Children And Physical Punishment Essay Research Paper

Children And Physical Punishment Essay, Research Paper

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& # 8220 ; Spare the rod and botch the child. & # 8221 ; These famouswords are found in Proverbs 13:24 and are familiare to every parent. & # 8220 ; Should I, or should I non? & # 8221 ; This is one of the many inquiries that a parent may inquire himself when his kid needs phyiscal punishment.Obedience, regard, and trust are really of import in a kid & # 8217 ; s life because these three qualities build character. Children should be physically punished because it helps develop obeisance, regard, and trust. Obedience is a characteric that a kid learnsas he grows. Itis besides one that is enhanced byphyiscal penalty. Phyiscal penalty enhances obeisance by learning the kid that it is to his advantage and good being to follow regulations, therefore layingthe foundation for a productive citizen. In add-on to obeisance, a kid besides learnsrespect through the usage of physical punishment.Though phyiscal penalty a kid learns to respecthis parents and seniors. He learns at a

n early age

that authorization must be respected or he will confront the appropriate effects. It is imperative that a kid learns the importance of regard. Respect is of import because it builds character by enabling achild to accept and appreciate others for who they are. A kid that respects others besides learns to esteem himself, therefore ensuing in a higher degree of ego regard. A kid will be a happier personknowing that he has regard for others. But tohave others respect him is an even greater wages. A kid that possesses obeisance and regard besides has trust. Physical penalty enhances trustbecause, with the coming of age, a kid learns thathis parent merely makes determinations that are in his bestinterest, therefore ensuing in an increased degree of trust. In decision, physicall penalty enhances a kid & # 8217 ; s life by developing obeisance, regard, and trust. But it is of import that the parentunderstands that physical penalty means correctig, non mistreating, the kid.
