ; auto insurance for adolescents is highly high, but I can understand why it & # 8217 ; s high, & # 8221 ; he said. & # 8220 ; based upon the accident rates for 16 to 21 year-olds, since this age group is involved in more clangs, and in more serious wrecks than any other group. & # 8221 ; Based on their hazard for drive, imbibing and accidents, immature work forces normally pay higher premiums than immature adult females. Why would we ( immature drivers ) have to pay so high since non all of us cause an accident? That wouldn & # 8217 ; t be just to us. It is just to pay something that we damage, but we shouldn & # 8217 ; t wage for something that we didn & # 8217 ; t do to go on. I believe that whoever causes the harm should pay for the mistake. Why would the Insurance Company expect others to pay for person & # 8217 ; s mistake? I wholly disagree with that premise, because they are blamed for something that non all-young drivers have committed. The Insurance Company has violated our rights since they force all immature drivers to pay such a high monetary value.

Another girlfriend of mine, Dong, who has to work to back up her auto insurance, thinks the insurance pricing system is excessively expensive. & # 8220 ; Car insurance is pathetic, & # 8221 ; she said. & # 8220 ; When I started driving, my pa paid and it was merely $ 200- $ 300 a twelvemonth. When I switched to my ma & # 8217 ; s auto, my insurance tripled, & # 8221 ; she said. Dong is one of many pupils at San Jose State University that I knew. There are many other adolescents have gone through a unsmooth clip covering with this issue. They have to pay such a high rate for auto insurance in order to drive to work, to school, or to run for their ain errands. My another girlfriend & # 8217 ; s father, Mr. Vo thinks that auto insurance for adolescents is excessively expensive. Mr. Vo besides thinks there should be more ways of cut downing auto insurance monetary values for adolescents. & # 8220 ; They should give good pupils and safe drivers a price reduction, & # 8221 ; he said. Actually, there is 15 % price reduction rate for the pupils who would acquire B & # 8217 ; s norm. This would be depending to the Insurance Company policy. For illustration, the twentieth Insurance Company does non hold this policy.

Some pupils were forced to drive without paying their auto insurance because they didn & # 8217 ; t feel like they should hold to, & # 8220 ; I will non pay for something that I didn & # 8217 ; t acquire into any accidents before. & # 8221 ; But I do believe that a individual wouldn & # 8217 ; t larn if he didn & # 8217 ; t wage for what he caused it. For illustration, Hau is responsible and willing to make whatever it takes. He caused an accident a twelvemonth ago and is still paying the difference of the addition in his auto insurance. & # 8220 ; It was reasonably high, like $ 150 more each payment, & # 8221 ; he said. & # 8220 ; I had to acquire a occupation to cover it. & # 8221 ; Hau will hold to pay about $ 1,000 more a twelvemonth because of an accident he was late involved in. & # 8220 ; I don & # 8217 ; t mind the fact that it goes up, & # 8221 ; he said. & # 8220 ; I mind the fact that it goes up when I pay money for my auto to acquire fixed. & # 8221 ;

There are good drivers and bad drivers. There is no different between work forces or adult females because the statistic is merely a little sample to pull a decision the standard point. No 1 has a good overview, so we merely can non presume that & # 8220 ; adult females are better drivers or work forces are better drivers. & # 8221 ; We do non hold adequate cogent evidence or grounds to state to what our belief. I think the Car Insurance Company should take down the rate so that the clients ( largely the parents ) would non acquire so disquieted to pay for their boies or girls.
